Suddenly, veins popped up on An Ling's slender white neck, her eyebrows knitted tightly, her body trembled slightly, and she tilted her head and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

In an instant, the spiritual power around her ran wild and completely lost control.

Her legs softened and she fell to the ground.

An Chao hurried forward to check on An Ling's condition.

At this time, her beautiful face was distorted by pain, and fine beads of sweat kept oozing out from her closed eyes.

Her cultivation level was instantly raised to the King-sealing Realm, but this powerful force seemed to break her body.

An Chao suddenly turned his head to look at Nan Xunran, his eyes full of disbelief, thinking to himself: "How can this person's blood have such a huge effect?"

Thinking quickly, he recalled An Ling's previous abnormal reactions, and an amazing guess emerged in his mind, could this person from the Nan family be holy blood?

Among the people present, his bloodline was closest to holy blood, so he was least affected by Nan Xunran's blood, while An Ling, whose bloodline was the thinnest, was most affected.

At this time, his mumbling reappeared.

An Chao hurriedly said to Nan Xunran: "Go find him!"

Nan Xunran flashed and entered the blood pool.

The moment he was about to step on the blood, the blood automatically dispersed, making way for him, and then slowly closed in An Chao's sight.

After Nan Xunran entered the blood pool, the smell of blood gradually faded.

Several elders in the distance hurried forward.

They looked at An Ling's painful appearance and remained silent.

After a moment, an elder slowly said: "That must be the Holy Blood."

An Chao nodded silently.

Some people couldn't help but sigh deeply: "Just relying on blood can control most of our people..."

An Chao's eyes fell on An Ling tightly, and he slowly said: "If she can survive, the young master will be replaced, and her body will be transformed."

"The unprocessed holy blood is directly absorbed, and no method can help. I just hope she can survive."


In the blood pool

Nan Xunran just stepped in, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

In the air, a figure loomed, and his face was shrouded in a layer of mist, and it was not clear.

Only a drop of blood slowly seeped out from the fingertips of that person.

When the drop of blood touched the ground, the grass and trees withered and died at an alarming speed, and the vitality was instantly drained away. The entire small world quickly melted and dissipated into the void.

The drop of blood carried endless destructive power, passed through the void, and destroyed several small worlds in succession before slowly stopping.

The mysterious man waved his sleeves lightly, and the drop of blood fell into a pool and fell straight down.

Then, the whole pool turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, the water in the pool boiled, the blood churned, and it turned into a pool of blood in an instant.

Nan Xunran raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking to himself: "Is this the origin of this blood pool?"

At this moment, the man in the picture suddenly turned his head and looked at Nan Xunran.

Although he couldn't see the man's face clearly, Nan Xunran could clearly feel that the man was looking at him.

Then, the man smiled slightly, his lips moved slightly, and he seemed to say something.

However, before Nan Xunran could hear the words clearly, the picture disappeared like a broken mirror.

In front of him, there were piles of corpses. Above the corpses, there was a drop of blood.

Looking closely at the postures of the corpses, they were all desperately stretching towards the drop of blood, as if they were madly snatching it until death.

Feeling Nan Xunran's breath, the drop of blood trembled violently, as if responding to his arrival.

His slender fingers swung gently, and an invisible force instantly surged out, pulling the drop of blood slowly to his front.

Nan Xunran's face showed a bit of surprise. The breath emanating from the drop of blood was exactly the same as his own, so familiar that he was a little surprised.

His fingertips moved slightly, and a drop of bright red blood oozed out.

The moment the two drops of blood met, there was no resistance or rejection, and they naturally merged together.

Then, his fingers moved slightly, and the drop of blood melted directly into his brow.

Instantly, his body stiffened slightly, the veins on his forehead throbbed faintly, and fragmented images flashed before his eyes. He raised his hand to cover his forehead and frowned slightly.

After a moment, everything returned to calm, his brows relaxed, and his expression returned to normal.

There was a hint of amusement in his eyes. It seemed that this was part of his memory... although it was not a crucial part.


Outside the blood pool

Everyone stared at the blood pool in a daze, their eyes full of astonishment.

The blood pool was slowly melting, as if it was quietly wiped out by an invisible and powerful force. The whole process was full of an indescribable weirdness.

At this moment, Nan Xunran flashed and flew out.

His figure was graceful, and his clothes fluttered in the wind.

The moment he landed, the blood pool completely disappeared without a trace, leaving no trace of its existence.

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