Survival [End Times]

20, Disaster Doomsday 07

The two families began to help each other. After a few days, Zhang Tao felt that it was a waste of gas to open the fire alone, so he handed over the rations to the Wu family and the two families ate together. He worked as a worker outside and was a sophisticated person. He knew that he had no water and could not use other people's water in vain, so he paid twice as much rations and the rest was worth the water.

Yu Heng did not refuse.

There is an extra man in the house. Zhang Tao hangs around outside the door when he has nothing to do. He is tall, 1.8 meters tall, and works all year round. He is dark and strong, and he looks like he is not easy to mess with. What Yu Heng didn't know was that before Zhang Tao moved here, a group of people really took a liking to his house and visited it. Later, when they met Zhang Tao, they finally left it alone.

People always bully the weak and fear the strong.

On the other hand, Liu Jianhui from the Liu family chatted a few words at home about a man and a woman alone. In my heart, I actually resented the Wu family for being so stingy that they only gave me a basin of water.

During this period, Zhang Tao went to the town. When he came back, he shook his head: "It's so chaotic. Shops are being smashed and looted. No one can control it." He went with the crowd to a large supermarket and brought back a bag full of clothes. There are also children's toys. "No one wanted these things, so I took them back. I will give them to my nephew to play with when he is born."

Yu Heng glanced at him thoughtfully.

Even if water is stored, it is naturally consumed under high temperatures. People in hot weather need to drink more water. Those five buckets of water seemed like a lot and were consumed very quickly. During this period, the neighbor came to borrow water, but Yu Heng refused.

When they started unpacking barrels of water, they received the great news: it was raining. After nearly two years of sweltering heat, drought and famine, there seems to be hope that the unrest will subside. That night, Yu Heng suddenly felt a cool breeze blowing on his face.

After he woke up, he walked out of the room and went to the backyard to pour water. Raindrops as fine as cow hair fell on his face, which was cool. He thought he was dreaming, so he stretched out his hand and raised his head, and it was indeed raining!

Yu Heng's eyes widened, surprised and happy. When he came back to his senses, he wanted to call someone to share the good news, but then he remembered that everyone in his family was asleep. He sat on the porch, slowly feeling the coolness of the rain. After a while, he went back to the house to find a thermometer and measured it outside at 38 degrees Celsius.

The night temperature did not drop. But in the morning, it was cloudy today, the sun was not shining brightly behind the thick clouds, and the daytime temperature dropped below 40 degrees Celsius for the first time this year.

However, people don't feel much about the changes in temperature. Everyone's attention is attracted by the rain! In the morning, the rain became heavier. Everyone hoped that it would not last for one day like the rain four months ago, which would bring unlimited hope.

The rain soaked the dry vegetable patch in Yu Heng's yard. Wu Changxin dug out the remaining vegetable seeds and considered spreading some seeds again to see if they could survive. In the Liu family next door, there were the laughter of children playing and adults scolding them not to play in the rain with words of endearment. This rain made everything come alive instantly.

It rained all day and all night, and on the second day, it still continued to rain moderately, as if it would be full of rain for the past six months. Amid the sound of rain, there was also the sound of buckets and basins filling water, and the Wu family was no exception. The well water at home has been used up, and the empty buckets are moved to the yard to collect water.

Wu Changxin had a big belly and packed up a pile of clothes to wash. Zhang Tao saw it and hurried over to help. In the end, Wu Changxin just stood drying clothes.

When it rained continuously for seventeen days without a break, Yu Heng felt that his guess had come true. He didn't dare to expect that this task could be completed so easily. With the continuous rain, it was very likely that it would go to the other extreme, that is, floods. The temperature is also gradually dropping, but Yu Heng is not optimistic that the apocalypse is over.

The chance of survival is reserved for those who are prepared. While everyone was relaxing their tense minds, Yu Heng planned to take precautions. He asked Zhang Tao to take good care of Wu Changxin and went out in the rain.

He was wearing a raincoat, and the rain hit him hard. He passed by the stone bridge and saw that the river bed below was no longer visible. At this rate, I believe that in a few days, the river would be overflowing.

On this trip, he rode a bicycle. The speed was no faster than a battery-powered bicycle, but it took him a day to go back and forth and allowed him to circle around all the high-rise buildings nearby. Forget about the residential areas, it is difficult to find accommodation, and the hotels are pretty good. He first went to the nearest hotel nearby, the Golden Port Hotel. It was not very big, with only five floors.

Yu Heng felt uneasy and felt that five floors was not enough. If you want to find one, go to a high-rise building. It will be safer if there is a flood. After picking and choosing, he settled on the five-star hotel in the city called Sijichun. There were two buildings in the building, with the highest one having eleven floors and the lowest one having nine floors.

He stopped the car and ran to the gate, only to find that the gate was closed. Looking through the glass door, there was no one inside. Yu Heng refused to give up and came to the underground parking lot. The elevator had stopped long ago, but there were two staircases with locked doors. He groped around on the ground to find a hairpin, and spent three minutes prying the door open.

The corridor was dark. Yu Heng grabbed the steel bar in his hand and walked up step by step. When he reached the fourth floor, he heard voices, men and women. He stopped and listened for a while, and from the conversation he recognized that there were probably a man and three women inside. These people were hotel employees.

That's who lives here. If he wanted to live here, he would not be able to get around these people.

So he knocked on the door, and the four people sitting in the living room on the fourth floor jumped up in fright.

"Hello, are you employees of Sijichun?" Yu Heng walked out and placed the steel bars in the corridor.

The four people breathed a sigh of relief. Among them, the woman in red clothes named Wu Chunyan, who used to be the foreman, spoke at this time: "Who are you and how did you come to our hotel? How did you get in?"

"My home is over the Wanghai Bridge in Qiantou. It has rained in the past two days and the roof collapsed, so I wanted to find a place to stay. Is your hotel still open for business?" Yu Heng did not answer how he got up here, and explained his situation straightforwardly. intention.

This is strange. This five-star hotel closed very early. The four of them are from the north. They didn't dare to go back even if their home was hit by a disaster, so they stayed in the hotel together and asked the manager to help take care of it. Of course I agreed. Later, everything in the hotel kitchen and warehouse became cheaper for them. The life was monotonous and boring. Now a man came and said he wanted to stay in a hotel. They all found it novel.

Wu Chunyan asked warily: "Do you have an ID card and a household registration book?"

"Yes, but I don't have it with me. If you want to see it, bring it with me when I come back next time."

"How many people are there in your family?"

"There are just three of us, my sister and I and a friend. She is eight months pregnant, and it is for her that I want to find a good place to live, otherwise adults and children will not be able to bear it.

Yu Heng saw that the woman in the lead had a serious look on her face, and she seemed to be a very disciplined person. But it was reassuring. Others... don't need to think too much for the moment. All he has to do is move in first.

"Well, when you come here again, remember to bring your ID, your sister's and your friends' IDs too. As for the fees... To be honest with you, money is not easy to use now. If you want to stay, just use some food. Come on. As long as you behave properly, you can stay here until our manager comes back and the hotel reopens. "

"Okay, okay." Yu Heng smiled and looked honest: "How much do you want to charge for this food?"

Wu Chunyan found a corner with other colleagues and talked in a low voice.

"I really want to eat meat. I wonder if his family has meat." Chen Qiao said. Their hotel has a freezer and a generator, so life is pretty good. There is always meat to eat every few days. It was not until two months ago that they finished all the food in the freezer. I'm just used to living a good life, but now I feel a little tired of eating white rice every day.

The man Liu Guohui shook his head: "It's impossible. Who can keep chickens, ducks, fish and pigs alive after the drought for so long?"

Chen Qiao pouted: "Ask me, if not, forget it."

Zhuang Xiaoyan said: "Anything will do, it's just free stuff anyway."

So finally Wu Chunyan said: "One bag of rice and two boxes of instant noodles. If your family has meat, just two boxes of instant noodles."

Yu Heng shook his head: "Our family hasn't eaten meat for a long time." No matter how frugal we were, we finished all the dried meat last month.

After making the decision, Yu Heng followed Wu Chunyan and others to choose a room.

"They are all vacant now, and it doesn't matter what room they are, except for 501, 523 and 612, you can live in whichever room you want." Wu Chunyan wore black high heels and made the same rhythmic sound when walking.

"My sister is pregnant and needs to be taken care of. Is there a bigger room? I can live with her."

"Then let's go to the tenth and eleventh floors. There are luxury suites over there, each one is 60 square meters, with two bedrooms, one toilet, one bathroom, a kitchen, a bar and a cloakroom."

Yu Heng took a fancy to the one on the eleventh floor near the emergency exit. It was quite a big place, with carpets on the floor and a big bed. There were new quilts and sheets in the closet, as well as pillows and pillows. The sofa is also spacious enough. Zhang Tao and Wu Changxin share a room, and the sofa is more than enough for him to sleep on. Move the TV and other furnishings out of the way, and you’ll have enough space to store your home stuff.

After the agreement was made, Yu Heng took the key to 1101 and left. Wu Chunyan said, "I'll see you off." Except for Chen Qiao, all three of them saw Yu Heng downstairs.

Yu Heng knew that she wanted to see how he got in, so he was not worried. He had already restored the lock to its original position. No matter how he looked, the door was not locked securely.

"I was just trying my luck. I didn't expect the door here to be open, so I went in."

Sure enough, Wu Chunyan's eyes showed displeasure.

Liu Guohui said: "Qiao'er clearly said she locked it." Zhuang Xiaoyan rolled her eyes: "She can't make people feel at ease when she does things. Fortunately, she found out early." Fortunately, it wasn't a bad guy who came in, otherwise she kept silent. Wasn't it stolen?

With a simple and honest smile, Yu Heng got on his bicycle and left. It was agreed that when he came, he would call someone directly and the door would be opened for him.

The rain became heavier and Yu Heng felt a little cold. When I got home, I quickly changed my clothes and took a look at the thermometer. The outdoor temperature was only 33 degrees Celsius.

This also dropped too quickly. Let's say it drops by one degree Celsius a day.

"Chang Xin, quickly collect your things and put away your own clothes and bedding in your room. Brother Zhang, do you want to come with us?"

Zhang Tao was puzzled: "You live well, where are you going?"

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