Survival [End Times]

29, Disaster Apocalypse 16 (text includes v-entry announcement)

Yu Heng chose to accept.

Then he showed his joy, took out the key and opened the door quickly. As soon as the door opened, the baby's cry became more obvious.

"Chang Xin gave birth?!"

In Wu Chang Xin's room, Zhang Tao shouted: "Why did you come back just now? Xiao Xin gave birth to a boy!"

Yu Heng strode in and saw a chubby child wrapped next to Wu Chang Xin.

The child had just been born, with sparse hair and wrinkled face, sleeping with his eyes closed. Zhang Tao's voice was so loud, but he didn't wake up.

Yu Heng couldn't help but put his hand on it and felt the child's slightly rising and falling chest under the thick swaddling clothes.

It was amazing. He smiled a silly smile that he didn't even know he had.

"Brother, why did you come back just now? It's hail outside, I'm worried about you." Wu Chang Xin whispered.

"I'm fine, I came back now to avoid the hail. If I had known that my nephew was going to come out, I wouldn't have gone out." Yu Heng explained.

"I told you that you were fine, but Xiaoxin was still worried. You started to have reactions last night. The book said that this was a contraction? You were born just before you were born, and you came back right after."

"Did you note the time?"

"One minute and nine minutes."

Yu Heng looked at the time and saw that it was one minute and fifteen minutes. He immediately beat his chest and stamped his feet. He had been looking forward to this child for so long, but he missed the birth of the child.

Wu Changxin couldn't help laughing at his expression: "Brother, you name the child. I don't want him to have the surname Gao."

"Of course, my nephew must have the surname Wu."

Zhang Tao scratched his head and cheeks beside him. Yu Heng looked at him inexplicably: "Brother Zhang, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, nothing. I'll pack up and go out. You stay with Xiaoxin."

Zhang Tao stood up with the basin in his hand. Yu Heng saw what was in the basin - it should be the placenta. When Zhang Tao left, his face changed, red and green.

It was Zhang Tao who delivered Changxin? !

He is a man!

"Chang Xin, was it Brother Zhang who delivered you?" Yu Heng asked.

Wu Changxin's face turned red. Nodding: "Yeah."

"You... what's going on?" He began to recall the two people's usual interactions, and found that he was really blind.

"Brother Zhang said that he wanted to take care of me and the child in the future. He said that he wanted the child to have his last name, but I didn't agree. This is the child of the Wu family, and it must be surnamed Wu." Since her brother refused to get married, Wu Changxin decided to give the child the surname Wu, and then take care of her brother in his old age.

Yu Heng gritted his teeth: "Zhang Tao, that bastard." Then asked Wu Changxin: "Do you like him?"

Wu Changxin thought for a while: "I don't hate him. Brother, he is a completely different person from Gao Ming. He is more responsible and responsible than Gao Ming. I don't hate him, but I don't like him yet. I told him, and he said he would wait for me. Brother, if I like him in the future and want to be with him, will you support me?"

What can I do? Wu Changxin is still young, and Zhang Tao is indeed a good person. Yu Heng was angry because Zhang Tao flirted with his sister when he didn't know. Although it hasn't succeeded yet, it's still too annoying.

"I definitely support you, but you're right, don't make a decision too hastily."

"Yeah!" Wu Changxin smiled and said, "Brother, you name the child."

"Okay, I'll think about it." Seeing that Wu Changxin was very tired, Yu Heng let her sleep and went out to find Zhang Tao.

"Humph." Looking at Zhang Tao's eager look, Yu Heng rolled his eyes: "You can, when did you fall in love with my sister? It's not kind to hide it from me. I have created so many opportunities for you to be alone." It makes me angry when I think about it.

Although Wu Changxin is the younger sister in the mission, after so many months of getting along, Wu Changxin, as a younger sister, is diligent and considerate, and treats him very well. In his heart, she is no different from his own sister.

Zhang Tao scratched his head: "Unconsciously... Didn't Xiaoxin get divorced? I started to wonder, why? You know how good Xiaoxin is, why did the Gao family treat her badly? Just observe her in life..." As a result, he found that there was nothing wrong with Wu Changxin, and he accidentally fell in love with her.

Yu Heng was speechless and said: "Forget it, you are all adults, deal with your own affairs. I'm going to think of a name, call me if you have anything."

Zhang Tao was very happy with the tacit attitude. Seeing Yu Heng go into the house to think of a name, he ran to Wu Changxin's room and watched the adults take care of the child.

Yu Heng finally named the child Ping An.

This name is simple, but Wu Changxin thinks it's good: "It's good, grow up peacefully my little baby."

Zhang Tao secretly called Zhang Ping An, and thought it was also very smooth.

So several people shouted Ping An Ping An.

Later, Yu Heng went downstairs to borrow a scale from Wu Chunyan and weighed Wu Ping An. It was six pounds and six ounces. Wu Ping'an grew up strong. The first thing he did after opening his eyes was to find food. Wu Changxin's milk was not enough for him, so the milk powder prepared by Yu Heng came in handy.

Wu Changxin was in confinement, and Yu Heng and Zhang Tao were busy boiling water to make milk powder and washing diapers for him. When Li Li knocked on the door, he realized that five days had passed since that day.

Li Li's face looked much better than before. She smiled and said to him: "Mr. Wu, we agreed to exchange food for gasoline that day, but you didn't come to get it, so I came here myself." She picked up a bag of rice on the ground: "This is the reward for the gasoline."

Yu Heng took it: "I should have asked you to come in and sit, but the house is too messy."

Li Li did see the mess in the living room, so she smiled and said, "No need. I came here and wanted to say thank you. Thank you." She bowed.

These days, she woke up from her confusion and recalled that day when Wu Hengle found an empty bottle to help her collect the ashes, so she felt that she must come to thank him.

She turned to leave, but heard a child crying in the room, and her whole body was shocked.

"Mr. Wu, this is..."

Yu Heng smiled: "My nephew who was born not long ago may be crying because he is hungry." Then she saw the woman who was about to leave asked cautiously: "Can I see him?"

Li Li walked in and looked at Wu Pingan who was drinking milk for a full minute. Zhang Tao held the child and fed him, looking at Yu Heng inexplicably, and Yu Heng shook his head at him.

"This child is so good. How many days old is he?"

"Five days old."

Li Li smiled, her eyes were misty, she stood up suddenly and wiped her eyes: "Thank you, Mr. Wu, I'm leaving first."

"Who is this?"

"It's the one I told you about before, the one who died of a high fever."

"Oh." Zhang Tao understood. He looked down at Wu Ping'an, and the more he looked at him, the cuter he became. "Look at our Ping'an, how happy he is eating."

Yu Heng squatted down to look and touched his face. Frowning, he said, "Is Ping'an's face a little dry?"

"Oh, it must be too dry and cold."

He went to find Wu Changxin, who didn't have skin cream himself. So he decided to go out and look for face cream.

There is one in the mall nearby. Although the food has been moved away, there are still many cosmetics, and even the shelves are intact.

The weather was hot before, and many cosmetics were spoiled. Yu Heng picked and chose, filling a whole schoolbag with face cream and hand cream, without looking at the brand, and couldn't understand it. He put it away when he saw that the packaging was intact.

On the way back, he saw many people swimming to the hotel, carrying buckets and basins with things in them.

He parked the boat at Block B and walked to Block A.

Block A was crowded, and the restaurant on the fourth floor was full of people. He was a little surprised. Where did so many people come from? And they all seemed to know each other, talking to each other.

He saw Wu Chunyan and Zhuang Xiaoyan shouting here and running there, busy as hell. Turning around, Wang Ziyong was watching the stove and cooking in the restaurant. A young woman next to him was holding Wang Beibei, looking very intimate.

Yu Heng returned home and wiped the child's face first, saying, "There are a lot of people downstairs again. I'm afraid Sister Wu and the others can't control so many people."

"No way? Can they still make trouble?"

Yu Heng shook his head and whispered, "I saw it when I came here. There were nearly two hundred people sitting in the restaurant on the fourth floor alone, and I didn't see much luggage." Not to mention the food.

"And if they are strangers, how could they come together on the same day? It is very likely that they came in an organization." An organization means a leader. Is the leader willing to listen to the management of one man, three women and four waiters in the hotel?

"Besides, what should we do if there is no food?" Let's not talk about other residents in the hotel. Let's talk about Wu Chunyan and her friends guarding the hotel warehouse. There are so many things in it that they can't guard it.

"Can they rob it?"

"Let's see what happens. Even if they really want to rob, we can't help. It's good enough to guard our own home." Yu Heng is really not optimistic. Even if he has a gun, can he kill so many people? There is no reason to do things this way.

If Wu Chunyan can keep her sanity and distribute the things, she can still keep some. If she tears her face, she will still be hurt.

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