Survival [End Times]

33. Disaster Doomsday 20 (Second Update)

Li Li was taken in by the Wu family, but Wang Ziyong couldn't get in. He was used! He put sleeping pills in his breakfast and helped Xu Hao get the key to the warehouse, but they threw him aside. There were only three meals a day in the restaurant. This time, the Xu family moved upstairs, but he was still on the sixth floor.

The fear of being abandoned made him very scared.

The people downstairs were also very nervous about the Xu family's movements, and they packed up their things and moved upstairs. The tenth and eleventh floors were full, so they lived on the ninth and eighth floors, the higher the better. Some people even moved directly to the corridors of the tenth and eleventh floors.

After only two days, the upper floors were full of smoke.

Wang Ziyong was left downstairs and couldn't even eat. He went upstairs to ask for food, but was sent away with porridge. He began to miss the days when Wu Chunyan and the others were there. For some reason, he ran to the room where Wu Chunyan and the others were locked up, smashed the door and let them out.

This was the only room on the sixth floor where people were, and the people from Xujia Village had not come downstairs for two days. No one stopped them, and they didn't expect him to succeed.

Wu Chunyan and the others had resented Wang Ziyong before, saying that he was ungrateful and betrayed his family, but now he had saved them, and they felt very complicated.

Chen Qiao happily turned around and said suspiciously, "Hey, why is it so quiet?" The door opposite was open, and she walked over to see that it was a mess, and no one was there.

"Where are all the people?"

Wang Ziyong told the story angrily.

"It's really too much!" Wu Chunyan was very angry when she heard it, "How can you be so overbearing? I'll go and talk to them."

Chen Qiao directly pulled Liu Guohui back to the room behind him, divided the remaining rice and flour into five portions, and she and Liu Guohui took three of them: "If you want to go, go by yourself, and we will each live our own lives now." She and Liu Guohui returned to his room on the sixth floor.

Zhuang Xiaoyan looked left and right, then went back to the room to pick up her copy: "Sister Wu, I'm going back to my room to change clothes, I'm leaving first."

Wu Chunyan's face suddenly changed, and Wang Ziyong didn't expect that Wu Chunyan would be left alone in the end. But it's okay to be alone, anyway, she was the only supervisor in the hotel, and her words carried weight.

"Sister Wu?"

Wu Chunyan came back to her senses and gritted her teeth and said: "I'll go up now. Where do the people who were driven down live?"

"I don't know about this, it's either the eighth or ninth floor, there are no people living on these two floors, I don't know why they are crazy, and they all squeeze to the top floor."

"Okay, I'll accept your favor this time."

Seeing Wu Chunyan go upstairs directly, Wang Ziyong secretly took the copy in the room and ran back to his room to put it away.

"Where did you get the rice, Yong'er?"

"Put it away quickly! Mom, wait, we can live upstairs."

Old Lady Wang didn't care: "It's nice to live here, why live so high up? Climbing the stairs is exhausting."

"What do you know! Okay, I'm going out."

Wang Ziyong hurried to chase Wu Chunyan again. He wanted to see how she handled it.

But how could Wu Chunyan handle it?

She found the guest who moved down, and the guest was surprised and delighted to see her: "Where have you been, Sister Wu? You don't know how arrogant those people in Xujia Village are! I had agreed with you at the beginning, and I paid the rent. Now that something like this has happened, you have to give an explanation!"

The people who got the news gathered around, and one by one they asked Wu Chunyan to give an explanation.

She forced them to calm down and said, "I plan to go upstairs to talk to them, you can go with me."

But few people dared to go.

"What's wrong? I'm here, don't be afraid, just testify for me."

Someone in the crowd shook his head: "They are all very fierce, forget it, my family didn't suffer any loss, it's just that the place we live in is a bit narrow. There's no need to fight to the death."

There are many people who think this way, and in the end, only three families are willing to go with her. They have too many families, and the room is too small now, and it's inconvenient to live separately. Now that Wu Chunyan has taken the lead, they want to try it. If they dare to take action after seeing Wu Chunyan, then they can only endure it.

When Wu Chunyan came to the eleventh floor, several people from Xujia Village who had handled their affairs were shocked, and someone hurried to report to He Yu.

He Yu said: "What can she do? Don't pay attention to her." He was very busy and forgot about the four people who were locked up. But even if they got out, what can they do now?

He was worried that Wu Chunyan and her influence was too great, so he locked them up. Unexpectedly, this group of people who moved in before them were completely scattered. They were simply vulnerable. Now that everything in the warehouse is in his hands and all the villagers have moved in, what is there to be afraid of?

Wu Chunyan brought people up, but they couldn't even see He Yu. The people who came up with him started to lecture her when they saw her catch a person from Xujia Village, but the person didn't buy it.

It was a wasted trip.

Before Wu Chunyan noticed, the people had already gone downstairs and left.

The appearance of Wu Chunyan and others did not cause any waves at all. And the flood that He Yu had been thinking about and killed him in his previous life came quietly.

In fact, the water level outside has been rising, but since it reached the third floor, it has been getting slower and slower.

The heavy snow continued a week ago until now, freezing the water surface, and the water level has not changed. However, the ice broke yesterday, and the water flow below was surging very fast. People who saw it at the time, including Yu Heng, just listened and let it go. No one thought that in just two days, the water level would reach the fourth floor.

This is also the reason why people living on the lower floors panicked and followed the crowd to move up.

The scariest thing was that they heard a loud roar in the middle of the night.

Yu Heng was also woken up and got up with a slight cough.

The corridor is full of people.

"What's going on? What's the sound?"

"Is there an earthquake?"

"Isn't it? My feet were not shaken."

That night, a total of three extremely loud sounds were heard. It was like something huge fell into the water.

Someone joked: "It can't be a shark swimming in from the sea, right?"

It scared a few timid people to death.

At dawn the next day, they all looked out from the balcony and windows. Only then did I realize that a building was missing about two hundred meters away from the hotel. There was an empty spot on the bare water, like a tooth that had been knocked out.

"The sound last night was the sound of the building collapsing, right?" Zhang Tao asked, "But I heard three sounds last night..."

Li Li: "That means three buildings have collapsed. The other two buildings may not be visible from our perspective."

Wu Changxin stomped the floor cautiously: "Our building won't collapse, right?"

Others were also very anxious about this issue, and Wu Chunyan's cold stove started to burn again.

Wu Chunyan said categorically: "Absolutely not. This building has only been built for six years. As you know by living here, the walls, doors and windows are all very new. Except for the drought in the past two years, there are routine inspections every off-season."

These words put everyone at ease.

Yu Heng, however, was surprised and guessed that this building should be safe. The biggest danger now is not the collapse of buildings, but the problem of floods.

He planned to bring the plastic boat from Block B. He just hoped that the two he hid in the bathroom were not taken away by the people in Xujiacun.

Zhang Tao went with him.

It was extremely windy and snowy outside, and Zhang Tao had calmed down a lot from the abnormal weather he had experienced in the past two years. However, he felt the unseasonable cold outside, and he still couldn't help complaining: "Fortunately, I was able to study well back then. No, otherwise I won’t be able to worry about this to death.”

Yu Heng's face was covered with a thick scarf, only his eyes were exposed, and his eyes were bent with laughter because of Zhang Tao's words.

The water on the fourth floor reached their knees. Even though they wore water shoes, they still felt a chill creeping in.

When they arrived at the overpass, it was even more difficult to walk. The two of them held on to the fence and moved step by step.

Fortunately, the pain was worth it. The bathroom door where the plastic boat was placed was still closed. Yu Heng skillfully pried open the door, revealing two plastic boats.

Yu Heng pulled off his scarf and took a deep breath of cold air, feeling that his nose was finally a little clearer. "Move them back, otherwise I'm afraid the overpass will be flooded and it will be a pity not to be able to get them when you need them."

Zhang Tao responded, picked up the big one, and said: "Those people in Xujia Village, really, they have put away all those boats, they have such a big appetite."

"Don't we have two too?"

Zhang Tao laughed. "You are still smart and know how to hide first. Your brain is really good. You should have studied hard back then and gone to a famous university. How wonderful!"

Yu Heng smiled, Wu Henngle was indeed smart and was very good at reading back then. But after the parents are gone, eating has become a problem. How can you still study? Wu Changxin later studied under the support of Wu Henle, but she was not a good student. She got married at such a young age.

Thinking of this, Yu Heng thought of the follow-up tasks. When the situation gets better, at least when the water recedes, he can consider taking Chang Xin and his children back to his hometown. His hometown is in the same province, but in the next county, Wu Henle's parents are buried in his hometown.

Over the years, Wu Henngle had no time to go back to worship in the early days because he had to support his family. Later, he was imprisoned, and Wu Changxin never went back alone.

The fallen leaves return to their roots to worship their parents, and their children and grandchildren wrap around their knees to rejoice.

I will take Chang Xin and Ping An back home, and I will have children and grandchildren. I should be able to complete the mission by paying homage to them.

I'm afraid, I don't know if the ashes of Wu Henle's parents are still there. This is both a drought and a flood, so I hope the ashes are still well preserved.

The two went downstairs and found that the water was deep again. When I step on it, the water reaches my thighs. The two simply rowed back to Seat A. Zhang Tao's skills were super bad, but fortunately the overpass was blocked by railings, so he wouldn't have known where he would have paddled.

They carried the boat upstairs. On the eleventh floor, a person from Xujia Village saw it and asked, "Where did you get the boat?"

Zhang Tao snorted: "It's none of your business." He walked away, making people very angry.

The man went to report to He Yu. He Yu was irritable because of the water level. Hearing this, he said, "Don't bother me with small things."

The man left with a sullen face. Although there are boats in the warehouse, who can ride on them? But Uncle Yu didn't speak, so there was nothing he could do.

That man has a gun.

Two boats were crammed into the living room.

In the next two days, the water level reached even higher and reached the sixth floor. People on the seventh and eighth floors were busy moving up. The corridor on the eleventh floor was completely packed with people.

Only the highest level can give them a sense of security.

The most frightening thing is that the balconies opposite, those with the highest five floors, are completely submerged.

In others, the top floors were full of people, calling for help from other tall buildings.

The cries for help were blown away by the wind and snow.

Everyone in this building is glad that they chose this place in the first place, otherwise they would be the ones calling for help in the cold wind now. Even if you are crowded in the corridor, you are luckier than those people.

"Go and save people!" Wu Chunyan stamped her feet, "Where's the boat? Didn't you take the boat away? Go and save people!"

The people in Xujia Village looked at each other, and no one could make a decision. Yu Shu said, don't bother him. He looks fierce, and now no one dares to knock on his door except to deliver food.

Wu Chunyan found Yu Heng's house.

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