Survival [End Times]

36, Disaster Doomsday 23

The two boats rowed over one after another. Yu Heng signaled Zhang Tao and the others to stop. He first moored the boat, jumped onto the stairs beside the city wall, and climbed up carefully.

When he walked in, this floor was wet and there was no one. He climbed the stairs. After climbing two floors, he heard voices. He took a look and saw that there were quite a few people. There was a fragrance in the air. He moved his nose and smelled the fragrance of meat.

It was not like the fragrance of chicken, duck, and pork, but a strange and unfamiliar fragrance.

He didn't want to be discovered and misunderstood as a bad guy, so he quickly retreated.

He wanted to find a place to rest for a night on the lower floor, and he couldn't get too close to the people upstairs. He turned left and right, and finally chose an exhibition room on the right side of the stairs when he came up, so that it would be convenient to come up and leave.

After choosing, Yu Heng planned to go downstairs to call them up.

As a result, when he went downstairs, before he opened his mouth, Zhang Tao whispered to him: "Heng Le, look!" He looked in the direction of Zhang Tao's finger, and there seemed to be something rising and falling by the city wall.

"What is that?"

"Look--" Zhang Tao suppressed his fear and used a steel bar to poke it, "Look, does it look like a human hand?"

Zhang Tao pulled out a piece of bone from the water, which was clearly below the elbow, with white bones.

No matter how dead a person is, it is impossible to be so "clean" after soaking in the water.

Yu Heng's heart tightened, and he got on the boat and rowed over, using the steel bar to poke it himself. As a result, there were bones of various people under the city wall, one piece after another, all white bones. He picked up five palms in total.

He remembered the fragrance he had just smelled, and a chill drilled up from the soles of his feet.

He said to Zhang Tao and the others: "We can't live here anymore, hurry up and leave!"

Zhang Tao also knew that the matter was serious. Looking at these bones made his scalp numb.

They had just rowed four or five meters when a clear female voice came from above, which was particularly pleasant: "Hey, where are you from? It's getting dark, come up and rest?" Then another honest middle-aged female voice came: "Yes, we are just about to have dinner, don't we eat together?"

Wu Changxin was so scared that he lowered his head and dared not raise it, afraid of looking up and seeing something scary. Even if the girl's voice was nice, those bones were more terrifying.

Yu Heng turned his head slightly and looked up. On the carved and hollow wooden railing, a girl in a pink skirt and a woman dressed simply stood there. The girl saw him turn around and waved at him.

He withdrew his gaze indifferently.

Watching the two boats downstairs go away, the girl pouted and was very angry: "Don't I look good? He didn't even look at me."

The middle-aged woman hugged her and comforted her: "There will be other sheep coming, don't be angry."

"But I saw a little lamb in there, it must be delicious."

A man in the house shouted: "Come in, the sheep is cooked."

The girl smiled again, lifted her skirt and ran in.

"Why are there so many human bones there?" Zhang Tao asked while rowing.

"The people living upstairs are likely to eat people." Yu Heng said: "When I went up, I smelled the fragrance of meat. The smell was very strange. I didn't think of it until I saw the human bones by the wall..."

Wu Changxin covered his mouth and retched, and even Li Li's face turned blue.

"Fortunately, we didn't live up there, otherwise we would have been stewed. When we left, there was a little girl upstairs calling us up. Now it's really scary to think about it."

They were very lucky to live in the Four Seasons Spring Hotel. There was enough food and clothing, but they didn't expect that there was already cannibalism outside. Yu Heng had seen this in the last mission, but that was when they were cleaning up the city three years after the apocalypse. The trapped people didn't dare to take a step forward. They could only survive for three years by cannibalism. The scene they saw when they opened the top floor of the supermarket at that time could give people nightmares for a long time.

On the way, they continued to look for a place to stay at night. After experiencing the bizarre and terrifying things just now, Yu Heng was more cautious this time.

Finally, they settled in a small shopping mall. They didn't dare to let everyone fall asleep. Zhang Tao and Yu Heng took turns to keep watch, and they spent the night safely.

The next day, the water level dropped another meter. They got up early and cooked a day's worth of food, planning to row all day today.

Yu Heng: "At this rate, the water will soon recede, but the road will become more difficult to walk. We need to go north as soon as possible." The water level dropped by more than ten meters today, and you can see that there are many more obstacles on the road protruding from the water.

When the water recedes, the road will definitely be very messy. Not to mention the debris, there will definitely be corpses. They passed by at least three floating corpses yesterday. Such a road is very difficult to walk on, and people will easily get infected with bacteria and get sick.

While there are still boats available, go as far as you can.

After getting on the road, unless Wu Pingan wakes up and needs to be taken, Wu Changxin will also take the oar to help row.

They quickly left the city and turned to the direction of the national highway. After that, Zhang Tao showed the way. After all, he had been wandering around for a few years and had to run around when working. He was most familiar with the road.

For the next week, they rushed all day and found a place to rest at night. There was even one day when they couldn't find the mission building nearby and spent the night on the boat. Li Li had a stuffy nose and cough the next day. She just held Isatis root in her mouth for a day, and fortunately it was fine the next day.

Wu Pingan is really a little man. When he is awake, he always looks around happily, without crying or making a fuss, which makes the adults worry less.

At this time, the water level was only two stories high, and Yu Heng and the others only had two 500ml bottles of mineral water left. I didn’t even cook the rice, just ate the instant noodles, saving water and making the milk powder.

"What should I do?" Zhang Tao licked his chapped lips and swallowed, feeling that his throat was so dry that it hurt.

Yu Heng also licked his lips, looked around, and shook his head: "It would be great if there were mountains nearby." Even if there are no streams on the mountains, as long as there are low-lying areas, they can collect water, even if it is mixed with sediment and filtered. alright. But no, there was so much water under their feet that they couldn't drink it.

Everyone was in a heavy mood, and after two days there was no water supply. Knowing clearly that the water below was stolen and contained so many disgusting and terrifying things, Zhang Tao had the urge to bury his head and take a sip several times.

Wu Ping'an was so hungry that he cried and fell asleep when he was tired from crying. Wu Changxin's eyes were red with distress.

On the way, they saw people carrying buckets and bowls fetching water. Zhang Tao said: "How about we -"

Yu Heng still shook his head: "If we get sick after drinking this water, it will really be over."

At night, Zhang Tao mentioned it again, scratching his hair in panic and loudly saying: "Didn't you fucking hear that Ping An has been crying?!"

Yu Heng sneered: "His grandmother has died long ago, and she won't hear him even if he cries again."

"Zhang Tao, calm down." Li Li advised. "Everyone is very thirsty, but I don't think I can drink the water."

Yu Heng directly scooped up a glass of water from the cup, then leaned forward and placed it in front of Zhang Tao: "Take it and give it to him to drink!"

Zhang Tao lowered his head and could see that the water in front of him was yellow or green. The sky was a little dark and he couldn't see clearly. There were thin floating objects like spider silk in it, and there was also a smell of erosion. He couldn't think of adjectives such as bad and corrupt. He only thought it smelled bad.

Even if this water is boiled, is it really drinkable?

Wu Changxin shook his head: "Brother Zhang, I told you that this water is really not drinkable."

Yu Heng sighed, "You are not the only one who cares about the child. I am a stone-hearted person. Now that the water is in your hand, do you dare to give him a drink? Please clear your mind quickly. Wait until you really can't hold on anymore and you are not far from death. Then It’s not too late to drink.”

Zhang Tao poured the water away and said sorry to Yu Heng.

In fact, when they got here, they had already left the province, and Zhang Tao didn't know the road very well. They had just followed the direction and made sure that the general direction was north. After another three days, they couldn't hold on any longer.

We found a place to stop the boat, sitting there unable to move.

Wu Ping'an developed a low fever last night and is still sleeping. My swollen belly has been dented in the past few days, and I am hungry. Adults can still bear to eat some instant noodles, but he is too young to eat anything except milk and milk powder. And Wu Changxin had no milk to feed him.

They had fever-reducing medicine, but the child was so young that they didn’t dare to give it to him. Li Li said that there is no need to take medicine if he has a low fever. It is most reliable to wipe him with warm water to cool him down.

Yu Heng went to the exchange system and searched for water, but was disappointed to find that there was no similar product like water. On the contrary, there are many water purification products, and the charges are not bad. He pursed his lips and ordered a pill called [Wan Neng Jing], which was stated to be able to purify all water and make it edible without boiling it.

It sounds very powerful. It costs 12 fire points, but just one can purify a ton of water.

Yu Heng coughed slightly, and his throat was unbearably dry. He immediately felt itchy and stinging after such a cough. He felt that the strength of his body had been lost to a critical point. The ability to hold on now really relied on willpower.

He bought a [Universal Purifier], which was also a fat porcelain bottle. The elixir inside was as big as a longan.

He rowed out alone with the empty bucket and eventually came back with a bucket of clean water.

"Where did you get the water?" Li Li and the others were shocked and jumped up when they saw the water!

Yu Heng smiled and said, "Don't ask me about it yet. I drank it and it's no problem. Just cook it and wipe it on Ping An's body."

This water saved everyone from the darkness, and they suddenly became full of strength. Those who turned on the alcohol stove, washed pots and boiled water suddenly came to life again.

I wiped Wu Pingan twice and fed him water and milk powder. By about three o'clock in the night, his fever had subsided and he slept soundly. The other adults also drank a lot of water until they were full, and cooked porridge and drank it to relieve their stomach problems.

After having some free time, the issue of water source inevitably came up.

"I exchanged it for milk powder. Do you see that building over there? They stored a lot of water on rainy days, so I exchanged it for a bucket." Yu Heng said lightly.

This was the reason given by Yu Heng. Although it was very flawed, Yu Heng pretended that he didn't want to explain it anymore, so they didn't dare to ask any more questions.

"That's quite a bargain." Li Li didn't believe it in her heart, but this was something that was beneficial to her. There was no reason to get to the bottom of other people's secrets. She continued what Yu Heng said and changed the topic: "Fortunately, we Ping An is about to grow up, so it doesn’t matter if we have less milk powder. We can cook rice cereal for him when the time comes.”

She specifically told Wu Changxin how to make rice paste. In addition, Wu Changxin also had different thoughts in his mind, so he cooperated and started chatting.

The topic changed.

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