Survival [End Times]

56, Zombie Apocalypse 12

"Hiss." His foot was burned, and he sat on the ground to treat the wound. This burn was much more serious than the last time he was burned in the car dealership. The calf of his right foot was covered with blisters, and the skin was black and burnt.

The blisters were full of water, and Yu Heng took out the medicine he needed to use, first rinsed them with mineral water, and then used a toothpick to prick the blisters one by one. The feeling was unimaginable. After that, he used a sterilized cotton swab to absorb the liquid that flowed out, and then applied a layer of burn ointment and wrapped it with gauze.

He only had one bottle of burn ointment, and he had used up two-thirds of it.

Zombies with superpowers are really hard to guard against. How can you tell which one of a group of zombies has superpowers?

Last time in the car dealership, he was burned in the face by the flower seedlings sprayed by the zombie just one second before he inserted the knife into the zombie's head. Not only did all his hair go away, but even his eyebrows were bald.

The wound on his head has just healed, but it looks like he won't grow new hair in the short term.

If I see a pharmacy, I must go in to replenish some medicine.

Then he opened the door and walked outside. He easily found the reading room according to the indicator map in the corridor.

The third and fourth floors are both reading rooms, and rows of bookshelves have become little fire points waving at him. He first checked whether the surveillance inside was still running, and found that the surveillance in the reading room was not turned on, so he started to open the scanner with confidence.

In the end, he got more than 2.53 million fire points.

He returned to the window along the same route and found that the zombies downstairs had dispersed, and there were more than a dozen zombie corpses lying on the ground. He jumped down and dug out the crystal core.


He suddenly felt a kind of attraction, and the crystal core in his hand through the plastic bag seemed to be hot.

Bang bang bang——

Yu Heng's heart beat violently. Is this what those superpowers said, the attraction of zombie beads?

He quickly dug up the crystal cores and returned to the library again.

He did not wash the newly dug beads, but took out the ones he had stored before. Since he left the car dealership, he had not gotten out of the car to dig beads on the way, so he really didn't know how he would react to these beads.

There were many beads in the plastic bag. He grabbed a handful at random, and that strong feeling came again. It was not the hunger in the stomach that wanted to eat, but another kind of inexplicable thirst.

Yu Heng tried his best to grasp that feeling, and then the beads in his hand turned into ashes one by one and dissipated.

He felt that there was a force in his body that suddenly became obvious, as if it was in the muscles, or in the bones and blood. It was impossible to grasp it, but it was real.


I don't know how he controlled it, but a foul smell suddenly broke out all over his body, and the rotten smell rushed to the sky, making him fall backwards.

"It stinks!" He couldn't help but cover his nose, but he had a thought in his mind: Is this his ability? But if his whole body turned into a stinky fermentation tank, what use would this ability have? Smoke the zombies out?

It's really funny!

But no matter what, it was obtained after taking the genetic modification liquid this time, so he must study it thoroughly.

He spent two days absorbing the beads while controlling the new power in his body. Soon he became proficient and did it when he should stink and when he should collect.

Yu Heng stood up and stretched his muscles. Seeing that the beads he had stored before were consumed a lot, he thought about going downstairs to kill some zombies and dig some beads.

He was familiar with the route to climb out of the window and go down to the ground. There was only one zombie down there. He was not willing to get close to the zombie now, for fear that it was a superpowered zombie, so he shot it directly in the forehead.

The square was very large, and the zombies inside were scattered, so he decided to start with the zombies in the square.

Bang bang bang——

There were bursts of gunfire in the square. While digging beads, Yu Heng suddenly had an idea: Does this stench really have no effect on zombies? Maybe it's just a stinky smell, but it has a different effect on zombies?

Anyway, there wasn't much else around, except for zombies, so he wanted to give it a try.

He controlled a zombie and pinned it to a wall with a long pole, while slowly letting out the stench.

To be honest, even if he had smelled this smell a lot recently, he really couldn't get used to it.

This stench was a bit like the stench of rotting dead fish and shrimp, and more like the stench of zombies' rotten internal organs and the mixed stench of gnawing people, extremely fishy and thick.

However, this stench seemed to be really useless to zombies, and the zombie was still "alive".

Yes, it was impossible to suffocate a zombie to death.

He approached the zombie along the long pole, intending to kill it with a knife, but found that the zombie had changed a little.

Just now, it was still showing off its teeth and claws, and it was very aggressive, but now, even if he supported it with a long pole, it lowered its arms, lowered its head slightly, and closed its wide mouth.

The aggressiveness was completely gone, and he was clearly a living person standing here.

Could it be that it didn't want to eat me because I was too smelly?

This discovery gave Yu Heng a moment of surprise.

He stepped back and loosened the long pole, and saw the zombie shake its head after it was freed from the shackles, howl, and turn away with its shoulders twitching.

It didn't attack me at all.

After that, he conducted several more experiments and found that some zombies would not attack him, while some still pounced on him and bit him as usual.

Apart from anything else, this ability can indeed eliminate the attraction of zombies to him!

Yu Heng was very surprised and began to study the differences between those zombies that attacked him and those that did not.

He saw that there were two most obvious differences between the two: one was that the zombies that attacked him were stronger and more active, and the other was that the beads of the two were different.

Among the beads that Yu Heng had dug, there were actually very few that were exactly the same, especially since more than a month had passed since the end of the world, and many zombies seemed to have become more powerful, and the zombies were also evolving. Moreover, the beads dug out from zombies with different attack powers were also different. The most obvious thing was the color. The beads dug out in the earliest period were all gray and grayish white, but now Yu Heng encountered many beads with blood streaks.

After comparative research, he found that the beads with red streaks were all taken from more powerful zombies.

He picked out six gray beads with red streaks, and the zombies with these six beads were still aggressive towards him.

Recalling the information he had heard in the office building before, Yu Heng believed that his ability should be at the first level, and these gray beads with red streaks should be from second-level zombies, so his stench could not confuse them.

After analyzing and summarizing this information, Yu Heng was very happy. If his ability could be cultivated to a higher level, it would be safer to go out.

After fully understanding the use of this ability, Yu Heng invested more energy in it. He stayed in this square for another three days and killed all the zombies in the square, as well as the zombies in the movie theater and restaurant next to it.

If his physical fitness had not been improved by several levels, this high-intensity workload would have crushed him.

However, the hard work was worth it. Not only did he harvest more than 3,000 beads, but he also became more adept at controlling his ability.

Through repeated practice, he learned how to use this ability most efficiently. In fact, surrounding himself with stench is the most effective and airtight, but the consumption is also very large. Later, he grasped a critical point and reduced the amount of this stench to the lowest but effective point, so that the ability can be continuously replenished, so that he will not be attacked by a level 1 zombie when walking outside for a full half an hour.

I believe that when he breaks through to level 2, it can last longer.

After that, he continued on his way, but this time he was no longer exhausted. If he ran into a large group of zombies, he would use his supernatural powers to escape. On the way, he encountered five bookstores and gained more than 60,000 fire points.

Later, he met a group of motorcades and learned about the Lutong Safe Zone from them. The Lutong Safe Zone was also on his route back to Qinghe Province, so he planned to go in and take a look. Zhang Henghui might have been rescued there?

Speaking of this group of motorcades, it was a coincidence that Yu Heng met them. At that time, he saw two cars rushing out from the corner in front, with a string of zombies behind them. He immediately turned the steering wheel to change direction, but he didn't expect the car body to shake violently and the rear of the car was hit.

A car hit his car and made it stagger, then passed him and drove to the back.

Fortunately, he drove steadily and quickly controlled the car and turned the corner.

The car slid forward like a fish, but he didn't expect another car behind him to hit it again.

This time, Yu Heng was prepared and dodged in time.

He wanted to leave his car as cannon fodder to slow down the zombies behind him.

Even a clay man can be fiery. Yu Heng adjusted the angle of the car body and rammed it hard, freeing one hand to blow up the two tires of the car.


The car behind him turned around under the double attack and hit other buildings on the roadside. Screams and curses rang out. As a result, the zombies behind him did slow down significantly. A large group of zombies surrounded the car behind him, and only a few continued to move forward.

Soon the zombies started to move forward again, but the more than ten seconds of delay were enough for Yu Heng to turn left and right to get rid of the group of zombies.

Later, he drove all the way to the cross-river bridge, where he met the same repaired convoy, which blocked the road.

Yu Heng was now more vigilant against humans than against zombies, so he did not approach. Unexpectedly, two people came over there, both wearing police uniforms.

After talking, I learned that they were going to the Lutong Safe Zone. They believed that there was a military stationed there, and the geographical location was remote and sparsely populated, so it was very likely to establish a safe zone.

In Zhang Hengyuan's memory, he had no idea about these armies.

Yu Heng carefully asked about the route and knew that the Lutong Safe Zone was not far from his route home, so he thought he could go in and take a look - after all, the army was evacuating the people, and it was very likely that Zhang Henghui was also rescued.

Anyway, it was on the way, so I had to go and take a look, don't miss it.

The two policemen meant the same thing. They saw Yu Heng driving alone, so they came to communicate with him. Seeing that he was moved, they said: "You should drive the car over too. It's getting dark now. We will leave in ten minutes to find a house to live in, and leave together tomorrow."

Yu Heng refused: "Thank you so much, both of you." He gave two cigarettes.

After the two policemen left, Yu Heng began to check the car and refuel the tank.

Then he fell behind them and saw them driving into a community. A group of people got off the car and started to clean up the zombies.

Along the riverside road, there are riverside residential areas newly built in recent years. Each of them has more than ten floors and looks very new.

Yu Heng did not live with them. He chose the fourth floor below the tenth and eleventh floors where a group of people lived.

"What does that person mean? Is he on guard against us?"

"So arrogant."

He was locking the door and windows, preparing to settle down, but someone upstairs was muttering about him, thinking that he was ungrateful.

"It's also because Brother Zhou and Brother Ming are kind, but they don't appreciate it."

"Stop talking, no one can be too cautious in this world. He doesn't know us, so it's normal to be wary of us. Hurry up and pack your things and go to bed. Get up early tomorrow and get on your way."

At some unknown time in the morning, Yu Heng got up to go to the toilet, and then planned to pack his things. I vaguely heard some strange noises, and after looking around, it seemed like they were outside?

He opened the curtains and looked outside. The sky was already slightly bright, and there was a dark shadow moving rapidly in the east.

When the black shadow flew down, it was obvious that it was a bird.

The frame is dang.

"Oh help!"


The group of shadows swooped down, and screams and screams came from the balcony opposite. The sound of wings vibrating became more and more obvious. He saw someone opening the window of a building in front of him. He rubbed his eyes and looked out. A small group of birds broke away from the army and rushed over. The window glass crackled and shattered, and the person who looked out screamed. .

Someone woke up earlier than him in the morning, and Yu Heng saw two cars passing by on the street downstairs, and they were hit by the group of low-flying black figures.

The black image smashed the front window of the car with a brick and got into the car. The two vehicles instantly deviated from the normal track and swerved east and west.

Zombie bird? !

Yu Heng quickly closed the window and locked it, drew the curtains, and hid in the toilet.

Not long after, he heard the sound of the window breaking outside. The rotten stench surrounded his whole body, but no zombie bird hit the toilet door where he was hiding.

The sound of wings vibrating outside came and went, but he did not dare to take it lightly. He took out the beads and absorbed them, constantly replenishing the powers he had consumed.

"Bang! Bang bang!"

His worries came true. A zombie bird higher than one level flew in and discovered him.

The glass door was constantly banged, Yu Heng suddenly opened the door, and with quick eyes and quick hands, he chopped it down with a knife!

Looking at the zombie bird falling on the ground, he concentrated his attention and shot another zombie bird that rushed towards him with his gun.

Relying on his past experience, he subconsciously hit the zombie bird on the head.

When there were no other zombie birds attacking him in the room, he quickly closed the door and hid again. After dealing with it like this, fortunately, after ten minutes, no zombie birds came again.

He boldly walked to the ruined window to take a look. It was a mess and bird feathers were everywhere. The smell of blood and stench in the air is very strong - like the smell of chicken and duck stalls in the wet market, it is seven to eight times more smoky.

The people upstairs discovered that the zombie bird had arrived relatively late, and they lived on two floors in different rooms. Even if there were two metal-based superpowers, they could not take care of everyone in a very short time. people.

When a metal psychic noticed something was wrong outside, he opened the window to take a look. A bird hit him and the glass of the half-opened window shattered. The long pointed beak opened wide and pecked at him. He quickly reacted and wrapped his fist in iron sheet and hit it.

The bird was knocked out and fell to the ground. It flapped its wings and flew up again. The movement here attracted another small group, flying over together with a splash.

The man's expression changed. He must have been strong enough to kill a bird. If the bird didn't die, it meant it was not a normal bird.

He thought of the zombie dogs and zombie rats he had encountered before, and was frightened. Seeing that the birds were about to crash in, he laid an iron wall as quickly as possible. The iron wall trembled violently a few times, but he managed to hold on. down.

Then he followed suit and sealed all the other windows, and then his face turned pale from exhaustion.

They were trapped in the house and were safe for the time being, but the unknown things outside made their hearts hang in the air.

Crack, crackle——

From time to time, there would always be the sound of something hitting the wall, or the sound of hitting the iron wall. You can imagine how densely packed those things are outside.

"It's quite normal for strange things to appear after such a long time in the apocalypse. Didn't we meet rats and dogs before? I think there must be similar things outside, but they can fly. I'm sure the one I just killed, stabbed The steel needle only works if it reaches the brain.”

The last days are even harder.

Downstairs, Yu Heng dug out four beads, all of which were gray with red threads.

After he cleaned up, he went upstairs to see how the group of people were doing, and saw that they were in great chaos, with dead and injured people. He was not on guard against him, so why were they? They said to him: "We are busy here and may be delayed for a long time. Do you want to wait a moment or go on your own?"

Yu Heng said that he would leave first, and left first amid the different eyes behind him.

After that, Yu Heng did not encounter this kind of zombie bird again. Another good news was that his superpower had reached the second level, and his [General Principles of Physical Fitness] had finally reached the third level. It could be said that he was blessed with three blessings.

After leaving the city and getting on the highway, the zombies encountered fewer zombies, but various zombie animals emerged in endlessly. The zombie rats they encountered the most were lucky. Fortunately, they all survived and harvested many beads, including one. The third-level beads contained more energy than any beads he had encountered before.

When he saw a road sign, he knew that it was not far from the Lutong military area. He could see the mountain shadow in the distance, which should be where the military area was.

Of course, it is also closer to Qinghe Province.

Perhaps it was the sister and brother's heart-to-heart connection, but Zhang Henghui, who was far away in Qinghe Province, suddenly had a flash of consciousness.

Someone bumped into her and she staggered. The box she was holding in her hand suddenly slid down. She quickly held on and was hit in the stomach by the box. When she came back to her senses, she immediately saw that the person who bumped into her was Lily Jiang.

Anger suddenly surged up, but he was distracted and couldn't say anything. He could only grit his teeth and continue to move the box out.

When she walked to the carriage, she saw her sister-in-law Zeng Xinyun smilingly taking the small box from Jiang Baili's hand, and said: "You don't need to do this kind of chores, come and read comics with me!"

She paused, then continued to walk inside and put down the things.

"Bai Li and I have something to do, you go and move the things."

Seeing her sister-in-law pulling Jiang Baili away, Jiang Baili smiled sweetly at her, she felt really bad in her heart.

Zeng Xinyun, it has been a long time since she met Jiang Baili.

When she went to bed at night, her husband Zeng Lianzhi said to her casually: "You should at least show a smile, you have a gloomy face all day long, Xinyun said Baili is very afraid of you, why do you always target her?"

Zhang Henghui sneered, ignored him, and combed her hair by herself.

Zeng Lianzhi frowned: "What's that expression on your face?"

Zhang Henghui put down the comb and said without turning his head: "Xinyun said I was targeting her? Or did she tell you that?"

God knows!

Ever since Jiang Baihe moved into their house at Zeng Xinyun's strong request and lived in the same room with Zeng Xinyun, she treated Jiang Baihe with courtesy, but how did she do it?

Sneered: "Do I have to call a mistress sister like the big house in ancient times?"

Zeng Lianzhi was stunned: "You——"

"I didn't want to say it in the first place. Do you think I don't know that you went to the Lu family next door to get a room? Sleeping with a woman in someone else's house, you are not ashamed, but I am."

"Don't talk too much!"


"Okay, I'm wrong. I was just playing with her. Don't be angry." He jumped over the topic by himself. Zeng Lianzhi said: "Go to sleep quickly. I have to go out tomorrow."

Zhang Henghui stopped talking, slept on the other side with a gloomy face, slapped Zeng Lianzhi's hand, and slept on his side.

Hearing Zeng Lianzhi's helpless sigh, she sneered in her heart, but also felt sad for herself.

Why, she just doesn't have superpowers? If she had superpowers, she wouldn't have to sleep with this disgusting man now, and she could go find her brother.

But she didn't, God didn't have eyes, and let this man have superpowers, and the vows made when they got married were completely forgotten. Her eyes were a little sore, she wiped her eyes hard, and she didn't even want to shed a drop of tears.

Tomorrow she will go out to find supplies again, she must cheer up, Jiang Baili, that bitch, who knows what kind of moth she will do.

She will definitely survive!

On this side, Yu Heng encountered a large herd of cattle on the highway.

He was sleeping, and suddenly heard a rumbling sound in his ears, and thought it was an earthquake! He instinctively drove away from that area, and didn't dare to fall asleep again all night, and kept moving. Facts have proved that his caution is useful.

After dawn, he turned onto the highway again and found a large area of ​​damaged ground, and the deep pit was even nearly two meters. You can imagine how big it is and how strong it is.

If he was on the highway last night, he would definitely be crushed. He didn't know what made the noise last night.

He continued to hurry on with lingering fear, turned to avoid the collapsed land, and continued to move forward. As a result, he met the previous convoy on the road ahead. After saying hello to each other, they passed together.

It can be seen that this large convoy has lost nearly one-third of its length.

After walking for a long time, he saw corpses as big as mountains, piled up in front of him. Many people stood on them, seemingly digging something.

When he got closer, he could see that those people were wearing green military uniforms.

These are most likely soldiers from the Lutong Military Region!

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