Survival [End Times]

62. Zombie Apocalypse 18 (double update)

"Actually, you can also apply for the recruitment. Your physical ability meets the standard."

Yu Heng shook his head: "Military discipline is strict. I can't leave my sister alone." He has been in the army. Soldiers obey orders at any time and move wherever they are needed. If he is away for a long time, he will not have time to take care of things at home.

In this early stage of the end of the world, he is still worried about Zhang Henghui being alone. If her character and temper are not good and she doesn't get along with him, he can only provide some help to her on behalf of the original owner, and that's it.

But she is a woman worthy of respect. Even if this is just a virtual world, but after being together for so long, people's feelings are real.

Since he has made a decision, he will consider her more in everything.

"Okay, then I will put you on the daytime shift. It's not good to leave your sister alone at home at night."

Yu Heng smiled and said, "Thank you for troubling Brother Huang."

"No trouble, it's a small matter." Huang Zhongliang lit another cigarette, puffing smoke, his eyes fell on the cigarettes and alcohol on the table.

It was the end of the year, and those who couldn't make ends meet were still half dead, while those who were powerful still celebrated the New Year as usual. He was worried about giving gifts. Although the overall environment had changed, gifts still had to be old things, and cigarettes and alcohol were the most decent.

Besides, the cigarettes and alcohol that Zhang Hengyuan sent were all good brands, which made him look good.

"As for your sister... can she cut clothes? If she can, there is a good job for her."

Yu Heng thought about it, and Zhang Henghui was very good at mending clothes.

"It's okay to be able to mend clothes. Recently, I've been making winter clothes for people in the military district. Seven or eight women with dirty hands and feet were driven away a few days ago. I need to recruit a few more. You see how tired the soldiers are all year round, and they secretly hide cotton. Can the clothes they make keep warm?"

If it weren't for Zhang Hengyuan's generosity and not the kind of petty person, he wouldn't dare to say the words of introduction. After all, if he was dirty, he wouldn't look good as the introducer.

"I'll talk to my sister about it later, don't worry." Yu Heng could hear the hidden meaning in his words, and changed the topic after finishing the business: "I didn't know that Brother Huang had a little daughter at home, I'll bring her some candy next time."

After returning home, Yu Heng mentioned this matter to Zhang Henghui and asked her if she wanted to go.

"Start work at 8 am and get off work at 6 pm. The pay is average, including two meals and one kilogram of rice, and it will be settled every day. But it's safer."

Zhang Henghui said she would go without saying anything.

So Yu Heng went to Huang Zhongliang's house again the next day with candy and finalized the matter. On the third day, the brother and sister had breakfast, put the valuables into Yu Heng's storage ring, and went to work separately.

Yu Heng had experience in this area of ​​work. After working for four days, the soldier who led the team picked him up and asked him to lead the team on patrol. After watching for another three days, he found that Yu Heng could properly arrange the staff without him asking, and distribute and gather them in time. After that, he handed over this patrol team of ten people to him.

Fortunately, this team was composed of ordinary people, otherwise Yu Heng would not be able to suppress it.

The scope of the Lutong safe zone gradually expanded. In addition, the nearby mountains and forests were dense, and there were more zombie animals than zombies. After all, the place was remote, and large-scale zombie gatherings were relatively rare. The zombies encountered were more sporadic.

Yu Heng spent a lot of effort to cultivate the tacit understanding of the eleven people in the team, and it became more and more convenient to encircle and annihilate zombie animals, as long as they didn't get bitten.

And Zhang Henghui also slowly did the work at hand in the textile factory. She was originally a delicate person, and she got along well with several female colleagues.

The atmosphere of the New Year was getting stronger and stronger. As the saying goes, whether you have money or not, you go home for the New Year, which shows the importance of the New Year in the hearts of the people.

Zhang Henghui finished her work before New Year's Eve. When the textile factory settled accounts on the last day, everyone was given half a pound of bacon, which was considered a New Year's welfare.

"My sister's welfare is better than mine."

"I also benefited from it. Ten or eight of them over there are..." Zhang Henghui lowered her voice: "Relatives and the like."

"By the way, give me a bottle of perfume, the most ordinary, small bottle will do." Zhang Henghui helped to sort out the things in Yu Heng's storage ring, and Yu Heng refilled them, so he knew everything about it.

"Sister, are you going to dress up?" Yu Heng put all the perfumes on the ground and let her pick whatever she wanted. After experiencing Wu Changxin's remarriage in the previous mission, he was very open-minded about his sister's second spring, so he was quite encouraging.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I told you that there was a colleague working with me named Qiu Lin. Do you remember?"

Yu Heng thought for a moment and nodded: "The one you mentioned who works very hard, is beautiful and gentle?"

"Yes." Zhang Henghui glared at him with a look of disappointment, "She celebrated her 20th birthday on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year and invited a bunch of colleagues to come over."

"Oh, is perfume enough?"

"It can't be too eye-catching, one perfume is enough. Okay, I've picked it, put the rest away."

From the eve of the Lunar New Year, Zhang Henghui began to search for cooking materials outside.

There are people working in all 36 trades. There are also people selling fresh vegetables in the market on a snowy day. Zhang Henghui bought five Chinese cabbages, four tomatoes and a handful of leeks. These few things are very expensive. Vegetables are very expensive, so the price of fresh meat will be even higher. Zhang Henghui only bought a piece of pork belly and planned to make dumplings.

There are several times more patrols in the market than usual, some with knives and guns, and many people who looted and forced to buy were caught.

The safety zone has issued the latest instructions to maintain order during the Spring Festival and ensure the safety of people's lives and property. If they are caught making trouble, they will not be given such good treatment as being in jail with food and housing, and they will go outside to build bricks and walls.

The entire safety zone seemed to be revitalized with the arrival of the Spring Festival.

Zhang Henghui was busy at home. She cut a plate of pork belly and planned to make braised pork belly. Then she chopped the rest and marinated it with seasonings. Yu Heng took the same seasonings she collected and put them in the kitchen. They were all available, and she was just in time to show off her skills.

Dumplings are a must during the Chinese New Year, and she plans to make two types, one with cabbage and the other with chives. In the past, the bacon distributed by the textile factory was a hard dish, and the canned meat we had at home was also a dish, followed by tomato and egg soup, and hot and sour cabbage...

She was chopping cabbage and counting the dishes. By the time the dumpling wrappers were rolled out, it was almost half past six, and Yu Heng would have been home normally.

She was worried, and just when she was about to go look for it, she heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

"Sister Zhang, I am Hu Zi."

Zhang Henghui looked through the small hole dug by his brother in the door and opened the door after making sure.

"Why is it you?" Huzi is the younger brother of her younger brother's colleague, and he often helps run errands. She has an impression.

"Brother Zhang has to work overtime. He asked me to tell you not to wait for him to eat."

Zhang Henghui was surprised: "Why do you suddenly have to work overtime?" Her brother always works from 12pm to 6pm. If he works overtime, it will be from 6pm to 12pm.

How can your body bear it?

Huzi shook his head. He was sixteen years old. He was strong and had a big head. He looked a little naive.

"I don't know either. I went to call my brother for dinner. My brother said he had to work overtime and asked me to go home first. Brother Zhang asked me to tell you. I have to go to other people's homes to inform them."

Zhang Henghui hurriedly entered the room, grabbed a handful of candies and gave them to him: "Thank you, then go quickly."

After Huzi left, she stood in the house and walked around for a while, then slowly walked back to the kitchen and looked at the pile of vegetables. If she was to eat alone, she was not in the mood to cook.

After thinking about it, she walked over and quickly made dumplings, boiling water while making dumplings. When the water boiled, two large plates were filled with both kinds of dumplings.

She first scooped out a thermos of water, cut off seven slices of ginger, poured the remaining water into the pot, dripped oil into the dumplings, cooked them, scooped them up, put them in a small pot, and covered them with a lid.

After that, I walked around the house, put a sweater into my backpack, put the small pot in, wrapped the sweater around it, and zipped it up.

I put my backpack on and was about to go out, but before I did, I remembered that I didn't bring any chopsticks, so I ran back and grabbed two pairs.

After locking the door carefully, Zhang Henghui carried a pot of dumplings on her back and walked step by step toward the door in the growing darkness.

Yu Heng was having dinner with his colleagues. Because of working overtime, the superiors specially sent them meals. Even because it was New Year's Eve, the dinner was a little richer than usual. The steamed buns became steamed buns stuffed with cabbage and meat, and there was an extra tomato dish. Soup, sweet.

But except for the two people who had enough to eat and the whole family was not hungry, everyone else was not happy. After all, there are relatives at home, and the reunion dinner is the most important thing.

Lu Jizhou snored while drinking the soup: "Lao Gu, please stop whining. The soup will get cold if you don't drink it. If you don't drink it, I'll drink it for you."

Lao Gu sighed, picked up the bowl and took a sip: "My wife said she made me dumplings stuffed with lard residue. She only eats them once a year."

Lu Jizhou chuckled: "Hey, lard residue, why do you like to eat this kind of thing? This thing is high in oil and fat. It's best not to eat it, otherwise your beer belly will be even bigger."

"It's as big as it gets. It's good to be able to eat it now. You don't know that the pork in the market is so expensive. My hands were shaking when I paid the bill."

"Although I had an extra meal for free, I still feel uncomfortable."

"Yeah, yeah, what's great about people with superpowers? They're not on duty, and we have to help them cover the shift. It's as if they are the only ones who have to celebrate New Year's Eve, so we don't have to do it."

Everyone vented their dissatisfaction.

Yu Heng had finished eating the steamed buns and was drinking soup, listening to the complaints of his colleagues. He was also quite unhappy, but there was nothing he could do about it. People with superpowers dared to quit without saying a word, but they didn't have the confidence.

It's just a pity that Zhang Henghui made leek dumplings, which he had been looking forward to for a long time.

"Okay, hurry up and eat. It's almost seven o'clock and we have to go on patrol."

Yu Heng shouted loudly, and the others responded and speeded up their eating.

He checked several patrol cars and walkie-talkies, and arranged the work: "None of you have any experience in patrolling at night, and there are no physical enhancers of hearing and vision among us, so everyone should not disperse tonight and act together. However, In order to cover the patrol area faster, everyone must speed up, and of course the most important thing is to be careful!”

"The night is no different from the day. Don't panic, stay vigilant, and wait until the first day of the Lunar New Year to go home for the New Year."

"I know."

"Don't worry, Captain Zhang!"


Yu Heng turned around and saw Zhang Henghui.

"Sister, why are you here?"

"I'll bring you dumplings to eat. Come on, ask your colleagues to come over and eat together."

Yu Heng was really surprised!

"Thank you sister, these are leek dumplings hahaha."

Zhang Henghui was also very happy to see his brother's childish look, and pushed the chopsticks to Yu Heng: "Eat quickly, it's still hot."

"Have you eaten?"

"I'll eat when I get back."

Yu Heng pushed the chopsticks back to her, took the chopsticks provided for the work meal, turned around and called the colleagues who stretched their necks: "Hurry up and bring the bowls over!"

"Hey, hey, here you go!"

"What flavor do you want?"

"I want cabbage!"


"Go away." Yu Heng picked up two cabbage dumplings for each of them, and drove them away, "I'm having a reunion dinner with my sister, don't disturb us."

The crowd booed.

He and Zhang Henghui ate the reunion dinner facing the same pot.

"Then I'm going to work. Sister, be careful on your way back."

"Okay, go ahead." Zhang Henghui handed him the thermos: "Drink a few sips when you feel cold, it will keep you warm."

After Zhang Henghui left, Lu Jizhou came over: "Captain Zhang, your sister is really this--" He gave a thumbs up, "virtuous! Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Go to hell."

"Hey, Captain Zhang, don't look down on me! Look at my size, how strong I am!"


The night is getting darker.

Outside the safe zone, there are only the sounds of patrol cars pedaling and patrolmen greeting each other. At around eleven o'clock in the evening, it even started to snow, making it even colder.

Yu Heng and his team had a really smooth night. They only encountered a small group of zombie rats. They immediately killed the zombie rats with the special flamethrowers on their backs and harvested a small bag of crystal cores.

According to regulations, crystal cores must be handed in, but it would not be discovered if a few were secretly kept. Yu Heng's team had eleven people, each of them took one, and the remaining six were knocked into the bag and handed in.

At twelve o'clock, the person who took over came.

When Yu Heng was walking on the road, there were still quite a few people on the street, which was very rare in the safety zone. There were even scattered night markets on the street, selling spicy soup cabbage and roasted corn.

People are really resilient, and they can make a living in any difficult environment.

Firecrackers were banned in the safety zone during the Spring Festival. On the way home, Yu Heng encountered four waves of patrol teams, which shows the importance of safety issues.

It was already half past twelve when he got home. Zhang Henghui walked out of the bedroom when he heard the sound of the door opening and lit the candle on the table.

"Are you back? I rolled noodles, wait a while."

After eating the noodles, the two said Happy New Year to each other and went to bed.

In a safety zone in the east of the country, the celebration of the festival reached its peak with the fireworks soaring into the sky. In the safety zone, people's cheers resounded through the sky.

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One!"

Bang, Bang, Bang! ! !

"Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!"

"Death to zombies!"

The once prosperous city was submerged in darkness, and the isolated safety zone was like a beacon on the night road, emitting direction and hope.

The New Year's fireworks became a stream of hope in the eyes of survivors struggling in the hopeless city, and also attracted the eyes of monsters wandering disorderly on the sea and land because they could not find food.

It seemed that even after becoming a monster that eats living people, there is still an instinct to chase light.

Slowly, those monsters began to howl and move, step by step, the camera switched, accompanied by the shouts of the New Year countdown in the safety zone, slowly moving forward, colliding, converging, and condensing into waves...

On the second day of the New Year, the Lutong Safety Zone got in touch with the capital, and the entire zone broadcast a notice, and at the same time played the New Year's greetings of the highest leader of the capital, calling on the people of the country to work together to eliminate zombies and rebuild their homes.

The backbone of everyone came back all of a sudden, and they were more motivated to work throughout the first month of the year.

On the 20th day of the first month, which was the beginning of February, the safety zone sent a group of people to recapture the town of Quchang next to Anle Town. They returned successfully, collected a large amount of supplies, and calmed people's hearts again.

In early March, the safety zone sent people again and brought the good news of recaptured another town.

In mid-April, there was another great victory that made the masses excited.

Listening to the passionate speech on the radio, Yu Heng said to Zhang Henghui: "When their large army came back that day, I happened to be on duty. That loss... How come it was a great victory and invincibility on the radio?"

Asking this, he knew in his heart that this was a management method of the top leaders. He was surprised: "I remember that the top leaders didn't act like this before."

He took Zhang Henghui to settle here because he saw that the safety zone attached great importance to construction and was surrounded by mountains and rivers. If all the construction was completed, it would definitely be as solid as an iron fortress.

But after the New Year, the focus of the top leaders seemed to have changed greatly. Although the base was still under construction, anyone with a discerning eye could see that they were leaning towards external attacks.

It's not that killing zombies is bad. Only by killing zombies can this chaotic world end. But we can't put the cart before the horse and neglect the construction of the safe zone. After all, the safe zone is the last retreat for mankind. If a large amount of manpower and material resources are lost, resulting in insufficient security defense in the safe zone, the consequences will be very bad.

But he heard from other patrols that the newly expanded land in the west, where the aerial power grid was being built a while ago, had stopped construction a week ago.

Although the zombie birds that attacked in the past were not large in scale and the built power grid could block them, it was dangerous to leave a gap there.

Zhang Henghui didn't feel anything at first, but after Yu Heng explained it in detail, she also said: "It seems to be a little too frequent." She thought for a while and said: "I'll ask quietly later. I wonder if Qiu Lin has any news."

During the Chinese New Year, she went to Qiu Lin's birthday party, and the bottle of perfume she gave was considered a relatively outstanding gift, so her relationship with Qiu Lin became better.

Because Zhang Henghui had finished her work in the textile factory, she found another job after that. The comfort and treatment were definitely not comparable to those in the textile factory. Later, she met Qiu Lin in the market by chance. After chatting about the recent situation, Qiu Lin said that he would help her find a new job, so now she and Qiu Lin are sitting in the office of the Housing Authority.

Yu Heng went to work.

The success of the recent operations has greatly boosted the confidence of the people in the safe zone. As soon as this operation ended, they were already discussing the matter of signing up for the next recruitment.

"One hundred kilograms of rice is given for each trip!"

"Do ordinary people get the same?"

"You wishful thinking. That's the reward for the superpowers. Ordinary people get fifty kilograms."

"Fifty kilograms is a lot!"

When on duty, two colleagues beside me were excitedly discussing the next trip. It didn't matter if they asked for leave and had their attendance deducted.

"Watch out behind you!"

The two were so engrossed in their conversation that a zombie pounced from behind them. Yu Heng happened to be squatting and checking the isolation iron net. When he turned around, he saw the flying figure of the zombie.

The two hurriedly turned their heads together, which violated the skills in training. Normally, if there is a zombie attacking from behind, they should dodge and move as far away as possible - unless they encounter a speed-type or wood-type superpower zombie, otherwise they can guarantee that they will not be bitten to a large extent. After all, zombies are not living people, and their actions are rigid.

As a result, the zombie happened to be a superpower type, and spit out vines from its mouth, which tied up the two people and pulled them over.

Yu Heng aimed at the zombie's head and shot it.


Blood splattered all over the faces of the two men. As soon as they escaped death, their mouths and noses were overwhelmed by the stench of decay, and they vomited one after another.

Yu Heng walked over and dug out the crystal core through the iron net. It was a level 2 one.

"You are lucky. If you met a level 3, 4, or 5 zombie, you would be dead."

Last month, a colleague in the team was attacked by a level 3 wood zombie and his neck was strangled by vines in an instant.

He got on the patrol car and shouted to them: "Hurry up and follow us. It's time to hand over the shift." After saying that, he didn't wait for them and stepped on the car and left.

These two people are newcomers, not recruited. They must have some backers. They are arrogant and don't listen to discipline. He told them several times along the way not to chat, but they didn't listen. They disliked him for being annoying and stayed away from him.

As if he was rare.

Back at the gate, Yu Heng handed in the gun and flamethrower, and explained that Hua had used a bullet, signed, and handed in the crystal core.

After the handover, the two finally arrived.

Yu Heng nodded at them and went to do a blood test first. It was free. He had to do it once every time he got off work. He could enter the area only after getting an access permit.

Jiang Yongqiang curled his lips and said, "Look at him, how impressive he is. It's great to have a gun."

Guan Lin also said, "Yes, it would be great if we had a gun."

Just now, the two of them were so embarrassed, but Zhang Hengyuan was so arrogant. It was really annoying to see.

They were also handing in flamethrowers. These were all issued uniformly and could not be taken back privately. The registrar smiled and said when he heard what they said, "Don't tell me, it's really great to have a gun. There are so many ordinary patrol teams, and the captain of your team is the first to pass the exam and get a gun."

There are limited guns in the safety zone, and there is no way to equip every patrolman, so they are allocated to the captain. If the captain can't learn it no matter what, it will be allocated to the second-in-command.

"If you want to have a gun, you have to become a captain first, and then take the military district exam." The registrar was joking. After all, Zhang Hengyuan was relatively famous in the ordinary patrol team. Since he became the captain, he has only lost three people. Other patrol teams have already changed several rounds of personnel.

Therefore, the newly recruited ordinary people all wanted to join Zhang Hengyuan's team.

Guan Lin and Jiang Yongqiang discussed as they walked: "Why don't you go find your cousin?"

Jiang Yongqiang said: "And you have to know how to shoot. If I could learn, I would have learned it long ago."

"Then, how about I learn? I have a gun, isn't it the same as you having a gun?"

They have a good relationship, and after hearing this, Jiang Yongqiang really considered it seriously.

"Okay, you go learn to shoot first, and I'll tell my cousin when you learn it."

He was really confident because he heard from his father that the higher-ups wanted to rectify the patrols outside the district and planned to integrate them for unified management. He and his cousin were family, he was the team leader, Guan Lin was the second in command, they could just help his uncle.

After all, it was his cousin's superior who proposed the rectification.

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