Survival [End Times]

73, Zombie Apocalypse 29

Yu Heng never got the level 10 crystal core for the side quest, but he had quite a few level 9 crystal cores.

Later, he and Zhang Henghui went to the southeast and saw marine zombie animals for the first time. Fish, shrimps and crabs all came ashore, especially fish, which were as big as puppies and had legs to crawl, so they could crawl very fast.

Some fish can also spray fish scales, which are very sharp, and when they stick to human flesh, they will squeeze into the human flesh like they are alive and get into the blood. After that, the person will walk into the sea uncontrollably and become a meal for the zombie fish.

The rebuilt southeast base said that it was a parasitic mental control, which has no solution so far, and can only call on the hunting people to protect themselves and prevent the fish scales from getting close to them.

Yu Heng tasted a lot of fresh zombie crystal cores: kelp flavor, seaweed flavor, sea salt flavor, and grilled fish flavor...

They stayed here for a long time, and the existing crystal cores filled half of Yu Heng's storage ring.

But their appetite is getting bigger and bigger. The lower the level of crystal cores, the more they consume. The higher-level zombies are invulnerable to weapons and guns, so it is quite difficult to hunt them. After the successful hunting, the injuries also need to be healed by the intake of high-level crystal cores.

Therefore, the crystal cores in the storage ring increase quickly and are consumed quickly.

The hunting team of the Southeast Base also grumbled: Why do I feel that there are so many fewer zombie fish?

They built a tall and thick wall to isolate the sea surface. Almost every day, the wall would be crawling with zombie fish, shrimps and crabs, but it feels much less in recent years.

"The number of zombies has decreased!" This "good news" did not let everyone relax for long.

In the 17th year of the apocalypse, the rebuilt Southeast Base was besieged by zombies again. After it fell again, tens of thousands of people began to move.

I heard that the capital base was divided into districts, and there was a seventh district that did not require physical examination. So Yu Heng and Zhang Henghui mixed in and trudged all the way to the capital base.

The capital base is indeed very grand. I heard that the base is divided into six areas from the outside to the inside. The first to third areas are the original site of the capital. The third to sixth areas are expanded around the first three areas after the end of the world. Most of the refugees who came later live in the last three areas.

There is also a seventh area, which is not officially released to the public and is privately called: all those who have exceeded the zombie virus test in their bodies and have a 50% or more possibility of becoming zombies and are not allowed to live in the base, all live here.

Adhering to the principle of humanistic care, the capital base did not expel these people with excessive indexes, and even opened a special testing channel in the sixth area for re-testing these people. As long as the zombie virus index in the body drops below 50%, they can get access certificates again.

Therefore, people who have fallen into the seventh area are not completely hopeless and can only wait to die.

There is still hope to get in! The survivors who were turned away shouted in their hearts.

There is still a chance to go back! The original residents who were expelled from the area because of the increase in the zombie virus index screamed.

Therefore, District 7 is destined not to be a dead grave. It is full of struggles and plunders. In the final analysis, it comes down to one word: survival!

Yu Heng and Zhang Henghui did not participate in the test, but settled down in District 7.

The long-lost people made them feel at home even when they quarreled and fought.

There are local tyrants in different places, and District 7 has one too. It is said that he came from District 3, an eighth-level ice-type supernaturalist, who is respectfully called Boss Jiang. This area is controlled by him and his men, and the focus includes housing, transactions, and sales, which are all monopolized by them.

Yu Heng rented a two-bedroom, one-living-room house in a place similar to the Housing Authority in District 7 with a fifth-level crystal core. In the seventeenth year of the apocalypse, prices have changed a lot. Fortunately, Yu Heng lacks everything, but crystal cores are the least.

The clerk looked at Yu Heng's figure with curiosity and said to the people around him: "A level 5 crystal core was taken out casually. Doesn't this ordinary person have a backer?"

"How do you know he is an ordinary person? Maybe his superpowers are stronger than yours?"

"Impossible, look at this, it's not lit at all, this can sense the magnetic field of superpowers, different superpowers have different colors, although it is only a first-generation product, it can still distinguish between superpowers and ordinary people."

This is a small instrument, only the size of a palm.

"Where did this come from?"

"...From the first district."

"The first district."

Yes, the first district. Both of them fell silent, and they no longer had the desire to explore the rare and generous ordinary man.

The house was built roughly, but it was already considered a high-end building in the seventh district. After all, shacks, tents, wooden houses...occupied the majority. People who couldn't afford to buy or rent a house built shelters on their own, creating a unique landscape in the seventh district.

Water was collected from the river outside. Zhang Henghui collected water to clean the house, while Yu Heng went to the second-hand market to collect two wooden beds and a set of tables and chairs. A new life began again.

They began to observe how the people in District 7 lived.

Because of the powerful military force of the capital base, a large safe area was cleared at the beginning of the apocalypse. Because of the capital's own aura, in addition to local residents, a large number of survivors were also absorbed in the early stage, providing strong support for the construction of the base.

When the base construction began to take shape, it successfully resisted three zombie sieges and expanded further.

Its management is also commendable. In troubled times, heavy punishments are used to create new order. Zoning management is implemented to divide internal conflicting forces and transform internal conflicts into district construction. After that, the construction of each district is catching up with each other, and the base construction is thriving.

Not to mention the super advanced research power of the capital base.

Of course, these are the superficial contents that Yu Heng has learned these days. The down-and-out man wrapped in a straw mat wandering on the street corner has been talking there since the day Yu Heng first met him. He claimed that he had lived in the second district and witnessed the prosperity of the capital base. He knew everything about the capital base.

Yu Heng heard it twice and felt that the dry goods were limited.

Apart from other things, just talking about life in the seventh district, there is only one word: monotonous.

Because the physical indicators are not up to standard, even if there are people who are good at agriculture, the crops and vegetables they grow will not be bought by anyone in the nearest sixth district, for fear of being contaminated by bad luck. From this inference, the economic chain of the seventh district is closed and self-sufficient.

Things can't be sold, and the things sold in the sixth district are expensive, so most people choose to go out hunting.

Because the capital base is powerful, the zombies nearby have been cleared out. In recent years, they have been intensively researching and spraying medicine outside, making the zombies below level 7 "haunted" and unable to smell the strong human smell.

Slowly, there is a large vacuum area outside the capital base with no people and zombies.

To hunt zombies, you need to go four or five kilometers, or even seven or eight kilometers away.

Boss Jiang's team has a car to drive, which is very rare today after more than ten years of the end of the world. Of course, it is rare to be able to drive, because fuel is now quite scarce.

Every five days, Boss Jiang's two buses will wait outside the simple wall of the seventh district near the gate. Five level 3 crystal cores per person can take a ride, and the count will be restarted after getting off the bus. The terminal is the monument nine kilometers away from here.

The bus departs on Friday and returns on Sunday, so those who want to return must wait at the monument in time, otherwise they will have to stay outside for a week before they can meet the next bus to take them back.

Yu Heng observed once, and the second time he got on the bus with Zhang Henghui.

The noisy conversations in the car reflected the various survival situations in the seventh district:

"We must kill at least ten level three zombies this time, so that this trip will be profitable."

"Ten is not enough. Now one kilogram of rice requires a level three crystal core. Minus the six for the passengers, four level three crystal cores buy four kilograms of rice, which is not enough for a family to eat for a week."

"That's because you have a large family. Anyway, I eat alone, and there is some left. I will exchange it for another cigarette..."

"Oh, Lao Wu, why doesn't your son come out with you? At least there will be more helpers."

"Hehe, he is still young."

"Three years ago, you said he was still young. I remember he is nineteen this year, right? You can't do this. Nowadays, every child is taught to kill zombies at the age of seven or eight..."

Yu Heng and Zhang Henghui sat at the back, listening to the people on the car talking with relish. One after another, those who didn't dare to walk too far got off the bus first. The braver ones with small teams got off later, and even followed Jiang Lao Da and his team to the terminal and followed them to pick up leaks.

After looking in one direction, Yu Heng and Zhang Henghui started their own hunting.

There were really few zombies. After two days of hard work, they ran into other people several times in this area, but only encountered five zombies, one level five, two level four and two level three.

Yu Heng felt that this harvest was too little, and planned to go to a farther place. Zhang Henghui also thought that they should not go back for the time being, anyway, they could survive outside. She was thinking about the cost of settling in the seventh district these days.

Most people are like this, facing a mountain of gold and silver, few people are not tempted. Especially this is not an ordinary mountain of gold and silver, but the only recipe. No matter how disgusting the zombies are, no matter how smelly they are, who can go against the recipe.

And when she arrived at the capital base, looking at the scale and strength of this place that is far stronger than the Lutong safe zone, she seriously thought about what she and her brother should eat after killing all the zombies.

This is an absurd worry, but it really bothers Zhang Henghui: their brother and sister are super healthy. After they stopped eating and vomiting, their bodies stopped decaying, and even their appearance returned to the appearance of their early thirties. The brother's leg injury has also completely healed.

It is estimated that they can live for decades.

Decades? With her confidence in the capital base, the zombies have been wiped out long ago.

So this issue is really worth discussing.

After listening to Zhang Henghui's worrying questions, Yu Heng paused for a moment before saying: "Sister, what you said makes sense."

So the two people who were worried about future food stayed outside for another week.

After Yu Heng's experiment, his and Zhang Henghui's strength is comparable to that of a level nine zombie, or a level nine mutant. This makes them invincible outside, because they have not encountered zombies above level seven this week.

The biggest gain is in a family-style winemaking workshop. This place is very far away from the capital base, and even several kilometers away from the terminal. The two of them were actually sleeping less now, so they pushed forward when they had nothing to do, and they walked so far without realizing it.

It was an accident that they found this brewery. When they were watching the moon and eating supper on a roof, suddenly car lights came from afar, and then several cars rushed over and hit the zombies on the street.

With Yu Heng's eyesight, he could see a giant zombie and a speed zombie chasing behind.

The giant zombie is more than two meters tall, and the ground shakes when it runs, while the speed zombie runs at an astonishing speed. It is visually estimated that it is a level 6 or above zombie, but it quickly catches up with the car behind it and jumps heavily onto it. The car roof, and then smashed the car roof crazily.

To be honest, speed-type zombies would definitely not be able to penetrate through this layer of modified iron in a short period of time. But maybe because it was too dark at night and I was anxious, the car suddenly hit the fence on the roadside for some reason, changed direction and hit another place, and the car overturned in just a few seconds.

The car window was shattered, and the person who climbed out was bitten by the zombie next to him.

Yu Heng and Zhang Henghui ran downstairs when they first saw it. After all, they now have the energy to spare and cannot watch indifferently.

But the building they chose had nine floors. They stayed on the roof. When they ran down, the car had been overturned by giant zombies, and there was no one alive.

The bloody smell here attracted zombies from other streets to wander over, but in just a few minutes, the traces of the lives of an unknown number of people in this car completely disappeared.

"Sigh." Zhang Henghui shook his head: "No matter how hard you try, it's best not to go out at night." It's dark at night, and zombies can come out to bite you out of the blue, which is very dangerous.

Yu Heng climbed onto the giant zombie's body, endured the stench, stood on its shoulders, and blew its head off while it was walking in a daze.

The bullet entered through the zombie's ear. After the zombie reaches the seventh level, its body becomes stronger, especially the ninth level zombie, which is invulnerable. He has encountered it several times in the past few years, and it took a long time to grind it to death when working with Zhang Henghui.

Therefore, the two of them now shoot directly at the eyes or ears, so that they will not be in the dilemma of discovering after shooting that the zombies at level 7 cannot be killed.

With a bang, the giant zombie fell to the ground, and the first half of its body hit the wall next to it. This wall must have been hit by a car, but at this time it was hit by a giant zombie, and it collapsed instantly.

When Yu Heng jumped in to dig out the crystal cores, he saw several iron buckets. After digging out the crystal cores, he walked a few steps inside and saw an iron bed. He felt a little strange, and suddenly remembered that he had seen this kind of thing in a book, and it seemed to be used for making wine.

After careful observation, it seemed that this was a small folk brewing workshop.

"The book says that after the wine is produced, the wine jar will be sealed with mud and buried underground, and you can drink it in a year." Zhang Henghui thought for a while and looked around: "How about we dig it up and take a look?"

Yu Heng smiled: "Let's dig again tomorrow and go to bed first."

However, the two of them didn't take it seriously at first, they were just joking. After dawn the next day, seventeen sealed mud jars were dug under the ground in the yard.

Opening one, there is a tangy aroma of wine inside.

"Wow, it is indeed wine. According to this calculation, this is wine buried before the end of the world. It has been more than ten years, right?"

"It should be, it smells pretty good."

Yu Heng sealed the wine jar again. No matter how fragrant it is, it won't taste good, and drinking it will be a waste.

Putting away all the wine jars, the two of them walked out. The car outside has turned into iron, and a swarm of flies is buzzing around it.

If only the car hadn't broken down and they could have driven it back. Yu Heng does have a lot of gasoline. Very few people can go inside the city, so there are a lot of books. Some gas stations are also well-preserved.

Zhang Henghui said: "It doesn't matter, we can just look for him again. It depends on fate."

After that, they headed towards the monument, planning to kill zombies as they walked, if they could meet this week's bus.

It's just that they waited there on Sunday evening, but they didn't see this bus. There happened to be a motorcade passing by, and Yu Heng and Zhang Henghui stepped aside. Unexpectedly, one of the cars suddenly turned back, and a woman came out and looked at Yu Heng with complicated eyes: "It's you after all."

Seeing Yu Heng looking at her strangely, she chuckled: "I haven't seen you for many years. It seems you have forgotten me."

The woman flipped up her long curly hair and raised her red lips: "I am Tao Tiantian, do you remember me?"

"Oh." Yu Heng was somewhat impressed, but he didn't remember who it was.

Tao Tiantian saw it and gritted her teeth: "Zhang Hengyuan, you can do it." She waved her hand, and a large ice pick hit it. Yu Heng and Zhang Henghui separated and dodged at the same time.

The speed of the two of them is now comparable to that of a level 9 zombie, and their strength is comparable to that of a level 9 power zombie. This shows how fast they can dodge.

Tao Tiantian was very angry when her attack failed, and she threw out another large ice pick, but it still didn't hurt the opponent at all.

But Yu Heng had already dodged over and clamped her hands and neck.

"??, let me go!" Tao Tiantian had ice picks all over her body, but she still couldn't get away. Her neck was clamped, and her vision went black. She was going to die.

"Let her go!"

A man who was sitting in the car watching the show also ran out: "Brother, if you have something to say, please tell me!"

"Oh." Yu Heng allowed the sharp ice pick to pierce his body. Although it couldn't penetrate, he was still very annoyed: "Do you think she wants to talk nicely?" Tao Tiantian rolled her eyes when she pressed her hand harder. I can no longer control the ice pick.

A lot of ice picks fell on the ground.

"Brother! Don't get excited. Let Sister Tao go first. We can discuss anything!"

"Okay, take out all the crystal nuclei on your body."

The man's expression changed: "Brother, this-hey, calm down! I'll give it to you!"

As Tao Tiantian screamed, Yu Heng pulled the knife from her arm and motioned to Zhang Henghui to pick it up.

After receiving a bag, Zhang Henghui came to Tao Tiantian and took out a bag from her.

"Okay, get lost."

Yu Heng pushed Tao Tiantian away, letting her sit on the ground, and called Zhang Henghui and left.

"Sister Tao, are you okay?"

Tao Tiantian stood up with the help of the man, covering her bleeding arm with a gloomy face.

"Let's go! The boss and the others are ahead, and we won't be able to catch up later."

When the two got in the car, the man said, "That man is quite powerful. Sister Tao, you have a seventh-level ability, so he must be eight, right? By the way, Sister Tao, you have to return the crystal core I just gave you. Don't worry, I won't cheat you. I remember very clearly how many crystal cores there are and what level they are."

Tao Tiantian was bandaging her wound. After hearing this, her hand felt heavy and she grimaced in pain.

"Okay, okay, I'll go back and return it to you."

After thinking about it, she was still unwilling. Zhang Hengyuan was even more powerful than her! For a moment, she was jealous and distressed.

In fact, she didn't have deep feelings for Zhang Hengyuan. He was just one of the countless people who pursued her back then. He won her favor because he was too stupid and had a lot of money. When Zhang Hengyuan left her, she just felt embarrassed and embarrassed in front of her roommates. She thought that she would never care about him again in the future.

But the end of the world came. Among the three roommates, one roommate had superpowers, and the boyfriend of another roommate had superpowers. Only she had no superpowers and no boyfriend around. Slowly, as survival became more and more difficult, she, a delicate girl, was left behind.

Watching her friends fleeing, she once again resented Zhang Hengyuan, why did he abandon her, leaving her alone and helpless.

Although even if Zhang Hengyuan was there, he might not be able to protect her, but she always had to find someone to resent.

However, those resentments have been almost forgotten for so many years, but she actually saw Zhang Hengyuan again today!

Although she later awakened her superpowers and has been doing well in recent years, a person in her thirties who is about to turn forty will look old no matter how she maintains herself.

But Zhang Hengyuan looked only a little more mature. People would believe he was 25 or 26. This was the main reason why she could recognize him at a glance. If he was unshaven, old and haggard, she might not recognize him from the glance outside the car window.

In the end, it was still hard to let go!

Zhang Henghui asked, "Who is that? Why did he shout and kill as soon as he saw you?"

"My former college classmate, I can't remember clearly." Yu Heng thought about it again, and finally found out who Tao Tiantian was from Zhang Hengyuan's memory. She was speechless for a while.

"I think it's more than that." Zhang Henghui saw that his eyes were floating, and smiled and asked, "Isn't it the peach blossom debt you caused in the past?"

"Hey, no. Hey sister, look, the bus is here!"

The dirty bus drove over, and Yu Heng and Zhang Henghui got on the bus.

There were already a group of people on the bus, and they looked like they were in the same group. One after another, many people rushed over, and soon the bus was full.

"It's seven o'clock, it's open!" The driver shouted and started the car.

The sunset glowed red, Yu Heng leaned against the broken car window and looked at it in a trance. Suddenly, he stretched out his right hand and stabbed the zombie that flew to the car window quickly and accurately, and then picked it up.

"Good! Good skills!"

The people around him who saw this scene couldn't help but cheer. Yu Heng swung the knife and put it back.

"Hey, brother, do you want to join us?"

A woman came over, half black and half yellow, pointed at the car and said: "Look, this car is our boss Jiang, isn't it powerful?"

It was really powerful, Yu Heng nodded: "But I don't want to join you, thank you for your kindness."

"Oh, Lone Ranger? That's fine, if you change your mind, you can come to me again." The woman sat back neatly, facing her companions' jokes, she cursed: "Go away, what are you arguing about, just sit down."

The group of people may have a good relationship, regardless of gender, and they started singing while arguing. The woman who invited Yu Heng looked to be in her early twenties. She must have grown up in the apocalypse. Her eyes were fierce and fierce, and she laughed fearlessly.

Yu Heng felt the noise around him with some comfort. This was why he and Zhang Henghui chose to come to the crowd again after leaving that remote gathering place.

The car drove back to District 7 with laughter.

The next day, Yu Heng and Zhang Henghui found the fixed stall of Jiang Lao Da and his team at the market in District 7. There were eight rooms in a row, all of which were Jiang Lao Da's territory. The things sold here can be said to be the most complete in District 7, and you can even buy other goods from the first six districts.

Here, the vegetables, fruits and rice from the first six districts are the most expensive. For example, Yu Heng saw a shriveled apple and wanted to sell a third-level crystal core.

The key point is that there are really people who buy it. Later, after Yu Heng and Qiu Yun got to know each other, he found out that the people in the seventh district firmly believed that eating food from the first six districts would not increase the zombie virus index in their bodies because of its purity, and would even help reduce it.

"Is it true?" Zhang Henghui asked.

He remembered that Qiu Yun rolled her eyes: "It must be fake! They are just a bunch of idiots with crystal cores but nowhere to spend them."

But that was later. Now he met Qiu Yun, a woman in her early twenties who was full of energy all the time: "Hey! Brother, have you figured it out?"

Yu Heng was puzzled: "What did you figure out?"

Qiu Yun took the apple from his hand: "This one doesn't look good. If you want to buy it, I can get you a fresher one. Didn't you figure it out and join us?"

"No." Yu Heng shook his head and looked around the counter: "I want to ask, do you accept goods in your store?"

"Oh." Qiu Yun put down the apple and looked at him with support: "Yes, what do you want to sell? I'll give you an estimate."

Yu Heng brought out a jar of wine: "How much is this wine worth?" He and Zhang Henghui couldn't drink this wine, so it would be better to sell some crystal cores to make snacks. Speaking of which, all the useful things in his storage rings were left to the small gathering place. Now, in the twelve storage rings, except for crystal cores and some daily necessities, they are empty.

Zhang Henghui has a long-term goal, which is to fill Yu Heng's space with crystal cores.

This, ahem, is a good ideal, and Yu Heng certainly supports it with both hands.

Therefore, this time they went out and brought back all the miscellaneous things, and they planned to sell them.

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