Survival [End Times]

77, Zombie Apocalypse 33

Zeng Xinyun had a bad life in her previous life. Before the apocalypse, she ignored her parents' dissuasion and insisted on going out to date her boyfriend even after dark. As a result, her boyfriend, who had agreed to meet her, called her after she arrived at the date and said that his mother would not let him go out.

She had clearly confirmed with him whether to reschedule, but he said that he would meet her!

Zombies appeared on the way home. Fortunately, she drove out by herself and ran around without being approached by zombies.

However, she still failed to return home smoothly in the end. A 19-year-old girl who had not awakened her superpowers and did not dare to kill zombies at all, how difficult would it be to survive in this cannibalistic environment?

She could only follow one man after another, but fortunately, she was very lucky and lived like that. On the way to escape, she met a woman named Jiang Baili.

This was a woman that made her envy and jealous from the bottom of her heart. They were both young women, and both were cowardly women who could only scream when they saw zombies, but Jiang Baili lived a better life than her.

Because she had superpowers, spatial superpowers.

When running for her life, she was always the one who was abandoned, but Jiang Baili was always the one who was fully protected and retreated.

In the days that followed, she met Jiang Baili twice by chance. Each time, she was holding the hands of different men, but Jiang Baili lived a good life. The men all provided for her. Even if she also relied on men, she lived a high and mighty life.

The man she relied on at that time said after getting drunk: Jiang Baili's space is not ordinary, she can also farm and have water sources. It's a pity that he can't get her!

She didn't meet Jiang Baili again, but this lucky woman was engraved in her heart. The jealousy in her heart was entangled into a cocoon, so that she consciously inquired about Jiang Baili's news after arriving at the capital base.

Later, she became a mistress of a middle-level person, and heard some news from the top. Sure enough, after hearing the news about Jiang Baili, she abandoned her man at the time after arriving at the capital base and joined the army. Even so, the man did not dare to hate her betrayal.

That was the object she had always looked up to in the swamp. She was jealous of her and envied her.

Later, she found her brother and parents at the Capital Base. Her brother was a superpower, so life became better.

Later, the Capital Base was divided into districts, and her sister-in-law Zhang Henghui was found to be substandard and was expelled.

After that, her brother remarried a wife who was a superpower, which made their family's life better.

She never got married, played around in the world, and had no worries about food and clothing under the care of her brother. Later, her brother was killed in the mission to eliminate the tenth-level zombie king. At this time, her parents had already passed away, and her sister-in-law refused to support her, an older sister-in-law, and her life suddenly fell from heaven to hell.

After finding out that she was reborn, she was in the garage at home, planning to drive out for a date.

This time she did not go out, and smoothly passed the first wave of danger at home. Fortunately, Zhang Henghui bought a lot of things and the family carried it for a long time. Then her brother had superpowers... everything was so beautiful.

Later, among the people who fled to their community, she saw Jiang Baili.

Jiang Baili, who has a mutant space, can farm and has water sources!!

But at this time, Jiang Baili seemed to have not awakened her superpowers. She was timid like she was in her previous life, using her beauty to get protection.

Such a humble Jiang Baili made her happy. But soon she thought of the superpowers that Jiang Baili would get in the future. She was jealous, but she couldn't take that superpower away.

Jiang Baili now didn't have the capital to be arrogant, so she should find a way to win her over. For a better life in the future, that little jealousy is not worth anything.

She swept her eyes over her sister-in-law: a woman who has no superpowers in her life and will be expelled to the garbage seventh district by the capital base in the future, compared with Jiang Baili who will have great benefits in the future, Zhang Henghui is simply useless.

Yes, that's right, even after she was expelled to the seventh district, the family was indeed in chaos for a while because she was missing, no one did the housework, and no one took care of her parents. But as long as there is money, can't you just find a nanny?

Zhang Henghui is not irreplaceable.

Zeng Xinyun quickly decided that the best way to bind a woman who is now like duckweed is to use a man who provides her with protection.

When she becomes her brother's woman and wife, it is best to get pregnant immediately! Even if she becomes rich in the future, will she dare to leave? Even if she arrives at the capital base, she will still go to climb high branches, and then she will not be able to leave whenever she wants.

With me, I will definitely help my brother sell her for a good price. I will not let my brother be like the useless man in the previous life, who can't even catch a blade of grass.

The plan went smoothly, and Jiang Baili bit the bait she threw out with joy! And her parents and brother knew about her adventure as early as the first day of the apocalypse, and later what she said came true one by one. Therefore, they all agreed with her plan.

The brother originally had feelings for that waste Zhang Henghui and felt sorry for her, but this unnecessary emotion soon disappeared with Jiang Baili's pregnancy.

Later, Zhang Henghui's younger brother came over, and this person who had never appeared in the previous life took Zhang Henghui away. Zeng Xinyun sneered. After leaving his home, Zhang Henghui still wanted to enter the capital base alive? He must be dreaming!

But even in this life, with the support of his prophet, his brother raised a group of people, but when the city was falling, they left the community and went to the capital base, but they still failed to protect their parents.

Both her parents died, one died at the mouth of a zombie, and the other died of illness.

Zeng Xinyun vaguely remembered what her father said in her previous life: Zhang Henghui took good care of the two old people on the way to escape, and asked her not to lose her temper with her sister-in-law.

She sneered at the time. Zhang Henghui herself is an ordinary person, how can she take care of her parents? Isn't it her brother's power?

She thought that without Zhang Henghui in this life, with Jiang Baili, their family could live better.

But her parents died on the road!

What made her even more unacceptable was that after Jiang Baili gave birth to the child, she still had no superpowers. In the previous life, Jiang Baili clearly said that her superpowers were awakened by herself, not through zombie bites. Why did she have good food and drink in this life, but no superpowers? !

When her brother questioned her again about this matter, she took her anger out on Jiang Baili, and in a rage, she took the jade bracelet Jiang Baili gave her from her hand and threw it to the ground.

When the brother and sister parted unhappily, Jiang Baili walked out from the corner holding the child.

She bent down with difficulty to pick up the jade bracelet that was broken into four or five sections on the ground. The moment the bracelet broke just now, she felt her heart suddenly beat. Now holding the bracelet in her palm, she felt a sense of loss.

She looked at the broken bracelet in her hand blankly, as if she had lost something very precious.

"Wow..." The child in her arms cried, and she hurried to comfort the child and put that feeling behind her.

Fourteen years after the end of the world, Zeng Xinyun was found to have substandard body indexes and was forcibly expelled to the seventh district. She resisted and quarreled, but in the end she still refused to accept her fate.

Zeng Lianzhi was busy with his tasks and handed the task of delivering subsidies to his wife Jiang Baili. Jiang Baili resented Zeng Xinyun because of his inconsistent attitude towards her, especially the difficulties he made for her after arriving at the Capital Base.

She withheld the subsidy and concealed Zeng Xinyun's true situation.

Zeng Xinyun, who relied on her brother who was an eighth-level superpower, acted arrogantly, but she could not get the support of her brother in the fourth district. When the money she took out was exhausted, she was finally identified as a liar, and the people who flattered her suddenly became sharp blades stabbing her.

After Zeng Xinyun died, Zeng Lianzhi only sighed and said that she was just unlucky. After sighing, he went out again on the pretext of work. He recently got together with the godsister of a mercenary group leader, and they were inseparable.

He could not see the murderous intent hidden under his wife's sallow face.

On the second day, Yu Heng and Zhang Henghui arrived at the Capital Base with the large army and officially moved into the seventh district.

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