Survival [End Times]

87, Real World 10

Yu's father had the upper hand from the beginning, and he tried to push Yu Heng's hand towards him, but he couldn't do it, and was even pushed back by Yu Heng. They confronted each other in the middle, going back and forth, and neither of them gave in.

Yu's father was so excited that his face turned red. Yu Heng observed carefully and felt that Yu's father must have been affected by the legacy of "assimilation" and had acquired some characteristics of the other party: such as carnivorousness and great strength.

Thinking back carefully, his father was most likely assimilated by the "sheep". After all, his father accidentally drank its blood, and then his father began to be abnormal.

But fortunately, his father maintained his human form, with only a few changes, and according to rt9009, as long as he remained rational, even if he succeeded in assimilation,

it was good to be alive and remember them.

In the end, Father Yu still lost to Yu Heng. He was surprised: "When did you become so strong?!"

"During the time you were unconscious, I have been exercising."

"Not bad, you must keep doing it in the future."


After going back and forth a few times, Father Yu's energy dissipated, and his face showed fatigue.

Seeing a pile of things on the ground over there, he asked: "What is that?" After hearing Yu Heng's explanation, he said: "I can do this, I'll help you. Anyway, I'm not sleepy."


"How big do you want to weave?"

"About two meters by two meters, it doesn't matter if it's a little smaller, as long as it can surround the windows of the house."

"Okay, I'll do it. I'll nail it tomorrow."

The two of them started weaving together, talking in a low voice. Yu Heng told Father Yu about what happened in the past few days, including what he saw and heard when he went out, and the changes in the community.

"What's wrong with this world?" Father Yu sighed, his hands kept working.

|"We will definitely survive."

Hearing Yu Heng's words, Yu's father looked up at his son - his eyesight, he could actually see at night? He looked carefully again in doubt and could indeed see his son's expression. He looked at a small candle stuck on the ground on his left hand, and the candle went out at some point.

"What's wrong with Dad?"

Yu's father saw his son's eyes meet his own, as if he could really see his own eyes in the dark.

"Xiao Heng, can you see me? The candle is out."


"I can see you too!" Yu's father was afraid of his thighs, and he lowered his voice excitedly and said: "Don't you think it's weird? I think we have become weird since the outside became weird!"

Yu Heng then realized that his father could also see at night, but his eyesight was improved because of cultivation, and his father should have gained the ability to eat animals at night.

After thinking about it, he still had to talk to his father about the dangers of those animals and plants, especially assimilation. It was also his negligence. Although his mother didn't go out, he had to let her know. Only with awe in mind can we take precautions - being bitten by an animal is not a matter of rabies vaccination.

"Dad, let me tell you something."

Yu Heng lowered his eyes and said while knitting. The eyes of Yu's father opposite him were wide open, "How did you know this?"

"I don't know either. It seems that I suddenly understand a lot of things. I can't figure it out. Dad, do you think I am sick?"

The answer to him was a strong slap from Yu's father. Yu Heng shrank his back and grinned: "Dad, you forgot your great strength. My back is about to fall apart because of you."

Yu's father rubbed him vigorously again and cursed in a low voice: "This is the blessing of the Bodhisattva, a good thing! How can there be any illness? It must be a sudden enlightenment. You are lucky. This is not a disease. Don't think or talk nonsense."

When he sent his father away, his father told him a big thing. Some people will suddenly know something, which is said to be the awakening of past wisdom, or it may be that the soul returns to the body, and the returning soul brings the wisdom learned elsewhere.

It's mysterious, but it's true, because there have been three in their family tree, dating back to the Tang Dynasty, and there was one in the Republic of China.

"If you meet such a younger generation in the future, you must guide him to hide in the world, not to force himself to be in the limelight, and to keep a low profile to pass on the family. However, such geniuses generally have their own ideas. You must pay attention to the method of persuasion and explain it to them in detail. If you show off your talents, you will not last long..."

"Your grandfather told me before he left, and asked me to pass this paragraph to you before I die. There are many extraordinary things in our family's bloodline. You are what your grandfather said, another wise person in our family!"

Yu Heng didn't expect that he just wanted to cover it up, but he heard such a "family secret"?

"Dad, is this true?"

Yu's father frowned: "It must be true. Could it be that your grandfather lied to me before he died?" After that, he told Yu Heng in detail about the experiences of the three elders of his ancestors. After that, he said seriously:

"Originally, I should wait until I die to tell you about this. By then, you will be older and more sensible, and you will not spread it. But now that you have an adventure, I have to tell you in advance."

"Don't be so showy. There are not so many great heroes and saviors for you! We can help as much as we can. Don't be vain. This is the legacy of our ancestors. Excessive squandering will hurt your blessings. Remember to be low-key and cautious, and don't let others find out that you are abnormal."

"Did you hear that?"

Yu Heng nodded: "I heard it."

Yu's father touched his head and sighed: "You are still so young, Dad is afraid that you are impetuous and will tell everything to others, and then you will hurt yourself."

He has never seen his own behavior, so it is normal to worry about himself. After all, before he fell into a coma, he was still a crybaby, unsophisticated, and unable to withstand difficulties.

Therefore, Yu Heng humbly taught everything, and nodded to whatever Yu's father said to reassure him.

"Okay, I will tell your mother about the precautions you just told me, and I will also tell her about your problem, so that we can help you cover it up in the future."

"Well, thank you, Dad."

The two were busy until more than twelve o'clock, and finally packed up all the rattan sticks, so they went to bed.

After getting up in the morning, the family had breakfast. Yu's father still ate canned meat, and only drank a bowl of porridge under the coercion of Yu's mother.

He knew in his heart that he must not let his temper only eat meat-he is still a human being! The diet must be adjusted slowly. Although meat is the staple food, in order to maintain a balanced and healthy body, other foods should also be eaten. Even if they don't like it very much.

"Then let's nail these rattan nets today."

The father and son worked separately, and Yu's mother handed them things from below.

Fortunately, the father and son had become stronger, and they used hammers to nail the steel nails directly to the outer wall. The nails were nailed diagonally downward, and four were hammered so that the rattan nets could be hung up. Then nails were hammered into other places, and iron wires were wrapped around the nails to fix them. Then the iron wires were passed through the rattan nets until the rattan nets were fixed on the wall.

This yellow rattan is still effective even if it dries up and withers. If nothing unexpected happens, these rattan nets will be used to protect the home in the future.

Because it was troublesome to have two balconies, one large and one small, the family worked for a whole morning. Many neighbors came to watch and asked what they were doing.

Yu's father said happily: "Reinforce the windows to prevent anything from hitting the glass."

Some people also asked where this kind of rattan was. Yu's father had already asked Yu Heng, so he answered the place himself - he didn't want his son to be too conspicuous outside.

Some people also asked if it was difficult to weave, and Yu's father said he could teach them. For those who asked them to borrow some woven rattan nets, Yu's father smiled and ignored them.

The man continued to talk, and Yu's mother sprayed back: "Wang Lijun, you gave birth to two daughters, right? How come you can't carry anything on your shoulders or hands? You always stare at other people's free labor. Do you have any shame?"

It can be seen how much Wang Lijun's behavior these days annoyed Yu's mother, which made her directly turn against her.

However, Wang Lijun's temper is even more irritating. She has borrowed from neighbors for these years with her mouth. Now she can't stand Yu's mother scolding her, so she directly scolds her.

The two women scolded each other, and Yu's mother handed nails and hammers to her husband and son while arguing.

After the work was done, she closed the door and ignored her mother.

Father Yu was somewhat amazed, and whispered to Yu Heng: "How come your mother's fighting power has become so strong all of a sudden?"

"I don't know."

"Why do I feel that you don't like to talk much?"

Yu Heng laughed: "No way. By the way, Dad, you can do exercise with me and Mom in the afternoon to keep fit."

So after dinner in the afternoon, the family studied together after a good lunch break.

"This book is printed really well, where did you get it?"

Mother Yu gave him a crook: "Why ask so many questions, just practice well."

"Mom and Dad, I may have some... different things to take out in the future, but I can't tell you where they come from, Dad, you know the reason--"

Father Yu nodded immediately: "I understand!" I don't know what he was thinking, "You don't have to explain to me and your mom one by one, we all understand."

"You don't have to explain to your dad, I didn't ask you anything, it was your dad who asked, without any expression. Come on, Baoer, Mom doesn't understand this, you tell Mom."

In such an atmosphere, Yu Heng felt unprecedented ease and comfort.

The family studied happily until the evening, when they suddenly heard crying.

The crying was loud and sharp, coming from upstairs.

"Oh, what happened upstairs? Why are they crying like this?"

"Let's go upstairs and take a look."

The couple decided to go upstairs and take a look, and Yu Heng followed silently.

When they reached the seventh floor, they found that many people had come out, and the candles and flashlights illuminated the corridor.

The crying was deafening and became more and more obvious.

"What happened to the Zheng family? Why are they crying so hard at night?"

"I don't know, is there something wrong?"

"Knock on the door and see if anyone needs help."

But no one opened the door after knocking, only the continuous crying came from the crack of the door.

"Why do I feel so panicked?"

"Xiao Zheng? Sister Zheng? Is your family okay? Open the door!"

After a long time, someone came to open the door. When the flashlight was shone, it was Zheng Xiaobo, the youngest son of the family. Yu Heng remembered that he was the one who came to the house to borrow anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs last night.

His eyes were red as walnuts: "Nothing happened to our family. My brother passed away. My mother and sister-in-law are so sad. I am sorry to have disturbed everyone."

Tears fell as he spoke, but he still apologized to the uncle and aunt outside, and was very polite.

"What do you mean he passed away? Your brother--"

A shrill cry came from the house: "Little?" 't you die of fever?"

Many people left messages: "If you need help, call us. We're going home first."

The Yu family did the same, but some people insisted on asking clearly: "Hey, how did your brother die?" "Tell me about it!"

Zheng Xiaobo was young and embarrassed, so he burst into tears. Later, his mother came over and cursed him, and then locked the door.

"What? Tell me what happened. Who knows if it's an infectious disease?" Wang Lijun pouted and scratched her hand while going downstairs, "Why are these mosquitoes so fierce!"

Yu's mother came home and sighed, "Why is Wang Lijun so - talkative!" Someone in the family died, what's there to ask about, it makes the family members so sad.

"Just ignore her." Yu's father shook his head, "How can this person's life be so fragile? He's gone just like that."


The couple sighed there.

For Yu Heng, these neighbors have almost become bubbles in his memory, and there is no emotion, so he didn't feel anything. Listening to his parents talking over there, he probably didn't feel like practicing anymore, so he said, "I'm going to sleep, good night, mom and dad."

"Go ahead, if the room is stuffy, open the door."


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