Survival [End Times]

94, Real World 17

After the heavy rain, many new things did emerge in the forest.

For example, there were many wild mushrooms.

Yu Heng carefully checked the [All Plant Encyclopedia], picked out all the non-toxic and edible ones, and told others in detail.

"If you are not sure, show it to me, otherwise don't take it at all, be careful of poisoning."

This time, Yu Heng's goal was to find food. Therefore, he and his father tied a plastic bucket on their backs to use as a backpack. Later, Cui Nan saw it and went back home to get a bucket.

There are also some edible wild vegetables, all of which grow in the rain. Yu Heng saw clusters of edible wild vegetables that looked like weeds in many puddles. After two days, when the puddles dry up, these wild vegetables will dry up, and the roots will sink into the ground, and they will not grow out until the next rainy day.

"Are these really edible?" Huang Zhenling asked softly.


"How do you know? These look like weeds."

Father Yu rushed to say: "Read more books, they are all in the books!"

The innocent Huang Zhenling was fooled, while Huang Sumei rolled her eyes and followed behind to pick them.

When they arrived at the yellow vine forest, several people had already harvested a lot.

"This is it, you can cut it yourself, we will be back before twelve o'clock."

Huang Sumei looked at the yellow vine tree and worried: "How can I climb it!"

Father Yu said: "Or we can cut it on the ground, but it is too short to make a net, but we can chop it up and dry it to make insect repellent powder, which can also be used."

"Oh, Brother Yu is so smart! Let's do it!"

Father Yu rubbed his goose bumps and chased his son.

Soon Cui Nan caught seven or eight snakes, tied them into a knot and threw them into the bucket, and the snakes did not move.

"I didn't expect Xiao Cui to be a master at catching snakes, hahaha... Oh, that thing looks good, it looks delicious at first glance!"

Father Yu saw an unknown animal half a person's height from a distance, and subconsciously thought it was delicious.

"Dad, do you think it's edible?"

"Yes! The meat is very tender, especially the liver--" He got stuck in the middle of the sentence.

"Let's go."

Yu Heng walked over lightly and began to aim at the range. As a result, the animal reacted very quickly and ran away with its hooves.


Cui Nan looked at the father and son of the Yu family running away like lightning in a daze, panting and holding on to the tree.

"They ran too fast!"

The little black snake crawled out of his collar and licked his face with its tongue, as if it agreed with him.

"They are a family..." They have secrets just like him.

"Hey, let's take a break."

He sat on the tree root protruding from the ground, looked down and saw a snake coming out of the tree hole next to it, and then went back in.

He lowered his head and reached in to grab it, pinching the snake's seven inches and pulling it out.

Knotting skillfully, it should be a long snake, and tied two knots.

After a while, the father and son really came back, and he smelled blood.

"Did you catch it?"

"We caught it! Let's go back and eat this one first. Xiao Cui, you can keep the other snakes first."


They were not greedy. It was enough to catch this one. When they returned along the same route, they found that the Huang family mother and daughter were gone.

There was a pile of yellow rattan on the ground.

"We are here!"

Looking up, they were both on the tree.

Huang Sumei picked up a rattan, tied the saw to it and threw it down, then slowly climbed down with her daughter.

"You are finally back. Help us collect it! Two wolves just came! It was so scary!"

"Look, this is all scratched!"

The tree trunk was full of claw marks.

When they got home, Huang Sumei was still in shock.

"Thank you for today! I will bring you some wine later, and I have to learn how to make a net from you."


It was only eleven o'clock when they got home. Yu's father and Yu Heng cleaned up the prey together.

Yu's father only knew that the prey was edible, but he subconsciously remembered that "he" had eaten it.

The prey had very short and soft fur, a pig-like mouth, and very small ears. It was not much bigger than a piglet.

It was not difficult to clean up. Yu Heng used the knife to drain the blood, disembowel, and quickly pull out the internal organs.

Yu's father and mother had only killed chickens, ducks, and fish, and Yu's father had killed snakes at most. He had never cleaned up such a large prey. He was a little surprised to see his son's movements so skillful.

This "piglet" tasted really good, and it was even better when braised. The meat was chewy and very fragrant.

The bones were removed and boiled into soup. The wild mushrooms picked today were added. They were simmered in an alcohol stove for a whole day. Five batches were simmered, and one batch was sent to the Cui family.

Cui Nan sent four snakes to the Yu family.

"Raise them first, and just feed them some wild grass."

Slice the liver and stir-fry it with ginger, garlic, and onions. It also goes well with rice.

"Next time I see this kind of prey, I'll catch it. It's delicious!" Yu's father ate with a satisfied look on his face.

The rest, such as intestines, were all taken far away and buried in the soil by Yu Heng.

The next day at noon, Huang Sumei came over, bringing the agreed two glasses of red wine and some yellow rattan sticks to ask for advice on how to weave a net.

In the days that followed, she often came over with her daughter.

Unlike Yu's mother, she loved to be lively. She could find out about all the big and small things that happened in their house. She even knew about the quarrel between a couple in a certain house in Yu Heng's house.

Therefore, even though he knew she had something on his mind, Yu Heng never said anything because she could spend time with his mother. It's just that when they come over, he practices in his room and never goes out.

Don't worry even if his dad is watching outside.

Later, for some reason, more and more people came to his house, most of them asking how to identify edible wild mushrooms.

Some people also came over with mushrooms they picked and asked the Yu family to help pick them.

Yu Heng simply took out a variety of fungi picked at home and put them in the living room for them to see.

If he goes out to pick them, he does not refuse them to follow him out.

Gradually, the Yu family's parents began to have some social interactions while practicing. Especially Yu's mother, her mood became better every day.

This made Yu Heng start to think: Humans are social animals after all. He can tolerate living alone at home, but his parents may not be able to tolerate it.

There is no need for a deep friendship, but some ordinary interactions can keep them from being lonely. Life flows like water.

Yu Heng is very willing to do anything that can make his parents happy. He carefully drew the appearances of many fungi and wild vegetables he had seen, so that his parents would be familiar with them so that they could respond to inquiries from neighbors.

Yu's father and Yu's mother are very concerned about this and are happy to take on this task. It is better for the couple to show up than to let their son stand out too much.

Faced with doubts, they all said that the fungus and wild vegetables were all tried by their own families and were not poisonous.

They don’t care whether others believe it or not, whether they like it or not.

On this day, Yu's mother and Yu's father were still sitting outside the door with stools, talking to their neighbors.

At hand is a stack of paper, inside which are vividly drawn various fungi.

"Look at this. There is a green line here, which is less obvious. You have to open the folds to see..."

There was a circle of people sitting around him, all listening carefully.

"Is this delicious?" a child asked curiously.

"It's delicious, the soup is sweet."

The child smiled and got into the arms of the grandmother beside him: "Mistress, I want to eat sweet mushrooms."

"Okay, once I learn how to recognize it, I will pick it for you after it rains."

More than half a month has passed since the rainy day, and now the sun is shining brightly. Except for some tree holes or some that can be found under rocks, those fungi are almost gone.

Most of the people who came here to talk to the Yu family were introduced by Huang Sumei. In their building, they smelled the fragrance of the Huang family's soup, and when they inquired about it, they found the Yu family.

Of course, those people who went out with Yu Heng before and got angry because of something happened refused to come.

Mother Yu is not surprised.

She heard a lot of gossip these days.

For example, there is a family in Building 5 who scolds her son every day and makes all sorts of unpleasant remarks.

A sensible person comforted Yu's mother who jumped up in anger: "Don't get excited. I'm not trying to stir up trouble. I just get along with you and know that your family is indeed not that kind of family, so I'm just warning you."

After all, after those events, the Yu family was smeared by many people, and they were said to be an extremely cold-blooded and merciless family.

Many people have been misled. It was also through more contact during these times that the misunderstanding was resolved. After all, if you think about it, your son is indeed very unjust.

"Sister-in-law Chen, thank you. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Sister-in-law Chen patted her hand and helped Mother Yu take the stool back into the house. Now that everyone has dispersed, she is the only one left. She didn't leave even after placing the stool. She glanced at Yu Heng's bedroom and whispered, "One more thing. Is there going to be a happy event between your son and the daughter of the Huang family?"

"What happened!" Mother Yu's eyes widened, "No!"

Sister-in-law Chen said, "That's Huang Sumei spreading nonsense. You should be careful. She is a thoughtful person, and she must have fallen in love with your family Yu Heng. Everyone in the three buildings over there is saying that your family has fallen in love with her daughter. Yes, I have only invited them over as guests every three days."

"What are you talking about? She came to my house as a guest, and I -"

"Originally, this wasn't a big deal. If I hadn't heard the news, I wouldn't have been the one to talk nonsense."

Yu's mother quickly grabbed her hand: "Sister-in-law, I appreciate your love. What's the news?"

When Sister-in-law Chen left with the thank-you gift, Mother Yu's expression changed several times, and finally she cursed: "Bah."

It happened that Yu's father had finished practicing in the bedroom and came out. When he saw this, he exclaimed: "What's wrong? I'm so angry that my face is red and my neck is thick."

"It's all Huang Sumei!" Mother Yu angrily said, "Why do you think there is such a mother? So ruining her daughter's reputation?"

"Who did you listen to? Don't be angry, be careful of getting angry."

"How can you not be angry? If she talks nonsense, it's none of my business if the girl in her family has a bad reputation. The point is that she actually agreed to other people's affairs in the name of our Bao'er!"

Father Yu was surprised: "What did you promise?"

"What's going on?" Yu Heng also came out.

"I told you not to be angry." Seeing her son, Mother Yu calmed down, "Just now, the Chen family's sister-in-law said that someone discovered a group of wild boars over at the third building, right over Bing Hailu, and wanted our son to Go help."

Mother Yu gritted her teeth: "Those people found Huang Sumei, and that woman made the decision."

"Oh, how dare she?" Father Yu opened his mouth.

"Mom, don't be angry. If you don't like her, just don't let her in." Yu Heng patted Yu's mother on the back.

Mother Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm not angry anymore. But I want to let her in and see what she dares to say."

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