Survival [End Times]

98, Real World 21 (double update merged)

Yu Heng took his family there again, and this time he was well prepared. He not only brought a dozen buckets of water, but also plastic buckets, basins, soap, etc. He went there to fetch water for a bath.

There are many abandoned houses by the lake. As long as you use yellow vine powder to drive away the reptiles, you can make a temporary bathing center.

The family rubbed off several kilograms of mud.

During the day, the lake looks as beautiful as a little angel. The water in the lake is clear, so as long as you don't swim in it, it's very safe.

Yu Heng also tried to go fishing, but he couldn't catch any fish at all, so his plan to eat fish failed.

Another half month passed and it still didn't rain. There are still only a few families like the Yu family who have good physical strength and can fetch water every few days or even go out to take a bath as a family.

More and more people are moving there.

Because the path has been well-trodden, along this winding path that avoids dangerous plants, there is almost no threat posed by plants.

Later, some people thought it was too tortuous and tried to open a straight path on their own, but in the end they lost their lives.

The person who died was a middle-aged man. His foot was cut by grass. As a result, he had a high fever by night.

No one wants to see such a tragedy again, so no one dares to go to that uninhabited place.

Because of this, many people who were hesitant to move have made up their mind not to move.

Xu Yuman's mother quietly said to Xu Yuman at home: "Do you think he has received enlightenment from a god? Why is he so powerful?"

"I don't know, but as long as we live in the same community and work with his family, our family should be safer."

"Yes, yes." Her mother nodded, and then added: "Huiming's family has moved there for a week, right? I don't know how they are doing there..."

Yu Heng didn't pay attention to how the people who moved there were doing. He only knew that since the lake became available, the vegetables grown at home and the vegetables he transplanted from outside grew better.

"I was a little tired before, but now I look so energetic!"

With a fixed water source, Yu's father not only planted crops at home, but also opened a piece of land downstairs, and lived a very fulfilling life every day.

One day he was watering downstairs, and suddenly a man buried his face in the bucket in his hand. He knocked over the bucket but still held on to the bucket.

Father Yu swore he heard the sound of Gululu drinking water.

How thirsty are you? ?

Then he discovered that the man's exposed hands were covered with fish scales?

The bucket was thrown away, soaking the man's body. The exposed face was also covered in scales, and his eyes were not like human eyes, but like fish eyes.

Father Yu was startled when he saw the man rushing towards him to bite him. His teeth were sharp and thin, not like human teeth at all.

This should be what my son meant by assimilation!

He grabbed the man's hand, took off the hat on his head and stuffed it into the man's mouth. Hearing the clicking sound in his ears, he quickly called to his son: "Yu Heng! Yu Heng, come down and help!"

Before Yu Heng came down, three people rushed over. They seemed to be this person's family members, shouting "Hua Hua!" "Xiao Hua!"

He wrapped the sheet around the crazy man and smiled apologetically at Yu's father: "He's a little epileptic, I'm so sorry for accidentally running out!" "Don't worry, I'll take him home right away!"

They surrounded him and took the man hostage back to the second building.

"What's wrong with Dad? Are you hurt?"

"No, no." Father Yu waved his hand, leaned over and whispered to him what he had discovered.

"Looks like a mermaid! It's very similar to the one on TV, except it doesn't have a tail."

Yu Heng: "Really?"

"Really! His family members were probably afraid that others would find out, so they carried him back in a hurry."

"Then we just pretend we didn't see it."

Yu Heng looked in that direction and vaguely recognized one of the people, who seemed to be Zhong Hua's sister.


He thought of Zhong Hua, who had been bitten by a fish before. Could it be him? Quite possible.

Assimilation is not inevitable. Different people are harmed by the same animal, and there are differences in whether they assimilate.

After Yu Heng went upstairs to bring a new bucket of lake water down and helped Yu's father pour the water, Yu's mother called them to go have dinner. While they were eating, someone knocked on the door.

It turned out that Zhong Hua's family came to apologize.

"...Maybe he was under too much pressure. His old illness relapsed and he accidentally hurt Brother Yu. I'm really sorry for you."

The person who spoke was Zhong Hua's father. He brought a bucket of water as compensation for the bucket of water that Zhong Hua wasted in the afternoon.

"It's okay, as long as the person is fine."

Zhong Hua's father refused to take it back: "Our family is not short of water. We are moving to the lake tomorrow. It is a waste to keep this water at home, so just take it. We still need to pack things at home, so I will go back first. "

As expected, Zhong Hua's family left at dawn the next day, not even leaving with the others who were also moving today.

"I wonder if there is anything wrong with him..." This was the first time for Yu's father to see assimilated people other than him and Cui Nan, and he felt like a creature of its own kind.

In fact, he and Cui Nan still looked like humans from the outside, with only some changes in habits, which were not serious. The young man looked serious this afternoon.

He quietly asked his son: "What did you give me to eat at that time?"

Yu Heng said: "Things that can help you benefit from assimilation."

"Do you still have it?"

He nodded.

Father Yu also nodded, feeling relieved.

"That's good, keep it well, you and your mother... don't lose it."

Seeing his son nod with his eyelids lowered, he said in a hurry: "I know you are familiar with Zhong Hua, but this thing is too rare. I am a selfish person, I only want you and your mother to be well. And this thing is eye-catching. If you use it, there must be traces. No matter how strong you are, can you beat everyone?"

Such a simple truth, Yu's father thought of it all at once, but Yu Heng almost paid the price of his life in the last mission world before he understood it.

"Dad, don't worry, I know the limit."

Not to mention that he and Zhong Hua have no deep friendship at all, and he has completed assimilation, and the gene repair fluid is useless, unless he takes the gene improvement fluid, it may still have some effect.

But he can't spend one million fire points for him. One million books are so difficult to get in the end of the world where zombies are rampant. He can't guarantee that he can turn a disaster into a half-corpse in the next mission and easily get books and fire points.

Yu's father patted his shoulder and went to wash the dishes.

The Yu family didn't care much about this matter, but there were too many people who cared about it.

After all, before Zhong Hua ran away from home, she had been making a fuss for a long time, and the neighbors had heard some of it. When Zhong Hua ran away, she saw too many people along the way.

All kinds of gossip, curious eyes... may be one of the main reasons that forced the Zhong family to move.

Yu Heng and others who went out with Zhong Hua were questioned a lot. Yu Heng remained silent and ignored those gossipers, but in the end he learned from other people that Zhong Hua had been bitten by a fish.

"Hahaha, if it's like this, there's no need to live, how disgusting! Isn't it better to be like someone's family, and there's no need to worry about hurting others."

The next day, this woman who talked nonsense was hacked to death by the family of "someone" who had already jumped off the building.

The incident was particularly serious, and the family waved a knife: "I did hack her! Come on! If you have the guts, come and kill me to avenge her!"

The woman's family didn't dare to fight with the crazy person, and there was no call to the police at this time, so it ended up in vain.

However, after this incident, the rumors seemed to have been braked and suddenly quieted down a lot. At least no one dared to speak out their own opinions, for fear of stepping on other people's sore feet.

Yu's mother was frightened by this incident and fell ill, because the person who was hacked to death was none other than Wang Lijun, who lived next door.

She was usually a gossipy and took advantage of others. This was not a big problem, it could only be said that it was everyone's way of life.

But in this big background, she finally kicked the iron plate: she met the family left by the person who chose to commit suicide because he could not bear the changes in his body. The person was gone, and the family was already sad, but the dead person was still being talked about as a topic of conversation, how could they bear it.

"Anyway, it's not illegal for me to speak!" Wang Lijun often said this, but she ran into someone who said "Anyway, killing is not illegal now!" and lost her life.

The family came to the door with a knife, and Yu's mother witnessed the whole process and saw Wang Lijun being hacked down in a pool of blood.

After all, they were neighbors for many years. No matter how much Yu's mother disliked her now, she was not so cruel as to want her to die.

"Don't worry, go to sleep, I'll take care of your mother."

Yu's father sighed: "Your mother is sharp-tongued but kind-hearted..." Obviously, their relationship was so bad, but he was still sad for her.

Yu Heng still went in to take a few glances and put a cold towel on her forehead.

Back to his bedroom, he still practiced for a while. As soon as he fell asleep, he heard the sound of wind, and then the sound of the window being hit hard.

He jumped up, took the gun and walked to the window, but pulled open the curtains and saw something outside through the gap in the rattan net. Wasn't it the powerful strange bird that he hadn't seen for a long time?

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh——"

It was even more excited when it saw Yu Heng, flapping its big wings and its eyes turned more happily.

Yu Heng pinched his nose with a headache, [Let me in]? Will there be a typhoon passing through the house?

There was no other way, so he put on his clothes and opened the door, saying "I'll go out for a while!" to Yu's father who came out after hearing the noise, and then ran downstairs quickly.

In just five or six seconds, when he went downstairs and went around to his window, he saw that the strange bird had already lifted off the rattan net that was firmly nailed outside his window.

"Hey! Get down!"

The strange bird paused, looked down and saw him, "Swish, swish, swish! ——"

It swooped down, its wings spread out, and it was even bigger than when they first met two months ago, at least twice as long. At a glance, its size was also much bigger.

He dodged quickly and ran outside.

"Swish!!! Ga-ga-ga-ga!"

The strange bird really chased him, and he took out the prepared rattan core rope, dodged and jumped in the bushes, and the bird folded its big wings and rushed to his side.


When Yu Heng caught it, he tilted his head in confusion.

Yu Heng swung the long rope and stepped on a tree trunk, jumped to the other side of the strange bird, and circled it again.

He successfully tied the strange bird up like a hen waiting to be slaughtered.

"Gah!!!" The strange bird screamed angrily, struggling hard, rubbing the ground to create an open space, plowing the weeds, and hitting the trees with a rustling sound.

"Why do you always look for me?"

The bird was too fat, and Yu Heng couldn't suppress it at all. He could only sit on its neck and twist its flat beak to ask.

As a result, the strange bird blinked and mist appeared. It stopped struggling.

The dull "Gah" sound came from its mouth that was pinched by him, revealing infinite grievances.

"What a hell."

He let go of its mouth and listened to the sounds of ga-ga-ga, swoosh-swoosh... He really couldn't understand it.

He had no choice but to call rt9009: "Can you do me a favor?"

"Host, please speak."

"I didn't find any products that can communicate with animals in the sub-exchange system. Can you help me translate what this bird is saying?"

"Host, please wait for a moment while I check the relevant business details... I need to transfer to the animal language channel to provide you with the most accurate simultaneous human-animal interpretation. The fee is 10,000 Xinhuo points. Do you want to use this function?"

Yu Heng nodded with a little heartache: "Use it!" He had to figure out what this strange bird was looking for him for. Although it was very destructive, it didn't show any aggression. The look in his eyes - all things have spirits, and the eyes of this strange bird have emotions.

Then he regretted it.

Because in this strange bird, he called him mother as soon as he opened his mouth.


"Look at you - then look at me - how do you look like your mother?"

"You smell like my mother! Exactly the same!" The animal language of this strange bird was translated, full of rural simplicity.

Under rt9009's translation, the man and the bird began to talk. However, Yu Heng was overwhelmed. After explaining for a long time, this strange bird was so stubborn!

Seeing him so helpless, rt9009 had to say: "Host, there is one thing I forgot to tell you. Do you remember the day when you came back from vacation and encountered the moonlight essence at night?"

"Remember, do you have any clues?"

"At that time, when I tested your body data, I actually found a trace of assimilation residue in it, which was very weak. It may be that you, the host, absorbed it through some channels at some unknown time, and it has no effect on your body, so I didn't tell you."

Yu Heng was surprised, but felt that it was very likely. After all, whether it was the former self or the returning self, it can be said that there were ups and downs on that day. The things he experienced were too messy, and it was very likely that some things were overlooked.

"Could it be that the trace of assimilation is the reason why this strange bird recognizes me as a relative?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

He had no choice but to patiently ask the bird that fluttered vigorously because he called it a "strange bird": "What does your mother look like?" He wanted to find a clue.

The strange bird raised its head and quacked proudly: "My mother is so beautiful, with white feathers all over her body, a pointed and thin beak, and beautiful wings that are bigger than mine. She flies like a fairy..."

The more it talked, Yu Heng looked at its gray-yellow feathers and flat beak... He did remember the scene when he first went downstairs and saw the huge change in the outside world. At that time, a large snow-white bird did fly outside, with an elegant and charming figure.

He also picked up the feathers dropped by the other party. The feathers were very hard and sharp. At the beginning, he used it to stab the monkey that grabbed his backpack and rescued his backpack. Later, Cui Nan was bitten by a snake and injured...

Of course, he didn't know where he had thrown that feather.

If there was a bird that impressed him deeply, it was only that one. But although what the strange bird said seemed to match, these two don’t look like mother and son (mother and daughter?), right?

Yu Heng described the appearance of the white bird using human language, and the strange bird was very happy: "Yes, yes, yes!! My mother looks like that! My mother said that I grew up and she would leave. I was still sleeping, she brought me some fruit and left it at home, and then flew away by herself, woo woo woo woo woo..."

She burst into tears unexpectedly.

Yu Heng had no choice: "I'm really not your mother." After thinking for a while, he comforted her: "Your mother also said that you have grown up, so you should be strong. I'm really not your mother, you should know it clearly. Go back, don't come to me again."

Everything in the house will be destroyed, and I have to repair the rattan net outside the window later.

The strange bird was crying there, Yu Heng climbed down from its neck, helped it untie the rope, and patted it: "Go back."

He left, and when he was about to reach the gate of the community, he looked back, and the bird really followed him closely.


"What is rt9009 saying?"

"The human-animal simultaneous interpretation channel has been disconnected. Reconnection will cost more. Does the host need more?"

"Forget it."

As a result, just as he reached the stairs, the strange bird swooped down and grabbed him, and flew away.

Yu Heng was particularly helpless and did not dare to move, fearing that he would fall and become paralyzed.

Feeling the whistling of the wind in his ears, he soon landed. The place where he stepped on was very soft. At this time, the strange bird also folded its wings and stood beside him, taller than him, looking about 1.9 meters.

Looking around, this should be their nest.

The nest was built on the top of a giant tree, almost requisitioning the crown of the giant tree. I don't know what the material used to build the nest is. It is soft and flexible, and it doesn't smell bad. It has a natural fragrance. There is no feces or anything like that under his feet.

It can be seen that this is a clean bird.

"Why did you bring me to your home?" Knowing that this was an "old" orphan bird, Yu Heng couldn't help but be more patient.

He always had a good impression of animals. Animals are much easier to get along with than humans.

"Quack quack!!"

Yu Heng sighed: "Connect, the firewood will be turned on by yourself."

Then he heard bad news: this area is about to usher in the dry season.

"Dry season?" Yu Heng was shocked, "When?"

As a result, the strange bird itself didn't know that it was still a cub! It just heard from its mother that as long as it passed the second growth period, it would be the dry season, and it should go north.

"My second growth period is over, look at my wings--" It spread its wings happily, "I can fly very far. Come with me, I'll take you to a place with water."

In its eyes, Yu Heng, who has the flavor of its mother, is a huge figurine of its mother, which can make it feel at ease.

It doesn't want to, and dares not, fly so far alone. If there is this person to accompany it, it will be happy!

So it just finished changing its feathers, remembered the words left by its mother, and hurried to find this human.

It is very strong now, and it can fly with him.

Yu Heng frowned and confirmed again and again: "Did your mother really ask you to go north?"


Before, Cui Nan's team went north to find water, but they didn't go very far because someone was injured. But human power is definitely not faster than animals.

North, definitely farther north.

He did not doubt the bird's words, after all, animals have stronger survival ability and are more sensitive to natural climate changes.

"Thank you."

Yu Heng thanked it sincerely, "I have my own family, just like you have your mother, I have to take them away, you go first."

Speaking of his mother, the strange bird seemed to understand, it lowered its head in annoyance: "If I were bigger, it would be better." But no matter how big its mother is, it can't catch several humans at once and fly away.

"Thank you so much. I'll find you anything you need as my thank you."

"No, I'm leaving tomorrow."

Yu Heng took out six rattan powder bags from the storage ring, strung them together with the rattan core, and said: "This can prevent insects. I'll make a six-six-good luck for you, be careful on your way."

It hung it around its neck.

Finally, it sent Yu Heng back to the gate of the community, rubbed him, and flew away.

When he got home, he found out that his father was waiting for him: "Your mother's fever has subsided... What's wrong? Is that a bird? Why is it so big?"

"That's good, you go to bed and I'll take care of her. Dad, I have something important to tell you tomorrow."

After persuading his father to go to bed, Yu Heng pulled a chair and sat by the bed, going through the plans in his mind one by one.

Dry season?

The first thing is to store water! Then food, but there is no rush for this for the time being. Heat relief medicine and daily necessities... Yu Heng planned to go one by one, and he breathed a sigh of relief. There was nothing urgently needed.

Go to the lake to fetch water tomorrow! Use all the utensils that can store water.

He touched Yu's mother's forehead and took off the towel.

When it was six o'clock, he started cooking. Now there were many families downstairs who set up simple stoves to cook like their family.

After cooking the porridge, put out the fire and brought a pot of porridge up.

Yu's mother was able to eat something. While the family was having breakfast, Yu Heng told them the news he received last night.

"Oh, that bird is so big!" Father Yu couldn't help but exclaim: "Do we really have to move this time?"

"Let's move first, and come back home later. I'll go to the big lake to get water later. Dad, you stay at home to take care of mom, and collect the things at home. Leave the things that can't fit in mom's ring and put them in when I come back."

"This, this is too hasty..."

Yu's mother couldn't accept leaving home suddenly, but she still supported her son's words rationally: "Be careful, let your dad go with you, I can pack it myself."

There was something important, and Yu's mother suddenly had strength again.

Yu Heng shook his head: "You'd better rest first and get your spirits up. We'll leave in the next two days. There's no good conditions for you to rest on the road."

The family quickly moved.

Yu Heng walked very fast, and the road to the big lake was familiar again. In just one day, he filled all the empty buckets, basins, and bottles in the house with water and piled them carefully in the storage ring.

It took some time to do it secretly.

People who moved to the lakeside community a long time ago asked him: "Why did you come so many times today? You should take your time to fetch water. You must be so tired!"

Someone else asked: "Yu Heng! Have you found any edible wild vegetables recently?"

He was quite popular, and people hoped to get some useful information from him.

So he told the story of the dry season in a veiled way: "The dry season is coming, and our family is going to move north."

This news was so strange that no one believed it.

"Hahaha, the water in this lake is deep! How can there be a drought!"

"I was wondering why you came to fetch so much water today. It turns out that you are afraid that the water will dry up? Don't be afraid! The lake is so big. If it doesn't rain, we will have water to drink!"

"Even if there is a dry season, we don't go to the north. The geography book also says that there are many mountains in the north, and there are many plains, rivers, seas and lakes in the south..."

Yu Heng couldn't explain it in more depth.

He believed in the bird, but he couldn't be responsible for other people's lives.

After spreading the news, he went to fetch water on his own. When he was about to go back, Cui Nan said that he wanted to go back to the community with him.

I forgot to mention that Cui Nan had moved to the lake for a long time. He really liked the humid environment and abundant water sources here.

Yu Heng didn't ask any more questions, but nodded and agreed to the time he had agreed to. When he came over with a bottle of water and other luggage, he helped him carry a bag, and the two of them walked towards the community together.

The people who stayed behind looked at each other in bewilderment.

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