In the dark cave, the shimmer lit up.

It’s torches, burning quietly….

“What’s going on? There is still fog in the cave ?? ”

This team of adventurers is also a rookie team, such a team, naturally there is no shortage of newcomers, for such an environment, it is very strange!

Fogging in the cave? Clearly not a natural phenomenon.

“What’s so strange, those monsters ghosts…”

A veteran rolled his eyes and said angrily.

The Lord of the Labyrinth has many peculiar abilities, not to mention the mist, those powerful, ancient Lord of the Labyrinth, and even able to change the celestial phenomena, is equivalent to a natural disaster in itself.

Now these are just pediatrics….

“Quiet, although the fog appears normally, but this environment, some trouble…”

The adventurer at the head gestured for his companion to calm down, looking around, with some headaches, cave environment, for a race like humans who have no dark vision.

Inherently troublesome.

Even with torches, the clearly visible distance is ten meters, and the blurred area is twenty meters.

This is also caused by the torch itself.

But that’s the usual situation, in a foggy environment, the visible distance is directly reduced to three meters, and the blurred distance is less than five meters.

For the interference of the field of view, it is too serious….

If there is any monster lurking in the secret….

It’s not good, this time plant!

“At our level, the monsters we encounter generally don’t have any detection methods, right?”

Others also know that this is not the time for jokes.

In fact, although the field of view is severely restricted, it is not to the point of incomprehension, depending on what kind of enemy they are facing, and if they are good at lurking.

That’s too bad.

If you are good at head-to-head combat, then the impact of vision is very general.

Of course, the most troublesome ones are naturally those special monsters with detection methods, but this kind of monster, in this level of the nest, should be difficult to encounter, right?

It can’t be so lucky, just win the lottery, right?

“Let’s say a few words, no matter what kind of enemy it is, you always have to face it…”

Stop the discussion, the adventurer at the head sets the tone, this is not a high-level maze, there is no exit, there is no entrance, once entered, only you die and I live.

No exceptions!


The dialogue between adventurers, Wang Hao was not clear.

But he knew that there were intruders again.

It was only three hours since he cleared out the last batch of intruders.

In his mind, there was a suffocating thought at this time.

Originally eleven doppelgangers, because of the loss of two, now there are only nine left, this time, Wang Hao still sent two, as for his body?

He doesn’t plan to leave the core.

After all, the existence of the core is more important than his little life.

He can’t worry about leaving here without anyone to protect him.

What’s more, if it is still the level of the previous adventure squad, these doppelgangers are enough, just right, hone his manipulation skills and combat ability.

After all, except for a little weaker.

There is no way to replicate the skill, and the avatar can be regarded as a perfect replica of his own attributes and body structure.

“Be careful!!”

As before, Wang Luo tried to control the doppelgänger and approached the adventurer squad to burst into flames.

But this team of adventurers, compared to the previous team, is obviously more vigilant than just a little, and he is not a monster who is good at stealth, and has no relevant skills.

Darkness and fog though are his umbrella.

But not without traces.

Without reaching the ideal distance, it was discovered in advance….

Although somewhat unexpectedly.

But it is not unacceptable, controlling the doppelganger, no longer hiding, the blood-winged demon bat, instantly burst out at an amazing speed, like a blood-colored residual moon, like an icy blade.

A deadly attack was launched on the fragile joints of the human body!


Because of the distance, although the speed of the raid is amazing, it has not yet reached the point of being irresistible.

Several adventurers quickly erected their shields, or directly used their greatswords as shields.

Block the direction of attack of the Bloodwing Demon Bat.

“Knock !!!”

The powerful impact force made the figure of the adventurer fly out directly, and the shield in his hand was directly split in half, and it was also difficult to use the giant sword as a defense.

The giant sword is naturally stronger than the wooden shield.

But the range of defense is smaller.

The air flow set off by the powerful impact easily cut the exposed skin, and the whole body leather armor did not play much of a defensive role under this extraordinary attack.

In fact, these rookie-level adventurers, the leather armor on their bodies, that is, the real defense, is really not strong, a slightly stronger attack, can easily break the defense.

It’s only decorative, of course, that’s a bit of an excess.

This kind of clothing, in some extreme environments, is still more convenient, such as forests, meadows and other terrain.

It can also prevent some poisonous insects, poisonous weeds and other things to avoid inadvertent contact with poisons.

The death is not clear….

Pull away.

Back to combat.

Under the operation of Wang Hao, the first wave of attacks of the Blood Wing Demon Bat was very simple, that is, using the blood wing that could be used as a weapon, with the rapid explosion of an instant.

Achieve powerful slashes.

This is a long time for him to find the most suitable way for the Blood-winged Demon Bat to fight, with the magic doppelganger, countless residual moons, enough to hack any enemy to death.

Of course, this scene will only appear in dreams, and he does not have that level of magic power reserves now.

Moreover, this trick is not perfect, and the lethality is not enough.

But it is enough to cope with the current situation.

“Ugh! Monster!! ”

Although they were caught off guard by the sudden attack, this group of adventurers was not so simple to be killed, after all, there was no gap in strength between them and the doppelganger.

One wave of seconds.

If it is not found, it is possible, and if it is discovered, it is unlikely.

“It’s not over yet…..”

Wang Hao, who was hiding at the core and controlling the doppelganger, said softly.

The battle is not turn-based, the enemy shows flaws, naturally it is necessary to kill directly, how is it possible, give them time to react!

Two more rounds of bloody moons.

But this time, there is no defensive advantage.

Wang Hao, who controls multiple doppelgangers, easily grasps the rhythm of the battlefield.

Round fit, far beyond these adventurers.

Even if the ability of the avatar Bloodwing Demon Bat is limited, but at this level…. But it is also a crush!

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