ps: about the update…. The original text is not easy to write, there is too much to consider, considering the plot structure, the author does not dare to code too quickly, afraid of collapse…

Two changes a day, look at the results after being put on the shelf….


Legendary level cards will not have such obvious shortcomings.

Can’t control?

If you can’t control it, you won’t be evaluated as a good helper for nursing homes.

The hint has long been given, but at the beginning, Wang Hao did not guess in this direction.

“I was wrong… If it is a white card, a green card, such an ordinary, excellent level card, there may be obvious defects, but in fact, the higher the level of the card, the fewer defects….”

The matter of the Thirsty Blood Demon Vine made Wang Hao understand more and more.

This world, the division of card quality.

In the low quality, it is not without powerful cards, but there are obvious flaws, while the high-level cards are absolutely perfect, without any defects, extremely powerful!

“In this way, as a legendary card (purple card), the level of the Thirsty Blood Demon Vine is a little low…”

Realizing that the quality division of cards is not as simple as he imagined.

Wang Hao had a new doubt.

The Blood Treasure Tree itself has no offensive and defensive capabilities, and as a legendary treasure tree, its ability is reflected in the fruits it bears, as well as the various abilities attached to it.

The two words of legend, placed on the blood treasure tree, are well deserved.

On the contrary, it is the Bloodthirsty Demon Vine.

It looks terrible, but the level of the lower level of the magic plant is a little low….. After all, the legendary card is divided into the monster card, at least it is also a legendary-level monster.

“Can grow…”

Thinking of the three words on the card, Wang Hao suddenly realized.

The current Blood Thirsty Demon Vine may not be a real legendary card!

Its quality can be evaluated as a legend, completely based on the reason why this thing can grow, as long as it is not destroyed, sooner or later, it will be able to reach the legendary level.

It is not that its current ability has reached the purple card level.

“Also, if it was a legendary-level demon plant from the beginning, I’m afraid that my lair would not be able to raise it at all…”

Growth, placed in the legendary card, may be a negative effect, but everything is relative, and it is precisely because it is a growth-level card that it can be used in this level of the lair.

Otherwise, with the volume of a true legendary-level demon plant, it would be enough to burst his small lair.


Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Hao and others have been settled in this cruel world for nearly a month.

Most of the masters of the labyrinth still live in misery.

Not everyone is Wang Hao.

Not only can it increase the strength of the card, but even the number of draws is twice that of others.

The worst card in the hand, in the eyes of others, is also a good thing, even the existence of the bottom level of the box.

Lots of resources at hand.

Something that is too high a level can’t be reached.

But a good base card is not difficult to obtain.

Especially realizing that those cards with huge flaws have greater potential, and after evolution, after gaining more, Wang Hao’s hole cards have improved at an amazing speed.

Now, his lair has reached the upper limit of this level.

Further on, there is the maze.

The space was enlarged several times.

The resources that can be cultivated, monsters, have also been expanded.

During this time, Wang Hao was not lazy and seriously managed his lair.

Now, the defense of the lair no longer needs to be taken matters into his own hands.

The enemy will be destroyed by the other monsters in the lair, he just needs to sit back and enjoy the good lord life…. The only pity.

He’s a bat now, not a human.

There is no castle for him to live in, no soft big bed, and no variety of food to enjoy, as for the beauty? He doesn’t practice personal type, what do you want to do?

Without the castle, he recognized, after all, his current appearance, the castle is not a castle is useless.

He endured without a big bed, and his body structure was not suitable for human rest.

But…. Not even good food.

I can’t bear it!

Although the master of the maze can theoretically not eat or drink, but theory is theory, practice is practice, he also misses the fat house happy water, nostalgic for fried chicken barbecue, beef hot pot…

If you can.

He wanted to shout loudly, I want it all!!

Unfortunately, the ideal is plump, the reality is skinny…

He can only gnaw the blood fruit every day now, improve the qi and blood, as for the blood treasure fruit?

He only tasted it once on the day the Blood Treasure Tree was upgraded, and the taste was quite good, and now that he thought about it, it was quite memorable, but unfortunately, the Blood Treasure Tree naturally bore treasure fruit.

It will take another half a month.

After all, the upgrade was half a month ago.

Eat tree fruit when hungry, drink spring water when thirsty.

Although it sounds miserable, in fact, Wang Hao’s standard of living is already the top of the lord of the maze, most of the lords of the maze, now still rely on the energy supply of the lord of the maze itself to live, although he can’t die, he can’t be hungry, but occasionally someone basks in the chat channel.

It can always cause a large amount of envy, envy and hatred.

Food is not a necessity, but food, even the gods, cannot refuse!

After all, any intellectual creature will have a need for enjoyment.

Better accommodation, tastier food….

Of course, this is not to say that blood fruit is not delicious.

Good villains are also legendary resources, can permanently improve qi and blood, even if you eat more, the effect drops a lot, but for a long time, it will not lose its effect.

No attribute is independent, and the improvement of qi and blood will also involve other attributes.

Eat and get stronger.

This is an ability that many people dream of.

Of course, even if it is a legendary resource, the effectiveness is not infinite.

“It’s not been a few days since the Red Moon Riot, right?”

In the dark cave, it is difficult to tell the time, but on the system panel, the time of the Red Moon Riot is getting closer and closer, in a sense, this in itself is a reminder.

“Can you finally go out and take a look??”

For the Lord of the Labyrinth, it is difficult for them to leave the maze, but the exception of the Red Moon Riot, irregular and irregular Red Moon Riot, will open the spatial passage, enough for the Lord of the Labyrinth, in a short time, to leave his lair, the maze.

Go outside and get a lot of resources.

Not to mention the rest, experience points are something that every maze master needs, especially Wang Hao, who has reached the upper limit of the lair…

Want to upgrade again.

The core level must be raised, and the core level must be raised…. That’s enough to take 10,000 points of experience….

Heaven see pitiful, he upgraded the maze to the limit, and he didn’t use a thousand experience points, ten thousand points…. Relying on the daily operation of the maze, God knows when it will wait!

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