“Are others so weak?”

To be honest, Wang Hao looked at the information in the chat channel and felt strange.

He has always hoped that there are adventurers who can cross the obstacles he has set up, kill in front of him, and have a life-and-death duel with him.

But it never got what he wanted.

I can only watch those “braves” fall into the traps of the first level again and again, and be transformed into monsters by the power of the blood moon, which in turn strengthens the difficulty of the first level.

He was disappointed.

But for someone else….

Small-scale adventurers are good to say that there are few who can get to this point during this period, simply by luck, each with two hole cards.

There are definitely a lot of monsters in captivity in your hands.

Coupled with trap cards, they don’t need to take action themselves to solve those adventurers. But a little bigger team.

Absolutely capable of killing in front of them, not only let them lose a lot, but also have to face the battle personally, even if they can win, the loss is greater than the gain, which is the real reason why those lords of the maze complain.

Fight occasionally, pass the time.

But fighting every day, and also suffering heavy losses by the way, there is no additional gain, those lords of the maze, naturally are not happy.

Not everyone can be as relaxed as Wang Hao, think differently, and change to Wang Hao, he will also scold his mother

“Are you all hiding??”

Even so, Wang Hao didn’t think so.

The Lord of the Labyrinth can come this far, he will want to be so weak as the chat message says, people have the instinct to hide, especially in this chaotic, dangerous world.

Will instinctively hide a hand.

It is difficult to deal with, but maybe it is not really difficult to fight.

It can only be said that there is a lot of information in the chat channel, but the part that can be believed, but not much….. When bored, pass the time enough.

But if that stuff is true… I’m afraid it’s a fool…..

“It’s not easy for everyone….”

Wang Hao, who sighed like this, did not think at all that another possibility, that is, what these guys said was true, at most it was exaggerated, but in fact it was not so dangerous.

But the reality, the other masters of the labyrinth, dealing with those adventurers, are not so easy. Like Wang Hao, there is only one who directly reaches the breaking level once upgraded.

During his lair period, he completed a bloodline evolution, and even ate a large number of bloodline fruits, as well as an incomparably precious bloodline treasure fruit, which were digested after superficially improving Wang Hao’s attributes.

But good villains are also legendary-level treasures.

How could it be so simple, a huge amount of medicinal power accumulated in the body, plus after evolution, the essence of the extraordinary bloodline.

Under the influence of multiple factors. This is what created Wang Hao today!

Other people, even those who break the rules, after leveling up, they are only stronger in attributes than others, and it is easier to step into the breaking level again, which does not mean that they can do Wang Hao’s exaggeration.

Admittedly, they do have hole cards. But definitely not as strong as Wang Hao imagined!

But in the end, the information is not equal, for Wang Hao, everything is speculation, under the huge base, survivor bias is a very interesting thing…

“Huh? This event seems to be fun! ”

After diving daily and watching the excitement end, Wang Hao’s attention was focused on the newly refreshed activities of the maze. In the nest stage.

The event is only a fixed Red Moon Calamity.

But when it comes to the official Labyrinth Lord level, the activity function begins to be enriched, and there is no longer a fixed option, but it becomes refreshed every seven days.

It is up to the Lord of the Labyrinth himself to decide whether to participate or not.

Although these activities cannot be compared with large-scale events such as the Red Moon Calamity, they only involve the individual masters of the maze, at most several maze masters cooperate.

Let’s be honest.

It’s not so much an activity as a task.

Can participate, perform single, multiplayer, group missions. Of course, the event is also true.

For the Lord of the Labyrinth, who usually only stays in the maze, this is an opportunity for them to go out!

“It’s a pity that it’s not a task panel after all….”

The biggest difference between activities and tasks is not the form, but the reward, the activity itself, is a reward for the master of the maze, and the task naturally has a fixed reward.

This is something that activities do not have.

Therefore, an activity is an activity, not a task.

“I missed it last time for various reasons, but this time it seems that you can participate in it…”

An activity refreshed once a week, there will be at least one, the maximum varies, but within seven days, Wang Hao can only choose one of them….

Can’t do it all!

The last event refreshed, his maze had just been upgraded. The situation is not yet stable.

In addition, several activities were relatively boring, and Wang Hao did not participate, but this time, Wang Hao valued an activity.

It’s fun.

Therefore, he intends to participate in the… [activity. The Witch’s Dream]

Level Limit: Lower Profile: A girl who signed a contract with a demon, made a pact to spend the rest of her life in a dream, acquired powerful magical powers, and spent ten years in a dream, guarding the prisoners, but… Conspiracies, accidents….

Darkness is everywhere, and the prison that once imprisoned countless crimes turned into the most terrible nightmare and became a paradise for crime.

What are you going to do?

Is it salvation, or destruction?


Looking at the description of the event, there was a smile on the corner of Wang Hao’s mouth. This activity is fun.

It has no fixed goal, in a sense, as you like. But in the same way, there seems to be something hidden….. It’s worth digging deeper.

Wang Hao had a guess in his heart, but whether it was as he imagined, he still needed to explore….

“That’s it…”

This time’s luck is also as good as the last time, and the activities that Wang Hao can choose are naturally not only this one, but only this one, which makes Wang Hao the most interested.

As for the rest…. If it was really as he expected.

The value is really not as great as this witch’s dream.

And looking at the description, it is far less interesting than this.

All right…. All this can’t hide a reason, Wang Hao’s hands are itchy!

He had long wanted to try his current strength, but the subordinates around him did not dare to make a move with him, and the adventurers could not hit him for a long time.


He went somewhere else and found an opponent himself.

As for the safety of the core of the maze, Wang Hao is not worried, from the past observation, it can be seen that there are not many people who are qualified to hit him, moreover, the core has long been hidden by him, it is not so easy to find, similarly, as the core of the maze, that thing is not so easy to destroy.

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