
As soon as Wang Hao spoke, both sides were silent.

Nangong Nayue’s silence was because as soon as Wang Hao spoke, it was solicitation, too blunt, so that she didn’t know what to say…..

And the reason why the witch and others are silent…. It is because Wang Hao completely ignored them, and seemed to have no interest in even taking a look at them, treating them as local chickens and washuo.

This feeling of being underestimated, ignored.

The hearts of several people who made them proud were filled with anger. If it weren’t for jealousy, Wang Hao’s strength.

I’m afraid that now, they have done it directly.

In fact, in addition to the witch’s gloomy face, but still calm, the yellow-haired bloodline warlock with a slightly violent temper was already planning to make a move.

Give this guy who underestimates himself, a lesson!

“If you can solve them, I can talk…”

In the end, Nangong Nayue still chose to let go, she has her own bottom line, but it does not mean that she wants to die, she can feel that Wang Hao is still the kind with a bottom line compared to those prisoners.

If you want to recruit yourself, let alone whether the qualifications are enough, whether you want to or not. But now, there is no other option.

Promise to come down first, big deal, refuse yourself!

After all, she just said that she could talk, but did not really agree to become Wang Hao’s subordinate.


Wang Hao was not stupid, naturally saw Nangong Nayue’s plan, but he still agreed. It’s not that people are stupid, but as long as Nangong Nayue lets go, next, she can’t help her!

【Tip: Contract to sign】

[Hint: Obtained the task to clear the prison enchantment’]

【Tasks. Emptying the Incarceration Enchantment [Event]

Mission description: Under your persecution, the master of the dream, the Void Witch, agrees to become your dependent, and as a price, you need to empty this prison of all enemies…..

Mission Reward: Nangong Nayue’s Demon Contract Failure Punishment: Nangong Nayue’s hostility

“So that’s the case, isn’t the activity without tasks, but needs to be actively triggered?”

At the moment when Nangong Nayue let go, with the power of the maze, a simple causal connection was established between the two, with this, the contract was established, and under the domineering of the maze, Nangong Nayue said to consider, in fact, there was no choice.

As long as Wang Hao completes the task of the maze release.

Nangong’s contract that month was in hand, and by then, she would no longer have room to resist.

There is no doubt that this contract has been misinterpreted, and Nangong Nayue herself has no intention of following Wang Hao and becoming his subordinate, but when she promised to consider it.

It has already touched the mechanism of the maze and misinterpreted it.

It became the completion of Nangong Nayue’s commission, and he directly obtained the ownership of Nangong Nayue. Sounds overbearing… The facts are also overbearing.

No way, the backers behind the two sides are not a level, and it is normal for an overlord contract to appear. Nangong Nayue’s own wishes are both important and unimportant.

This is also where Wang Hao likes the maze, the mechanism of the maze, when facing the non-maze master, some places are very vague and belong to the places that can be used.

Nangong Nayue was planted on this point.

Don’t call him mean, just apply the rules flexibly. Of course, these are all things for later.

Nangong Nayue didn’t know that his relaxation was equivalent to explaining himself.


Seeing the needs of the task, Wang Hao knew that although he had made a contract with Nangong Nayue with the help of the power of the maze, the maze was also fair, and he could not complete the task.

This contract is a decoration.

On the contrary, as the mission fails, it will be detected by Nangong Nayue. Hostility from the other side.

For their first hero, and for performance. Wang Hao didn’t plan to keep his hand this time!

“Night Devil Flying Attack!!”

It is still this move, as Wang Hao’s current mastery of the most perfect blood spell, can link multiple skills, the talented night demon flying attack, is definitely a great move!

Especially, under the premise that Wang Hao urges magic regardless of the cost. In this world, spells and skills are good.

There is no fixed value in itself, according to the degree of mastery, the use of mana, theoretically, any skill can be able to fill the mana, playing the power of destroying the world.

Of course, this is theory, reality, for various reasons, spells, skills, magic that can be carried at the same time, always limited.


The reason why the night demon flying attack is valued by Wang Hao is because this move can carry all his current magic power, of course, the special skills that Wang Hao has mastered can also do this.

But those two skills are not suitable for the current scenario. The night devil flying attack also became Wang Hao’s first choice.

Magic combined with blood, evolve thousands of blood bats, blood bats alone are not terrible, but each blood bat, can be superimposed on each other, forming a terrible resonance, everywhere it passes, almost indestructible!

Just a collision is enough to destroy everything, and simulating the image of a bat, in fact, this spell has more uses and can be developed.


But now, Wang Hao only needs the simplest and roughest one!


Wang Hao moved too quickly, even if he had already expected that it was not good, the witch who had prepared in advance, the bloodline warlock, could not react at all at this time, because the distance was too close.

And the blood bat, which inherited the speed of Wang Hao’s body, the speed is no longer amazing. Have you ever seen a supersonic flying bat?

Here every one is!

Speed is both strength, not to mention all kinds of bonuses, at this distance, in the face of a huge number of amazing bat swarms, it is already desperate enough….. In particular, the other party is not afraid of death, and he does not know how to write the word death!

“Thunder roar!!”

The jumping Razer formed a dense protective net, and the yellow-haired bloodline warlock took out his true skills, and what he was able to drive was not only wind, but also thunder!

But…. Thunder into a net, of course, terrible.

But in the face of the night demon flying attack that holds the power of resonance, it is vulnerable!

Thunder and lightning did not even touch those magical creations, and they were shattered by invisible forces!

The bloodline warlock with wide eyes did not have time to escape, and was engulfed by the night devil’s flying attack, and the sharp pain for a moment was eternal darkness.

In the face of the unreasonable destructive power of resonance.

His body, tempered by the power of blood, is like a blank piece of paper, and it will be shattered when touched!! When others saw this scene, their faces changed drastically, but they fled…. But it was too late for nine!

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