The enclosed space, except for the darkness, has only a faint firelight.

Other than that, nothing.

The rocky floor and the low sound of water seem to be infinitely amplified. It also became Elena’s only pleasure.


Sighing faintly, Elena didn’t know what to do.

The locks of the precepts on her body had disappeared when she was locked up here, along with the spells that suppressed her power, but… That is meaningless, this dungeon itself has a powerful seal, the ability to imprison.

Can let Elena’s body remain weak all the time. I can’t lift a trace of strength.

All skills, even talents, were suppressed and could not be used.

At this moment, she is no different from a little girl who has no chicken power.

She tried to escape, but even without any guards, the thirty-centimeter-long cell door was enough to dispel all her delusions.

“What the hell does that guy mean??”

What puzzled the girl the most was what the girl who arrested her wanted to do…. The greatest fear of human beings is always the unknown, and what really disturbs her is the one who caught her here.

Throw her here again, ignorant guy. What exactly are you going to do?

This is the source of her fear, insecurity, and the source of the great pressure that brings her…

“Is it okay to keep it closed like this?”

In fact, what is puzzled is not only the girl herself, as the executor, Nangong Nayue herself, it is not clear what kind of ghost idea Wang Hao is playing to arrest people, neither torturing intelligence nor torturing.

Simple captivity?

Imprisoning maiden??

Squinting his eyes, Nangong Nayue’s mind thought of something bad, and looked at Wang Hao’s gaze, gradually bringing contempt.

“What are you thinking??”

Wang Hao, who was looked at like this by Nangong Nayue, was a little uncomfortable.

The gaze is too strange, and I always feel that I have a big black pot, and I can’t help but buckle it on myself.

“Nothing, let’s get down to business….”

Coughing, Nangong Nayue proposed with a serious face, she also knew that her thoughts were a bit fanciful, after all, Wang Hao wanted to do that kind of thing, and some were goals.

There is no need to choose a wild girl.

For her charm and the obedience of those cat maids, Nangong Nayue is still very confident, she doesn’t think that Wang Hao is tired of playing so quickly….

“Just lock it up, the power of the blood moon is to act on all non-maze creatures, as long as she is in this maze, no matter where she is, she will be affected by the blood moon, plus the kind of place in the dungeon, with special blessings, the chance of transforming into a person on our side is higher”

Don’t think about Nangong Nayue, what does that malicious look mean. Wang Hao answered Nangong Nayue’s previous question.

Arresting Elena and putting her in the dungeon is not what special game Wang Hao wants to play.

It’s just simple, I want to try, through the ability of the blood moon, to change the other party’s camp.

But because the success rate has not been high, but there is that possibility, this is locked up in the dungeon, a little improvement is a little, but for the final result?

Wang Hao was not sure.

Just hold that it is best if you succeed, and you have nothing to lose if you fail. That’s why that decision was made.

“Become those monsters??”

Frowning, Nangong Nayue was a little puzzled, the power of the blood moon, these days, she has also seen it. Those degenerates wandering in the labyrinth.

It is an extension of the power of the Blood Moon.

How those monsters were born, Nangong Nayue didn’t bother to think about it, but watching a young girl turn into that crazy walking dead, she would rather give the other party a pain!

If not hostile camps, almost irreconcilable.

Nangong Nayue didn’t even recommend opening one eye and closing one eye to this child. But alas, there are no ifs.

“Of course not…. Those are just failures, and the real results should be similar to your existence positioning…”

Wang Hao shook his head and explained.

If it’s just that kind of walking dead-like monster, he might as well take advantage of it now. At least you can have fun.

But afterwards, he got nothing.

But if it succeeds this time, his side will not say that he will immediately increase a powerful combat power, but at least, there will be an additional newcomer with unlimited strength, considering that the level of the maze is about to increase.

The space is getting bigger and bigger.

The more such newcomers, the better!


Wang Hao explained this, Nangong Nayue understood that for the Lord of the Labyrinth, the territory under their jurisdiction would only get bigger and bigger, and no matter how strong the Lord of the Labyrinth was, it was only one person.

Naturally, he could not be counted on himself, to manage the entire maze. Even if those monsters are very obedient, some of the nature of monsters is also a problem. So, helpers are essential.

This is also the meaning of the existence of heroes.

Similarly, no one knows when there will be a violent conflict with the Endless Continent, not the small fight like the previous Red Moon Calamity, but the army of countless monsters, forming a torrent that crushes everything!

Quantity of heroes, quality.

All represent the connotation of a labyrinth, the more the better!

Although there is still a lot of time in the future, Wang Hao has already begun to prepare in this regard….. As for the results… Then it’s up to Providence….


A brief discussion of this topic, two salted fish carefree tea, after having a maid, some chores, no longer need the two to worry about, every day is not to watch the fun.

It’s about studying spells, drinking tea and chatting.

Occasionally Wang Hao will also do something beneficial to the body and mind, although afterwards, he will be despised by a certain witch and disgusted for a while, but Wang Hao, whose face has been tempered, said that it is all a small problem!

And in the dungeon.

Elena, who didn’t know how much time had passed, her eyes became more and more dull. Smart eyes, full of rigidity.

And deep down, there are countless pitch-black emotions tumbling…

Under the light of the blood moon, these black emotions, as if they had obtained nutrients, continued to grow, oppressing the master, guiding, tempting Elena, and gradually sliding down the abyss…

She remembered many, many…..

But the most impressive thing is still when I was a child, the home was destroyed by robbers….

And now for no reason, suddenly destroyed factions, and some people, ugly faces!

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