Dark Origins…

This thing is a long story.

After entering this world, all the masters of the maze automatically received a message from the core of the maze and received the task of destroying the origin of the dark world.

It doesn’t matter if this task is done or not.

It is a bounty mission, and the completer can earn a large amount of experience points and special rewards.

Until then, none of them could voluntarily leave this world, with the exception of the humiliating characters who were killed.

“No news…”

Wang Hao shook his head.

At first, they thought that this thing was in the dark world, after all, the name was called the origin of the dark world, but later, after some investigation, Wang Hao denied this, and it was almost impossible to find the origin of the dark world in the dark world.

The existence of the Dark Realm is very special.

Its origin is probably something similar to the origin of the world.

It is compatible with the world, conventional methods cannot be found at all, and even if they do, it is no less difficult to destroy the world than to directly destroy the world, which is too excessive for them now.

And the task released by the core of the maze cannot be completed.

The reason why it appeared must have the possibility of completion, but they did not find it.

Therefore, Wang Hao boldly guessed.

The origin of the dark world is probably not in the dark world, but in the present world, which is why there will be frequent attacks by dark creatures in the present world.

But, all of them are in the Dark Realm.

It is inconvenient to go to the present realm, and the extraordinary posture of not being able to collect the sword is like a natural disaster that makes them move.

All kinds of obstacles, one after another.

Through the surrogate, there are difficulties in itself, although the dark world and the present world, although they are two sides of the same world, but there is a layer in the middle, and if you want to cross the border, the difficulty is not low.

The main reason is:

No one knows what the origin of the dark world is.

That thing, if it really is something similar to the origin of the world, then it can be a dead creature, it can be some kind of object, or even some kind of indescribable rule.

“This way…”

Wang Hao did not answer, but Raphael already knew everything.

Shaking his head slightly, he did not continue to ask.

The number of the lords of the maze is placed here, not only her and Wang Hao, everyone is paying attention, and it is only a matter of time before they find the goal, but there is only one reward.

In the end, it doesn’t matter who it ends…

The present world, the purpose of the lord of the labyrinth, the origin of the appearance of the monsters of the dark world, these things, human beings naturally do not know the reason.

But it doesn’t represent.

They don’t ask anything.

Actually, whether ten years ago, or ten years from now.

For the origin of the monster in the dark world, whether official or private, he has never given up the investigation.

For the official, this means the opportunity to solve all this once and for all, and for the private sector, it means great benefits and great power.

In the past, because of the frequent appearance of dark world creatures.

The official energy is limited, and there is not much investment in this side.

But now, the empty hand has greatly increased investment in this area, which directly led to the official first discovery of clues.

The first instance of the appearance of dark creatures is that an island country that has long perished has long since turned into a no-man’s land, or a frequent area where monsters fall, a forbidden place for living people, and people who try to enter the investigation, in that area, feel that their negative emotions are constantly amplified.

It seems that some terrible monster is lurking in the secret.

Even, where, the creatures of the dark world are immortal and short-lived, and their existence has been longer, and the surrounding environment has produced strange changes, which are strange and creepy at the same time.

The first few groups of explorers have all been sacrificed.

The researchers found that this area is expanding at a slow rate!

This attracted the attention of some human officials who were not yet extinct.

The news flowed to the people, and some people who were not afraid of death, or who had strong their own abilities, also came to make fun.

“It’s the official flame demon of country T”

Of course, the lively masses are also indispensable.

There is no shortage of masters in all countries, and they also cooperated ten years ago, not to mention, human science and technology have not regressed, so some famous masters are recognized by people.

Yan Demon was a tall man with red hair and eyes, and his body was full of high temperatures, and his body had several traces of stitches.

On the cheeks, with some scales.

As a driver, because of the fusion of monster genes, more or less, there are some monster tendencies, and the temperament is also affected by the body, and the Yan demon is as famous, as well as the other party’s irritable temper.

However, at this time, Yan Demon was dark-faced, and did not look at the blind crowd, looking at a white-haired girl in the team of the rabbit country.

At this time, the crowd also found the white-haired girl.

“It’s an angel! She’s here too? Those people are willing to give up?? ”

Seeing the girl, the melon-eating masses were also surprised, and many people even frowned, not that the girl’s strength was poor, her reputation was bad, and even on the contrary, the angel of the rabbit country.

As the first driver with healing powers.

The popularity is not comparable to the latecomers at all, it was precisely because of her existence that she survived the most difficult period, I don’t know how many people, because of her treatment, survived the injuries that were originally certain to die.

Even now, she is not the only healer.

But long-term connections, prestige, and fame are extremely terrifying.

What’s more, angels are also the only top healers today, and if something happens to them, it is a complete loss for the entire world.

“The Red Witch is here too”

The Red Witch, the Blood Queen ten years ago, the trump card of the Guardians.

Although he has withdrawn from the guardian now, from the change of title, he can know that the strength of the other party is still the top group in this world, and this is true among humans.

Unlike ten years ago.

Today, the Red Witch is most famous for the thirty-three heads of Yandarus in her hand that can seize intangible things such as existence, vitality, lifespan, and even memory, and the prestige of this thing is thunderous, it can be said that in this world, in the human group.

No one wants to play against the Red Witch.

At that time, even if you live, you may lose more.

Especially once, the Red Witch manipulated Yandalus to devour the existence of a famous master at that time, and until now, no one remembers who that strong man really is and which side he belongs to.

Except for knowing that there was such a person, all other traces could not be found.

Since then, no one has wanted to tease this person.

Even meeting is a detour. One

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