The city, every inch of the land, is tainted with resentment and malice.

What this means, Nangong Nayue, as a witch, is very clear, and this is still a black market where the law and order is relatively stable, and those in power are not so unscrupulous.

Change to a normal city.

How reckless those nobles, the rich, the people in power. It’s totally conceivable.

The two words rot are no longer enough to describe the country.

In essence, it is a corpse that is still walking, and the name of the empire has long lost its original face.

“These have nothing to do with us…”

Although it is very cold to say this, this is indeed a fact, at the very least, they are not involved in this mess now, they are witnesses, bystanders.

Resentment and malice.

Wang Hao didn’t care at all, he was a blood tribe and a monster.

Although it is essentially different from vampires in the conventional sense, they are two creatures, but the essence is still to play with life and soul, and the word kindness is not related to him.

However, this is true, but an individual is inherently contradictory and complex. Wang Hao himself does not guarantee that if he takes it for a long time, he will not end up in person. After all, no one can say for sure about the future.


Nangong Nayue sighed slightly, she and Wang Hao’s strength is indeed very strong, but strength, never able to solve everything, they can kill hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, and even drag this world into the abyss.

But you can’t do it, govern a country and rip it out of your pit. Not to mention sustaining it forever.

This is also why, both people are indifferent, not that they do not want to do anything. It’s that they know it’s all useless.

It turned out to be so, and it is simply out of sight.

Stay away from the mess as much as possible. Anyway, they’re just passers-by.

Calm days always fly by.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Hao and Nangong Nayue have been in the No. 3 black market for more than half a year.

Their existence has also attracted the attention of some people with intentions.

At first, Wang Hao and Nangong Nayue occupied an area that was originally a frequently changing area, which was destroyed by people one day, and then new people settled down, which was almost a daily occurrence.

It’s just that most newcomers don’t stay here for long. After all, the black market is never a good place.

At first, no one cared, but after a few months, the store still didn’t move at all, which meant that the store took root in the black market, even if it was just a nondescript remote area, and people noticed the store.

After all, everyone’s background is not clean, and there are people behind them.

Whose hand is not said on the surface, but in the heart, a strange guy suddenly appears.

It’s strange that it would be ignored!

However, these people did not act rashly, they are ‘businessmen’, not barbarians, aiming at a target, they will not shoot so quickly, not to mention, the value of the target is not much.

They don’t want to be profitable.

It’s someone who wants to know who the other person is.

Who is standing behind him, can he afford to provoke, is there a place to cooperate in the future.

After a simple investigation, they found that there was no one behind this store, people played their own, and the trading was all casual, but ordinary people can stay safely in the black market for most of the year?

Naturally impossible!

Everyone who cares knows that such a person is the most difficult to mess with, has no worries, and has strong strength.

Who wants to offend?

Especially, when there is no conflict of interest. As for the harmless white rabbit?

They are not so stupid, Wang Hao’s Yandalos at the door of the store is not a joke.

That’s right, in order to avoid looking for trouble without opening his eyes, Wang Hao released Yandalos to guard the door, as Wang Hao’s beast, Yandalus is a real super dangerous species in this world.

Of course, in disguise, it is a strong vicious dog.

But with its thick claws and sharp canine teeth, no one thought that this thing was easy to mess with.

Therefore, on the black market.

There is no one, and the trouble with them, in the final analysis, is not enough benefits.

Of course, there are reasonable people, naturally there are stupid guys, but those people have disappeared into the black market, and no one knows how they disappeared.

Only know, since those idiots disappeared.

The owner of this storefront has never had bad money at all, is not an idiot, and knows where this money comes from.

However, no matter how big the waves, there will be times when they subside.

Discovering the existence of the other party basically has no effect on oneself.

Most of the people acquiesced to the existence of the other party and did not ask for trouble, only a few special people had been collecting information on Wang Hao and Nangong Nayue.

Many of them expressed great interest in Yendalus. There were even people who came to the door and tried to buy it.

Wang Hao was speechless.

“I think we can get in touch”

Inside a small shop in the same remote location, several people gathered to discuss something.

“The risk is too great, there is no need…”

But obviously, not everyone agrees with the proponents. If Wang Hao is here.

I’m afraid I will be surprised, red pupils and black pupils, are also among these people, the identity of these people, there is no need for too much Jian Shao, revolutionary army!

To be precise, the special combat department of the revolutionary army.

Or the assassination force, they are not professional assassins, but their strong strength, coupled with their special status, make them invincible on the road of assassination.

“Okay, all quiet!”

Seeing the two sides of the dispute, there was no tendency to calm down in a short period of time, like a woman with an impressive scar on her face like a big sister, opened her mouth to drink.

The others instantly quieted down.

“According to the informant’s guess, the other party was kept at the door. The hunting dog named ‘Yandarus’ is likely to be one of the biotype artifacts… Therefore, it is speculated that the other party is likely to be a divine tool envoy, and each divine tool envoy is a valuable combat power and a target worth fighting for, but the opponent’s character is unknown, and the information collected is scarce… Through the trajectory of daily activities, it can be seen that it is not a murderous nature, but… This is also most likely an illusion, as an additional task, we can try to recruit each other, but this is not the main purpose! Don’t forget! ”

The reason why the people of the revolutionary army set their sights on Wang Hao.

In the end, it is still the pot of Yandalus, as an abnormal life, Yandalus does not need to eat, excrete, these traces of ordinary life activities.

No food or drink, no need to rest, strong combat power, these characteristics, more similar to bio-type artifacts than domesticated dangerous species.

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