Although the troops were defeated like a mountain, the initiative to retreat was not so serious, but it was undoubtedly a rather blowing move to the morale of the military.

More importantly, this retreat is equivalent to revealing flaws, allowing Yandalus, who had relatively few means of attack, to seize the opportunity, and this time, Yandalus showed his most terrifying side.

The ability to split infinitely!

This is the core of Yandarus, and it is also the strongest ability!

To put it bluntly, as long as there is enough magic, Yandalus can be endless.

In addition, there is no difference between ontology and avatar, and each doppelganger, unless deliberately restricted, can theoretically inherit all the abilities of Yandalus.

Yandalus represents infinitely expanding greed, and once indulged, it is a catastrophe!

And this time, Wang Hao let go of his authority. Feel free to Yandarus to make trouble…

After giving unlimited magical support, the horror of Yondalus began to manifest.

“Roar!! Roar!!! Roar!!!! ”

Finding that the prey wanted to escape, Yandarus split from one, into two, two into four, and in a blink of an eye, it became sixteen, and the strength of each one was almost the same.

As we all know, individual beasts, and herds of beasts. Completely two concepts.

The same is true of Yandalus, facing one Yandalus, they can only fight in front of them, not to mention that sixteen Yandalos cooperate with each other, it is not as simple as one plus one!!!


At this moment, the faces of the soldiers who were originally unwilling became extremely frightened, and the originally orderly retreat also became chaotic.

A hunt begins!

However, the fastest general does not care!

With his abilities, there is no shortage of loyal soldiers, and it does not matter if these people are all dead.

Tongze love? Joke, where is this thing in the current empire!

Everyone can’t wait to plug in two legs and run faster.

Not only the general of the military department, but also other people and horses were attacked by Yandalus, and those without divine tools basically died under the tricks of Yandalus.

There are many strong among them, but they face strong enemies who cannot resist.

The fastest to run is these strong people themselves, not without resistance, but the end is worse than the other!

And some divine tools even used various strange abilities to injure and even kill Yandalus!

And then…… Desperate to find out that Yandalus will actually split?! From one to two, it continues to grow!

The last bit of fighting intent was directly extinguished by a basin of cold water, and in the face of this kind of enemy that was difficult to kill and fight more and more, no one was willing to fight with such a difficult enemy.

After all, if you kill him, people will not necessarily die, but if people kill you, you will die!

Smart people know how to choose………

However, not everyone can escape, and the possibility of those guys who are not good at escaping to get rid of Yandalus is very low…

It was late that evening.

On Wang Hao’s table, there were three divine tools. One of them was held by Wang Hao in his hand and played.

The outing of Yandalus has been all recovered, and he has provided a lot of magic power to make Yandalus happy, but it does not mean that there are no restrictions.

After all, what he wanted, from the beginning, was not to kill quickly. Many people ran away from under the claws of Yandarus. But Wang Hao doesn’t care.

“Mana consumes a lot…”

Since the source of mana turned into a natural ability, allowing his mana recovery speed to further increase, Wang Hao has not experienced the taste of lack of mana for a long time.

This time let Yendalus go.

He had been absent for a long time, and felt the feeling of mana consumption………

After all, as a dependent beast, the consumption summoned by Yandalus is not small, and the continuous division will also increase the consumption of mana, which is just that, the increase in distance.

It also consumes additional mana.

It is mainly the waste caused by the process of mana transmission.

That is, Wang Hao does not lack magic power, so he can afford to play like this, change people, have long emptied his magic power, and cannot exert the power of Blood Hound Yandalus.

“This is a divine tool??”

At this time, Nangong Nayue’s gaze fell on a book-like artifact, and his eyes were full of curiosity.

The artifact is said to be a weapon, but in fact, there are all kinds of appearances, and the functions are even more varied.

The book’s divine tools are one of them.

“The Book of Fraud Arnogel”

Looking at the book, Wang Hao threw it directly to Nangong Nayue, although it seems to be a book, in fact, the material of this thing is very special, like other large divine tools, it is difficult to destroy.

The book’s ability is illusion.

And it’s the large-scale kind, called the Book of Fraud, as for why is the name Arnogel?

Sorry, Wang Hao doesn’t know, and doesn’t understand, what is special about this word, its previous users also don’t know, after all, thousands of years, many things, have become different with time.

What the original meaning was, no one cared at all!

“This feeling is an illusion, a spiritual ability…”

Holding the book of fraud, Nangong Nayue’s brows frowned slightly, the ability of this book is very special, once abused, it is easy to cause bad consequences, but… That’s for the average person.

For a powerful witch like Nangong Nayue.

The illusion of this book is still too rigid… It does not refer to the content of the illusion, but to the structure itself!

“This feeling…”

Flipping through the book, there is no text on this book, and the ability of the book of fraud is to transform into a fantasy through text description, of course, this is the use of ordinary people.

In Nangong Nayue, Wang Hao’s hands.

They can rely on their strong mental abilities.

To contact the broken will sealed in the book, to control this ability more flexibly.

Ordinary people do this, and they are eroded by the will of the super dangerous species inside, resulting in the will of dead silence to become active, but Nangong Nayue and Wang Hao are not bad if they don’t erode the guys inside.

Eroded, impossible things.

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