Chapter 393

Chapter 393 New Information

During this call across the ocean, Li Wen and Zhao Jianguo fell silent at the same time. Especially for Zhao Jianguo, the question raised by Li Wen seems to have severely overturned the hypothesis he believed in.

After a long silence, Li Wen finally spoke again: “Will there be such a possibility, Mr. Zhao. The banknotes in my hand obviously have gone through more than a hundred years of history, and they did not appear out of thin air. That is to say, if more people survive, then they must have experienced these times. Then they may have a suitable and true identity. Under such circumstances, they have integrated into contemporary life. , There is no such thing as a sudden appearance.

Li Wen’s explanation gradually became smaller, because he found that no matter how he explained it, it was impossible to get any confirmation. Even if the explanation he gave now seems very reasonable, it is just another hypothesis based on one hypothesis.

Zhao Jianguo, who was on the other side of the phone, sighed obviously, and then said: “Li Wen, I will send someone to investigate the situation on your side immediately. The origin and age of those US dollars need to be tested. Excuse me, please. .

Li Wen immediately said: “Mr. Zhao, you are being polite. This matter itself is related to my family, and you paid for the clues you found before. I am doing everything as it should be.

“Okay, then I have other things to deal with, so I’ll hang up the phone first.”

“Okay, goodbye, Mr. Zhao.” Li Wen put down the phone, looked at the diary and banknotes on the table again, and couldn’t help but think of his speculation again in his mind.

But Li Wen quickly collected his thoughts. He had already done what he should have done, and provided the information to Zhao Jianguo as soon as possible. The next thing has nothing to do with him.

With this thought in mind, Li Wen shook his head slightly, once again focused on the diary in front of him, and continued his initial research.

On the other side of the ocean, Zhao Jianguo hung up because he was still working, but at this time he had no intention of continuing to work. This new banknote seems to provide more evidence for his previous speculation that what his daughter did in the past will be reflected in the modern day in the form of a diary. But there seems to be a denial of this speculation, why the survival or death of mankind has not been reflected in contemporary times.

You must know that looking through the diary every day has become the only way for Zhao Jianguo to maintain his mentality during this period. Through the narration of this diary, he can know what his daughter did in that era, and know that they should be safe until today. If even this last connection is taken away, it would be too cruel for the father who lost his daughter…

And just when Zhao Jianguo’s mind was complicated, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open.

Zhao Jianguo’s thoughts were interrupted, and he looked angrily at the door, and found that the person who came was actually Wang Lufei!

This is not the time for Wang Lufei to report. He must have made some important discoveries when he comes.

Zhao Jianguo tried his best to suppress the irritability in his heart, put on a gentle smile, and looked up at Wang Lufei: “Xiao Wang, is there any new news?”

Wang Lufei handed a piece of information to Zhao Jianguo with a look of joy, and said at the same time: “Mr. Zhao, just now there was news that a veteran of America is close to a hundred years old, but memory has nothing to do with reason. Certainly. After learning about Ye Qing and Ms. Zhao Ling’s experience, he said with certainty that he had experienced similar things.

more specifically,

“He also entered that island before!”

Hearing this, Zhao Jianguo’s expression gradually became excited. If you can get the information of that strange sea area, and even enter the island where your daughter went, then you will not be far from finding them, the news is too timely!

I hope “You kid don’t bring me any false news.” Although Zhao Jianguo said so, he still trusts Wang Lufei very much. From Wang Lufei’s expression and tone, we can see that the credibility of this news must be high. .

Zhao Jianguo couldn’t wait to pick up the documents that Di Wang Lufei had put on the table, and began to look through it.

Following Zhao Jianguo’s reading, he also probably understood what happened to this veteran.

This veteran once participated in World War II. In a certain mission to rescue the missing comrades in arms, I entered that island.

The mission at that time was like this. Two America pilots chased two enemy planes into the sea, and then lost the news.

Then the veteran’s team received the task of searching for the two pilots and entered the sea area county.

Then something strange happened. After entering that sea area, the radio signal became very unstable, and it was difficult for them to contact the headquarters. Fortunately, they succeeded in finding an island, so that they would not wander in the sea.

Then, according to their captain’s inference, most of the comrades whom his party was looking for had also made an emergency landing on this island, if she was still alive.

So, the team set up a simple camp on this island, and under the condition of ensuring survival, began search and rescue.

However, strange things happened one after another. The first is that they unexpectedly found a lot of creatures that should have been extinct on that island. This veteran gave examples in the document, such as giant bears, saber-toothed tigers and other ancient creatures.

Secondly, they gradually lost all contact with the outside world, and the intermittent radio was completely effective.

In the end, the team members they sent to the sea would always be inexplicably (kingly) sacrifices. After sacrificing one-third of their comrades in arms, they discovered that there are several sea areas that are absolutely inaccessible. Once in, there is absolutely no survivor. hope.

Under the influence of such strange events, they finally decided to abandon the mission and leave the island along the safe route that the dead teammates explored with their lives.

But their departure has not been smooth sailing. In the first few attempts, they seemed to have come to a completely unfamiliar sea.

When asked how he left that sea area, the veteran was also completely confused. According to him, they just made an attempt like every time they went out to sea before, but this time, they found that they had come to a familiar sea. At this time, although the warships of the fleet that sent them had left, they still successfully waited for other ships and brought them back to the country. .

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