Survival Game For All: I'm Playing A God

Chapter 104 The Growing Bear Tribe

In the world of the family members, the Xiong tribe has already surrendered to Xuan Sheng's family members.

"Patriarch! Our soldiers are getting stronger and stronger!"

In front of a young patriarch, several young warriors raised their arms and shouted, laughing loudly.

"Really? It seems that the relocation of the Ju clan to the vicinity of the Xuan clan is really effective."

The young patriarch looked at the Huiyuecao at the end of the sky, and sighed repeatedly.

Unfortunately, they have never been able to obtain the seeds of that plant from the tribe who call themselves Xuanzu.

Even if they succumbed willingly and became so-called 'subordinates', they would not be able to gain the approval of those people.

If you want him to say, those people are too much in awe of that so-called Xuanshen.

Not only did they call themselves Xuanshen because of the gods, but they also respected the things He bestowed. As a result, the Xiong tribe had no way to get anything.

The other party can always reply with a sentence of "this is the gift of the mysterious god" and reject their request.

Anyway, on the Xiong tribe's side, the new patriarch sneered at the so-called god.

Heh, what are the so-called gods? As the nephew of the previous patriarch, he understands this kind of gods and gods all too well.

It is nothing more than a trick made up by some people through various means to deceive people into believing it.

His uncle is one of them.

He said that he wanted to present his pure virgin to the great and holy god, but in the end he didn't let it go by himself.

Therefore, in the consciousness of this new patriarch, the reason why the Xuan clan shirks in every possible way is that they don't trust them at all, and there is nothing to say, of course he can understand.

After all, they are foreigners, and they don't want to trust, which is very reasonable.

However, he, who is straight-hearted, doesn't like this method of using excuses.

"Then...patriarch, when will we..."

A few warriors timidly came forward, straightened their palms, and swung down fiercely!

"Get out! If you want to die, don't take me with you!"

Seeing that these guys had gained some strength, they wanted to challenge the Xuan clan. The new patriarch felt as if he was facing an abyss, and his heart jumped for a while.

"You don't know how powerful the Xuan Clan is, do you? When the tribe was attacked, you were all in the tent?"

He could see clearly, three or four hundred meters away, the archers of the Xuan tribe drew their bows and set up arrows, and shot through their warriors with one blow!

One hit to the head pierces armor!

This is still at least three hundred meters away!

Whether it is melee ability or long-range means, the Xuanzu are invincible like monsters.

When they were only using stones, they were able to defeat the former bear tribe with one against ten.

Now they have a complete set of bows and horses, armor added to their bodies, and the bear clan is even more broken at the touch of a touch.

Now, just because of a slight increase in strength, these restless warriors dare to attack the terrifying Xuanzu? !

"I look at you, you really have muscles in your brain!!!"

The new patriarch waved his hand angrily, these guys are simply unreasonable!

"We are just far away from the Moonlight Grass, and we can get a little bit of soul-purifying water from the rain, and our strength will increase greatly, and the warriors in the clan will be greatly strengthened."

"Then! Soak directly in the soul-cleaning water, eat strength potatoes every day, and bathe in the brilliance of the Moonlight Grass every day, how terrifying the strength of the Xuanzu will be, do you just count it in your mind?!"

The new patriarch cursed loudly, spraying blood on several warriors.

"Xuan Clan, it is absolutely impossible to provoke them!"

Pointing at a few confidants, the new patriarch angrily reprimanded.

"Yes yes yes! We know..."

Several warriors were scolded head-on and face-to-face, and they knew that they had slipped their words, so they both nodded and bowed hurriedly.

"However, Lord Patriarch, the environment we live's hard to be self-sufficient..."

With a bitter face, a certain young man walked out of the group and complained to the new patriarch.

Although the Xuan clan promised to protect them and give them a certain degree of military assistance.

However, most of the grasslands and territory of the Xiong tribe were taken away by the Xuan tribe.

The territory that belongs to them is much, much less than before.

The Xiong Clan people, who were used to being kings and hegemony in the surrounding ethnic groups, are now in this state, which is really unbearable.

If it is said that they have been beaten to pieces and have no strength left, then forget it.

But the problem is... under the forgiveness of the Xuan Clan, many young and strong people who had resisted the old patriarch survived in the clan. They with soul water, their strength actually increased instead of decreasing to a certain extent! Quite fighting!

Under such circumstances, they are required to live frugally, and their lives are not even as good as those of the small tribes around them... It is unbearable for them...

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Patriarch, those small tribes around..."

"Don't even think about it, those small groups of ghosts are very spirited, and since they knew the laws of the Xuan Clan, the master-slave country, they all took the initiative to attach themselves to it."

In the past few years, these small tribes have become affiliated to the Xuan Clan just like the 'Xiong'.

There are even some small tribes who have made up their minds to abandon all kinds of strange beliefs and convert to the so-called mysterious god. Now they are receiving education and changing their minds...

They have now established close ties with the Xuan Clan.

Therefore, if they attack the small tribes, it is equivalent to challenging the Xuan clan, which is absolutely impossible.


Several young adults were dejected and suddenly lost their minds.

"Heh, let me tell you, if you really want to fight for something, you might as well follow me and attack the Flying Eagle Tribe directly."

The corner of the young patriarch's mouth twitched, and he looked at the many warriors whose expressions changed drastically.

"Patriarch, absolutely not!"

"The Flying Eagle Tribe has a population of 5,000, and the ability to fight in a single round has nearly 2,000 generals!"

"Although our clan is resting and recuperating, there are still less than five hundred young and strong. How can we be the opponent of the Flying Eagle Tribe!"

As soon as the new patriarch's words came out of his mouth, everyone was shocked and tried to stop him.

"Hmph, but the Flying Eagle Tribe insisted on talking about the messenger who died before. Should we just swallow our anger and wait for the other party to call us?"


"You have to think about it. Although the Flying Eagle tribe is big, there are many threats around it. We only need to gnaw a piece of land and stop. It is impossible for the other party to send all their strength to fight against us."


"Furthermore, with the strengthened physiques of our warriors, you really think you can't win if you fight with all your strength, one against four?"

The new patriarch raised his hands high, his face full of confidence!

To expand in the direction where the Xuan Clan is located is of course asking for death, absolutely not.

However, these flying eagle tribes... are different!

They are qualified to win!


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