In the blink of an eye, more than twenty years have passed.

It has been almost thirty years since I took over the weapons from the gods, returned to the tribe to take back the position of the patriarch, and then led the tribe to expand the territory, hunt monsters, and survive on this land... It has been almost thirty years.

Perhaps because of the blessing of the gods, the female patriarch, who is already considered a considerable age in this era, is not only not dying, but even has a bit of youthful bravery, able to lead the clansmen to continue fighting.

But...she is old and frail after all...Although the clan has expanded and multiplied, at the same time, a large amount of food demand has forced the warriors in the clan to go out to hunt and fight for the survival of the clan. Fight the monsters lurking in the depths of the jungle.

In the past, the female patriarch with the artifact was able to support most of the clansmen on her own.

But as she grows older, she has gradually become unable to do what she wants, and as she weakens, every time she hunts, young people in the clan will be injured... For such a large clan, even before it has fully entered the Stone Age, the severe winter In fact, it is a problem for the ethnic group to even support themselves.

The old patriarch, who saw the future of the race, was powerless to change all this. Although the god had always been the existence they believed in, he never responded to their call...

"Why so lament?"

As soon as Xuan Sheng opened the vision on the side of the god stone, he saw a certain old woman with a sad face.

Before waiting for the other party to reply, the complete God's Eye put all the information into Xuan Sheng's mind...

He has just passed half a day in the world over there, and more than twenty years have passed here? !

And...the female patriarch is obviously only in her early fifties, why is she so haggard?

[This group that has not yet entered the Stone Age lives by hunting and picking wild fruits. When winter comes, the food supply of the group is a big problem]


There is no farming, no food reserves, and the ethnic groups that are still in the most primitive stage are still struggling to survive... Is this the state of the ethnic groups that they have cultivated?

"My lord..."

Although there was a language barrier, the old patriarch, who could communicate directly through consciousness, finally waited for the news from the gods, tears filled his eyes, and knelt down on his knees!

The clansmen around the patriarch didn't know the situation yet, but quickly knelt down respectfully under the patriarch's signal, facing the sacred stone that exuded a slight coercion...

Once, after the patriarch brought back the sacred stone, he made all the clansmen fear that stone.

However, what is the use of this, no one knows.

With no help from the so-called 'gods', the belief Xuan Sheng gained was pitifully small. After all, the believers in this world were still running around for survival, so where would they have room to worship the gods?

As a result, even after more than 20 years, his accumulated faith value is not even as good as the increase when the patriarch received the divine favor...

Are you worried about food?

[You ants can't even provide food for themselves? 】

The majestic and majestic sound exploded in the minds of every clansman, making everyone's bodies tremble, not daring to look directly at the divine stone that flickered and seemed to be accumulating anger.

Depend on! This ghost stone is mistranslating our words again.

Seeing that these poor people couldn't even fill their stomachs, Xuan Sheng scratched his head for a while.

He, the god, seems a bit incompetent.

Although divine favor and offering can only be made once a day, communication can always be maintained.

As long as he is willing to teach these dependents some ways to survive, they will not live in such a miserable life.

However, the most important thing at the moment is to provide food to these little guys first...

Li Xuansheng, who was cleaning out the warehouse, looked around to see what was around.

To have sufficient and stable supply of food, one must farm honestly.

Nomadism may be relatively strong in the early and mid-game, but it can't be beaten in the late game. In the battle of cultures, farming will always be stable in the late game, and it is the real king.

In order to allow the ethnic group to continue to expand and provide more and more beliefs, Xuan Sheng felt that it would be better for these primitive people to multiply and grow gradually.

However, it's hard to expect these dependents who can even be called wildlings to grow anything... Sure enough, we still have to find some food that is easy to feed and has a large yield...

Hmm... oh, there it is!

The eyes of the teenager who searched the warehouse lit up, and he found his target.

In the warehouse, most of the ingredients had already rotted and deteriorated, but Li Xuansheng found a piece of sprouted potato in the corner!

Perhaps because the sprouts are poisonous, even the mice didn't bite at this thing. This sprouted potato can still be regarded as complete. In fact, even though there are many gaps, it does not hinder the growth of this thing.

Plants propagated by tubers are so easy to feed. As long as there are bud holes, these small potatoes can take root and sprout in the soil.

This thing can be said to be the treasure of a time traveler, but there is no one who does not want potatoes.

Amazing yield, easy breeding, extremely high calorie content, high starch content...

Excellent food indeed, even for his kin in the barbaric days.

Busy busy, it's already morning and the next day... Then, let's throw this thing away.

Opening the [Divine Enlightenment] portal and throwing sprouted potatoes in, Xuan Sheng put down the broom curiously, and began to watch the situation on the other side of the divine stone.

The golden swirling door opened again, and under the expectant eyes of the old patriarch, a golden fruit flew out!

There was no earth shaking, no thunderclouds, this time the divine favor was nothing special, the golden potato fell straight down, landed on the surface of the map, and even bounced slightly, rolling twice.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, hundreds of pairs of eyes were staring at the golden potato, which made Li Xuansheng a little embarrassed...

【The Creator... this... is not enough to eat...】

The simple and clear meaning came from the old patriarch's mind, and the pitiful eyes of the other party made their "gods" dumbfounded for a while.

He was about to tell these primitive people how to grow potatoes when he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

A few seconds after the golden potato came into contact with the soil, it seemed to come back to its senses, and it actually burrowed into the soil by itself. This cold winter has not restrained the rapid growth of this plant!

The recovery of life was happening right in front of them. At this moment, all the clansmen were stunned by the miracle in front of them. They understood why the patriarch was so in awe of that inexplicable golden stone...

The lush green branches and leaves soon stopped growing, and even more astonishing upheavals were happening underground that the clansmen couldn't see.

Big golden potatoes are growing and congealing. They are so fast and numerous that they seem to proliferate. In just a few breaths, countless golden potatoes are produced!

While the people of the tribe were still waiting to see when the green branches would bear fruits, strings of golden potatoes jumped out of the soil happily, ready to be cooked and eaten at any time.

And when Li Xuansheng was curious about what kind of changes had happened to these little potatoes, when he glanced over with his eyes...

[Golden Potato: Strength +5 after eating]

? !


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