Wrapped in a black cloak and phantom, the masked man swiped his sword, shaking off the blood stains on the weapon.

This sudden appearance of the player made the whole audience shudder!

In less than two seconds, more than 6,000 damage was dealt! !

This is still the effect of facing a general-level boss!

How sacred is this!


The scene was unusually deserted, these guys didn't attack him wholeheartedly, but just stood there in a daze, Xuan Sheng, who was free, couldn't help but look at the equipment on the ground...

The gold coins and experience released by the three-eyed kappa were already in their pockets. After sweeping the equipment on the ground without any bright spots, Xuan Sheng sniffed disdainfully and turned around.

Originally, he planned to collect useful supplies here to take back.

But... Now it seems that although the boss here is weak, but at the same time the goods are not good, it is still not so outrageous...

However, no matter how weak they are, this gold coin and experience can still be obtained.

【Frog Leg x99】

A three-eyed kappa unexpectedly released these ingredients... If it were placed in Lone Star City, these ingredients alone would be worth far more than the sum of the equipment!

If you think about it this way...the space in your backpack is limited...you have to bring valuables back...

Xuan Sheng thought for a while, and was surprised to find that if he had brought anything else, he might as well have brought the raw materials of the food directly!

In this way, the amount of the belt is large, and it is also very valuable.

On the contrary, these inferior equipment are worthless to the players of the fiercely competitive Lone Star City.

In Lone Star City, where the elimination rate is extremely high, equipment replacement is extremely rapid.

Unless this blue advanced equipment has a unique effect, it must not be as valuable as a large bundle of x99 ingredients.

Even this frog leg x99 is enough for a player to survive for a week! Save it, if you suffer from hunger.

Today's Lone Star, three meals a day has long been impossible for most players.

How much you can eat in a day depends on how many ingredients the monsters in the wild can burst out.

If there is a player who is so extravagant that he buys it with silver coins, he will find that the current Lone Star probably costs about ten silver coins for a meal!

That's right, it is a full ten times that of Tongtian City! ! !

These are just the ingredients necessary for survival. As for the potions and supplies for battle, that is an astronomical figure!

Why are the players in Lone Star City more and more against each other... It is completely forced by the pressure of survival!

But Tongtian...now there is no such pressure at all.

"Master Jianhao, what is your address? Thank you very much for your help to us, thank you very much!"

The sensible Mei Chuan and his party ran away in despair after seeing the death of the boss... Now, only Nishida and others, whose crisis has been resolved, are still near the boss's body.


A man with strange braids appeared in front of Xuan Sheng, and he bowed deeply when he came up, which made Xuan Sheng stunned.

He subconsciously thought that the other party was here to find fault, but in the end, he didn't expect this guy to come up and thank you?

Didn't I come to grab the boss? Why is he still regarded as a benefactor?

【You rescued Nishida in front of you, and forced away Mei Chuan and others who were trying to pick up the leak by force, so this one has great respect for you】

The intimate God's Eye marked Nishida in great detail.

'That's it...'

Knowing what the group of players in front of them were thinking, Xuan Sheng's golden eyes glanced over...

[Nishida: Lv.10 Samurai job transfer]

【Sakura: Lv.9 Villager】



With his eyes widened, Xuan Sheng looked at these guys in disbelief.

It's already the second day of the second week! These players have not reached level ten, why haven't they been wiped out yet!

Can players of this level survive?

No wonder they took such a hard time killing such a weak boss before, this...

"Master Jianhao, although... you did help us solve our difficulties, but after all, we were the ones who came into contact with this boss first, and..."

Gritting his teeth fiercely, the man named Xi Tian bowed again.

"Please be sure to hand over the remaining equipment to us, or... we can buy it with gold coins!"

Seeing the strength of this swordsman, Xi Tian's awe grew stronger.

At the same time, the desire to become stronger kept stimulating him!

Only by becoming stronger, will we not fall into the situation like today, being forced by the trash like Mei Chuan, even being forced to the point where his companions die...

'What is he talking about? Why did you bow again? '

Xuan Sheng was still thinking about whether to kill all these people on the spot and explode the food or something. In the end, the man bowed again and shouted something he couldn't understand...

[He saw that you didn't intend to pick up the equipment, so he boldly tried to exchange the supplies on the ground for these equipment on the ground]

[If you want to kill the player belonging to Tongtian City, please pay attention]

[You will be expelled from nearby areas that are not part of the main city]

[If you hide your identity in a low-key manner, there will naturally be no danger]

[However, in the outer city, the red name is marked and wanted extremely quickly]

[In short, it is not recommended that you kill such worthless players]

'Well...that's exactly what I said. '

A group of guys who didn't even reach the tenth level, and, judging by the names, they had nothing to do with the few bastards who broke into the Lone Star City before...

Well, he asked me before if I wanted to change gear, right?

Silently patted Xi Tian's shoulder, Xuan Sheng nodded, but in an instant, he took out the frog leg that Kappa burst out, and threw it casually.

‘It’s okay to equip, hand over the ingredients! '

In the backpack, it is very troublesome to carry the food that can be eaten directly. For example, a bowl of ramen will consume one backpack slot.

However, if it is ingredients, it can be stacked in large quantities...

Although there is no way to open the mall directly here.


Xuan Sheng can be used as a humanoid cargo delivery machine!

Unless it is those very valuable equipment.

Otherwise, this backpack grid might as well be used to store ingredients!

"Master Jianhao, you mean..."

The big guy wearing a pale mask in front of him patted himself on the shoulder and nodded at the same time. Nishida immediately understood what he meant, and felt ecstasy in his heart!

Seeing the ingredients thrown in the opponent's hand, Nishida had a flash of inspiration and immediately understood what he meant.

Drilling back into the team, the man began to whisper to his companions.

"My lords! Lord Swordsman needs high-grade ingredients, the more advanced the better, as long as we have those, we can exchange for equipment from Lord Swordsman!"

Xi Tian never thought about the fact that Xuan Sheng might just want ordinary ingredients.

That kind of swordsman, how could he spend his time on ordinary ingredients!

Now that the adults have spoken, it must be the best!

Under Mu Qiang's thoughts, Xi Tian did not hesitate to put a layer of golden brilliance on the heart of that boss!

"My side has high-grade beef..."

"There's seafood here...but not much."

Chirping together, this third-rate adventure team began to collect ingredients...

However, soon.

Then they realized... With this little thing on them, I'm afraid they won't be able to catch the eyes of that swordsman at all...


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