Survival Game For All: I'm Playing A God

Chapter 641 The Goddess' Suspicion

"This is..."

No further introduction is needed.

Just seeing the holy orb escaping continuously and almost condensing the spiritual energy, the children of the Xuan clan already understood what kind of holy object it is.

"'s scary."

Knowing more than the family members how much aura is contained in the seemingly ordinary round bead, Xuan Sheng sighed softly, and understood that the problem of the Xuan clan has probably been completely resolved now.

[So, the matter is over]

【Remember to offer what I need】

In the end, Xuan Sheng sensed a few traces of something wrong, and turned his attention to the boats docking at the pier...

The figures of several strange gods made him a little concerned.

It seems to be the "old friend" of the beauty god.

Do you want... oh?

It seems to be able to leave directly.

"That god... is watching us."

Feeling great pressure on his body, Jin Long gritted his teeth and resisted.

"Ah... it should be warning us to keep it secret."

I wanted to find a loophole to keep up with Meishen, and see what this guy has been doing recently.

But what Dionysus saw was almost more bizarre than her wildest fantasies!

In such a remote place, there is actually a trace of the Supreme Lord God! !

That is the god of the strongest echelon in the land of the gods!

Meishen has been sneaking around behind their backs, and she has found such a thigh!

"Don't look, let's go."

The Goddess of Hunting couldn't even bring up the surge of that stalwart god... She could only shake her head and dodge.

It is already a supreme gift for such a powerful god to not be punished after learning that these 'thieves' have arrived!

Don't take any more chances...

This secret can only be rotten in the stomach, unless that god comes to find them on his own initiative!


"Yes... wait a minute! My Lord Xuanshen!"

There was some more item information in my mind, but when Shan suddenly raised his head and wanted to ask the god some more things...

The dim brilliance on the sacred stone disappeared as if it had exhausted its last bit of strength...

"It's still too late."

With his eyes closed, Heathanas could faintly feel that the familiar aura was gradually fading away.

"It's good not to see that one."

Glancing at the rubbish thrown by him with disgust, Beauty God waved his hand, signaling to his followers to remove these things as soon as possible.

She originally thought that she would be able to make the supreme god happy if she worked hard to search for some spiritual treasures that could improve the aura in a very short period of time.


The things that Lord Xuanshen took out at random because of the needs of the family members... far surpassed her years of painstaking collection!

The existence of the Supreme Lord God... has indeed far surpassed their ordinary gods.

"I said, are the other supreme gods already so powerful?"

Having witnessed the brilliance of the father gods and their fall to the altar one by one, Heathanas frowned, staring at the 'origin' that fell from the sky and was now tightly protected by the Xuan clan.

She also once held extremely powerful authority, but she can take out this kind of power so casually...

"Is it strange? Stupid sister, you are still too rare and strange."

Although she has always maintained an elegant and easy-going appearance in front of others, Meishen has never been able to maintain her calmness in the face of this sister who has been fighting with her from beginning to end.

The supreme gods occupy the best place in the land of the gods... They form a group of their own with the family members, and rarely communicate with the outside world, and other gods rarely see them...

It is precisely because there are very few opportunities to hug the thigh, so after learning about the situation of the Xuan Clan, the Beauty God will be ecstatic and try to get in touch with that powerful god.

It's a pity... this time's overtures were fruitless.

"You... Forget it, I have nothing to say to you."

It's just that Heathenas faintly felt that there was something wrong with the mysterious Lord Xuanshen.

He seems to be a bit strong...

The limit is exceeded.



"What happened? Your Majesty the Goddess."

In the center of the land of gods shrouded in mist, a goddess put down the cup in her hand, frowning slightly.

"Something has been dialed."

If there is no error in judgment.

"In the east of the world, in a remote place, there seems to be a very strong burst of aura."

And the fate in which is linked...

Can't see through?

"Let a few believers go over and judge the situation."


After bowing and leaving, seeing the expression of the goddess, the disciples who are the leader of the sect already understood.

Something that even the goddess could not figure out...was born!


"All right."

Hastily cut off the connection with the kinship world, Xuan Sheng sat cross-legged, and now just waits for the kinship to worship.


Getting up from Xuan Sheng's shadow, Yi Qing sat beside her lover, very satisfied with the information she got from Ya Lin.

When she left, there was no other woman occupying her lover's body, even the little maid whom she trusted only shyly expressed that she was hugged by her master.


When the establishment of this place and the abyss is completely completed, the situation of the demons can be declared completely stable!

As for the speed of the dependents... Xuan Sheng has always trusted them.

"Just when did Yetis go back?"

Xuan Sheng remembered that the child had nothing to miss in the Xuan Clan, or even in that world. It stands to reason that this side seems to make her feel more at ease.

"Is it because you can't wait for the person you want to see, so you left temporarily?"

Xiao You lay on her lover's shoulder complaining, Yi Qing only had sympathy for the child's situation.

After waiting for so long, but finally before being able to meet the people I met, I was involved in other things and could no longer stay.

"If you really miss it like this, it will be very sad."

Although Yi Qing never wanted to express emotion for anyone else, but...

Her lover's mentality seems to be more conservative than she expected, and she doesn't have any thoughts about other girls at all.

Or there are, but not many.


What did Yi Qing say?

"Do you really feel nothing? If Yalin and Yetis leave."

Lying down on Xuan Sheng's lap, Yi Qing looked up at his lover's face.


When Yi Qing mentioned this, Xuan Sheng broke out in a cold sweat.

He really didn't know how perverted Lilith's ability was, so he unpreparedly used it on that child Yalin...

The result... is naturally as it is now.

The child turned from a cold-blooded and desperate spy of the Huaer family to a complete captive. Even a small reward from Xuan Sheng was enough to move him so much that his eyes were blurred with tears.

If I knew the side effects were so strong, I had to change the treatment method even if I forced it...

Although from a certain point of view, such actions did at least make Yalin feel much easier.



It seems to be facing Yi Qing's dissatisfaction...


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