Survival Game For All: I'm Playing A God

Chapter 655 The Essence Of Tianji

"'s too late to say..."

Kaos' voice gradually became hoarse and distorted... The brilliance shrouding Yumi's body flickered and drifted away, like cotton wool flying in the wind, unable to hold back for a moment.

Obviously it was that guy who exhausted all his strength first...but he was closer to Father God than himself...


You Mi in front of him suddenly got up, and before the frowning Xuan Sheng opened his mouth, his eyes were already filled with twinkling brilliance!

[Do you want to review the memory information from the "God of Chaos"? 】

[Warning: Reviewing the information will make you fall into a coma in a short period of time, lasting about seven hours]

【Wake up at any time】


The soft body fell to the ground, Xuan Sheng regained his senses and stretched out his hand...

Depend on! If you are forced into the state, this must not be suppressed overnight...

With only one layer of clothing, he could even feel the creamy skin touch from behind Youmi's tulle!

Embarrassed that he didn't know where to put his hands, Xuan Sheng moved swiftly, almost pushed You Mi back to the bed with his shoulders, and quickly covered her with the quilt.

"Phew... be safe!"

Xuan Sheng, who was leaning against the bed and sitting on the ground, just wanted to go out...and suddenly remembered that Yi Qing was with Ha Yin now, and it would be inappropriate for him to disturb the two women in the middle of the night.

Reluctantly pulling a chair in the room to sit down, Xuan Sheng closed his eyes heavily:

"let's start."

Everything about Tianji...


"Do you know how much effort it took me to isolate this world..."

In the misty dream, Xuan Sheng could only see a shallow figure, talking in the chaos...

That is Kaos... However, the current Him should only be passing on the information that was originally recorded.

The floating phantom is like a homeless ghost, telling in a disappointed and downcast voice what happened to him...

"Our world was split from another world..."

"Everything here originally belonged to that richer and more powerful world, but chaos swept that place..."

"Old brothers and sisters fighting each other for power, fighting for what they took from the Father."

"As if the death of the father god is not enough... They also desire to slaughter all their siblings and become the only god."

"But not all kids are that crazy."

Fabricated by God the Father, they have their own thoughts and consciousness.

A very small number of gods escaped from that chaotic place, some wanted to avoid the hustle and bustle, and some wanted to save the broken Father God.

As for Kaos, he just wanted to stay out of it.

He avoids his crazy brethren, and all he does is to protect himself.

Kaos once thought that as long as the brothers and sisters on that land ended their dispute... even if there was only one winner left in the end, everything would come to an end.

But he was wrong...

The mad gods quarreled endlessly over scattered powers... for the ultimate victory, they even did the same thing as the Father God.

However, it is different from the lonely Father God.

Everything they do is not to enrich the world, relieve their own loneliness and pain... but just to make their respective factions stronger...

Create new gods through divine power...and raise them to fight for themselves.

Kaos, who watched coldly, watched his brothers create the third generation of gods...and watched them repeat the same mistakes...killed and overthrown by the gods he created... .

If so, the dispute should be over.


His brothers...But after all, they refused to let go and rest in peace...

The vile desire accompanied by extreme unwillingness induced those bloody gods to transform into ominous and evil...even death, could not shake the desire of those gods!

The filth began to erode those damaged godheads... But it seems that even the world is rejecting those filthy guys, and the fissures of the abyss have completely sealed off those evil gods who want to devour their offspring.

The cheering third generation thought that they finally overthrew the oppression from the previous generation of gods, but Kaos understood that the crack called the abyss...was set up by the former godfather...


What did that abyss exist to prevent in the first place?

no matter what.

The passing of God the Father is a foregone conclusion.

The unreinforced abyss will one day crumble... Ignorant children don't know the problem and won't solve it.

The gods of the third generation laughed and laughed, but Kaos forcibly separated everything covered by his domain from that world.

Having witnessed the crazy appearance of those gods, Kaos just wanted to stay as far away from them as possible.

He just wants to live a clean and stable life, and he doesn't want any conflicts.

But the worst happened.

Even if Kaos deliberately separated from that world...but the abyss still found the weaker Tianji.

The abyss entangled the world he was in like tarsus maggots, and Kaos had to do everything he could to isolate the eroded space from...

He spent almost all of his divine use the so-called 'shallow abyss' to isolate the real abyss.


The problem is not resolved after all.

Kaos needs some assistance... needs some really powerful beings to change the almost impossible to change future.

So this god began to pull people... using special preferential treatment to make these outsiders become stronger at a speed beyond common sense!

The first batch of demons...failed.

They were stuck in the bottleneck, and several demon kings went in the wrong direction completely, and were even trapped in their own narrowness, stubborn and refused to change.

Knowing that this would lead to no results, Kaos could only take action, send away this group of 'losers', and recruit newcomers batch by batch...

Even Kaos understands that finding someone who can solve all this is like finding a needle in a haystack, but this is all he can do.

He has been waiting for a hero who can solve the situation...

【It's just that I never thought... I could meet you again one day, Father God】

The sound of relief resounded in this became the last farewell of the chaotic god.

"...I'll take care of this."

"Although it will take a while..."

Facing the phantom that had already drifted away, Xuan Sheng murmured softly.

everything in the past.

He will clean up completely.


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