
Looking at the tiger lying on the side of the god stone, with big eyes full of tears, Xuan Sheng felt as if there was a big cat lying on his feet, holding on to his trouser legs.

【Be at ease first】

Using divine power to appease the giant tiger who was shrouded in fear, Xuan Sheng turned his head helplessly to look at the woman whose face gradually calmed down, with a serious tone:

[Remember, this god, does not accept any form of living sacrifice]

In Xuan Sheng's view, depriving a living person of his own life just to please his own gods could not be more foolish.

This is not to say that he is soft-hearted and does not want to see death, but just because he feels that killing for no reason is meaningless.

The living are always more valuable than the dead.

All kinds of gaudy living sacrifices can't bring him more faith, but just increase the burden and are meaningless.

"But... when they communicate with other tribes, they sacrifice to the gods, there will be..."

【Blood is filthy, dirty my eyes and ears】

You have to stay outside, and don't make trouble in front of my eyes.

Xuan Sheng hates living sacrifices so much, but there are actually other deeper considerations:

In this world, all kinds of weird and crooked ways are often derived from these messy religious methods!

At present, the family members are thriving and prosperous, and there is no need to worry about survival and development for the time being.

However, for problems that may arise in the future, we must prevent them from happening in the bud and completely eradicate them!

What jihad, what preaching, what fanaticism.

Nothing is allowed here!

These things are all dangerous goods!

In the short term, these are all conducive to expanding the faith population and increasing the benefits of faith.

However, if you don't play well, the damage will be devastating!

According to Li Xuansheng's stable and buddhist personality, he would reject such things ten thousand times.

He just wants to raise up his lovely family members one by one to be white and fat. It is best to keep aloof from the world and use detached methods so that no one dares to mess with them and they can develop and grow with peace of mind.

Strife, danger, turmoil. The farther these things are from his family, the better.

As long as the tribe develops steadily and the population expands, the faith will naturally rise, so why covet other races or tribes?

As for their outlandish rituals and beliefs, respect is all!

【clear? 】


With 100% trust and obedience to the gods, the woman put away her dagger and made up her mind not to blindly follow the sacrificial methods of other tribes.

【Good, little tiger, let's go, they won't bother you anymore】

With divine power, he lifted up the brain ax that was crying until his face was smeared. Seeing it kowtowed again and again, with fragments of faith values ​​constantly appearing from its big head, Xuan Sheng looked at the man with a little more shame on his face.

【You have done a good job, just a little careless, but the clansmen will not forget your contribution to the clan, just remember, next time you will let this kind of life go, don’t worry about it】


Seeing that the god didn't care about his fault, but unexpectedly made a promise that shouldn't be extravagant, the face of the man leading the poultry and livestock was full of surprise and joy, and he thanked him again and again.


【Well, you go down first】

Now, the third term has been able to handle all kinds of things properly, and all the affairs of the family are on the right track. In fact, he doesn't have to come to the report meeting every year.

Wait until the evening when the new term needs to be changed, and at the same time [God's Grace] cools down, then come to this world to take some action.

But before he rests, he still has something to explain to the third term.

[As far as I know, the tribe has already had contact with other tribes, is there such a thing? 】

As the family members became stronger and more populous, they had begun to gradually come into contact with some other small tribes near this place.

Of course, these existences are different from the big tribe named 'Bear' that launched the war before. They are just scattered small groups of a dozen or dozens of people, and they are not hostile to the family members.

"It is true."

Among these scattered people, many expressed a strong desire to join the clan. The third term also knew about this, but she never agreed.

After all, these guys don't even know the language, and some of them even believe in their own gods. They don't want to follow their beliefs and lifestyles, but they have to come and join with a shy face, and share a share of food and supplies.

Therefore, the third term has never had a good face towards them, and it was impossible to agree to this matter, and it was not brought up to bother Lord God to give an opinion.

[Handled well, but remember not to be contemptuous and disrespectful of the beliefs of other tribes]


For a moment, the third term didn't even understand what her god was saying.

[Don't preach, don't argue, don't take the initiative to provoke disputes]

In short, when it comes to different beliefs, everyone will say "yes, yes, yes".

You say your god is the only god? Everything else is fake god shit?

Ah, yes, yes, yes, yes, you are right.

In short, don't fight with your life for a so-called 'honor' and 'recognition', it's not worth it.


Although there was hesitation on her face, in the end, the woman nodded resentfully.

As smart as she is, how could she not know the intention of Lord God.

It is nothing more than that they are too weak now to spread the glory of the Lord God, so in order to prevent the clansmen from being persecuted by the war, the Lord God took the initiative to compromise and make them restrain themselves everywhere...

Lord God, you are so gentle...

You must not live up to the care of the gods, you have to work hard to improve yourself!


Um? What happened to the third term? Forget it, never mind.

Seeing the third promise, Xuan Sheng, who was full of fishing and laziness, continued to add:

[Also, remember not to allow any clansmen to become fanatics]

No fanatics, no fanatics, no fanatics!

Say important things three times!

"A fanatic?"

Facing this strange word, the woman was slightly dazed, obviously not understanding its meaning.

[That is, for the sake of belief, one does not hesitate to do outrageous things beyond common sense and rules, such existence is called a fanatic]

For example, some people sacrificed their children for their beliefs, and killed their wives to preach for their beliefs...

All in all, no one is allowed to have such a sick believer!

Abandoning even the most basic human nature, just to pursue and rely on the illusory divine assistance...

In the eyes of Li Xuansheng, who was once a staunch atheist, these behaviors are outrageous!

Even after acting as a god, Xuan Sheng would never allow such behavior to occur!

Before becoming a believer, you should remember the fact that you are still an individual, and you should not do things that are against human ethics and human nature!

Xuan Sheng has already confessed that it is okay not to believe in him, but not only respects the etiquette, but also does not love his compatriots, and is not a son of man! Then no!

"Oh I see."

After pondering for a while, the third one suddenly realized and nodded repeatedly.

[Good, since this is the case, I want to rest, and I will come again when the term changes]

"My God, wait a moment!"

Just as Xuan Sheng was about to leave, the woman hurriedly made a move, indicating that she still had doubts.

[what's the matter? 】

"Lord Supreme God...May I know your real name..."

Nearly seventy years have passed since the gods took care of them...

And in these long years, no one knows the real name of the god...



Respectfully bowing their heads to send away their most revered god, the third woman named 'Ti' stood up slightly, thinking about the last few words of the god.

Don't argue with others, don't preach at will, she can understand all these.

Those ignorant foreigners still live in barbarism and don't even understand etiquette and righteousness, just like them before they were civilized.

Even people who don't know how to be, how can they be worthy of being a disciple of Xuanshen?


Ti lightly bit the knuckle of his index finger and began to meditate.

You can't be a can't do anything against common sense because of your beliefs.

Master Xuanshen's meaning should be the same as what he once meant, that is, before becoming a believer, one should be a good person. Ti actually understands this very well.

However, there is a contradiction in this!

You see, Master Xuanshen has helped them too much, if they are insulted in every possible way, how can they swallow their anger at such a time?

The delicate brows were slightly frowned, but they relaxed in an instant.

Tee, have found the answer.

As Lord Xuanshen exhorted Qianqian:

People don't offend me, I don't offend others.

I can't bear it, I don't need to bear it anymore!

It's okay for other people to offend our gods once, but if the other party insists on going their own way after repeated persuasion to no avail, then why should we condone it any longer!

Master Xuanshen has already explained, don't take the initiative to cause trouble, but don't be afraid of trouble!

Don't take the initiative to provoke disputes, but if the other party comes to bully you, how can you sit idly by!

This is forced to fight, of course it does not count as 'actively provoking disputes'.

Hmm, reasonable.

Ti Lian nodded and decided to convey the will of the gods in this way.

Also... about the fanatics...

As the saying goes, the grace of a drop of water should be reciprocated by a spring. His lord Xuanshen has helped them too much. He is as kind as a mother and strict as a father. He has long been their most gracious existence.

If one betrays such a benefactor and does not repay him for such sacrifices, then he is inhuman, no different from an animal!

Therefore, to be willing to give everything of yourself to such a mysterious god, and go through fire and water without hesitation, should not be regarded as the behavior of a fanatic... right?

It seems that there is a slight problem, but I don't know where the problem is...

Ti frowned slightly, and calculated carefully:

According to what Master Xuanshen said: the basic principle of being a believer first being a human...

You must repay your kindness, and you will never say no to death. This is a heroic act, and it should be greatly praised!

Therefore, in order to repay the gift of the gods, without fear of death, he will do whatever he wants! Everything can be dedicated and rewarded to Lord Xuanshen!

Hmmm, not a fanatic, reasonable, reasonable!

The doubts in his heart were explained one by one under Xuanshen's previous teaching, Ti Lian nodded, secretly happy in his heart.

That's right! Lord God must have meant this!

Just convey it to the clansmen!


"Ha~ It's finally easy~"

All affairs in the clan were left to the third term, and Xuan Sheng, who was finally cleansed, lay leisurely on the chair with a happy expression on his face.

It's better to fish~

It's nice to have a reliable instructor~


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