"By the way, remember to respect that god."

The goddess who was fiddling with the Stone of Destiny stopped for a while, and used the scattered light dust to outline the words of communication in front of the departing death.

"If there is a conflict..."

The strength and destiny of death and life could not be more clear, but her intuition, which was always correct, told her that that mysterious ancient god possessed absolutely transcendent power!


"Since you're going with that one, then you probably won't have the idea of ​​doing it."

Feeling that his reminder was redundant, Fate turned his attention back to the stone in front of him.

"Just to relax before the big game."

The gloomy air of death answered the question of fate from a distance, and with a few flowers, death floated towards the beloved temple...

The so-called sacrifice to the gods sought after by the gods - it's just a repetitive and boring process after hundreds of years.

The few surviving supreme gods have already won the honor of victory in turn.

Such a celebration is still being held today... nothing more than providing a little bit of anticipation or fun for the already boring years.

"Where is the place?"

"The land of the extreme east is beyond the mountains and seas."

Chanting the message to be conveyed, the whisper of the goddess of fate was heard by the fanatics in the temple...

"Where the Goddess and the other Supreme Gods want to go..."


The land of the gods symbolizes the vitality of the temple.

Emerald green vines and five-colored flowers wrap and decorate this brand-new temple that looks exceptionally clean... The gods in this temple almost have the most believers and visitors among the gods of the Land of Gods.

Under the glory of that goddess, every defeat and misery will be healed by comfortable vitality.

That is undoubtedly the most worshiped and respected god—even if she puts down the title of supreme god, she can still rely on that power to gain the most recognition in the entire land of gods.

And just outside the temple of such a goddess, Death in a black robe wandered towards the temple.

"I'm sorry, please show me the pre...uh..."

Pushing the blind novice down abruptly, the captain of the guard team of the temple smiled and apologized repeatedly, letting the supreme god who controls death step in...

"Huh? Why are you here?"

The goddess sprinkled the clear water representing life to her flower garden. In this most popular temple, the core area turned out to be a garden full of vitality!

It's different from the lifeless death in a black robe.

The goddess of life is full of vigor, with a bright smile all over her face.

Her star-like eyes seem to be pregnant with infinite tenderness and care, which can make any existence in front of this goddess feel warm and comfortable.

"I'll come and see you."

No emotion could be heard in the words, Death stretched out his hand and handed out a specially prepared gift - a bouquet of gorgeous and rare flowers.

However, this flower that was once cared for in every possible way... has withered and withered in the hands of death, and has become a pile of dry branches...

"Feel sorry."

Death has tried his best to contain his power, but still can't stop these beings from declining...


Dumbfoundingly taking the 'flower', the goddess placed it in the soil of the garden, quietly watching the new shoots bloom on the dead paper.

"You just send too many flowers, and I have such a big garden to take care of."

Complaining half coquettishly, the goddess waved her hand, pointing to the garden that now occupies most of the space of the temple.

Even the vines outside the temple and the colorful stamens are all from the sea of ​​flowers in the center of the temple.

And the reason for all this... is simply that for countless ages, death has brought with it some never-before-heard flower with each visit.

"I visited before the competition this time, did you feel lonely?"

It stands to reason that the festival of the Gods Festival is getting closer, even according to the historical rules, she has to keep a certain distance from death...

"I want to take you to an interesting place."

The eyes under the black robe were filled with an extremely rare tenderness, as Death said, he told the goddess in front of him all the news he had learned from fate.

"To a remote place?"

As a partner who had an excellent relationship before becoming the supreme god, life and death were once created by the same ancient god.

They have been in contact with each other since childhood, and they are also the most important existence of each other.

But with the beginning of the division of power and competition in the Land of the Gods...they were forced to separate and not be as closely connected as before.

After all, the situation controlled by the supreme god has gradually become balanced and stable... The relationship between any two supreme gods cannot be too close, otherwise...

The struggle between the ancient gods is a lesson from the past - having witnessed those bloody and senseless battles, today's gods are unwilling to let the situation go out of balance again.

It is also because of this that life and death have to keep a certain distance, so as not to attract the fear of other supreme gods.

"Does it fit?"

Although I am also tired of everything that is familiar to me in the Land of the Gods, but when I go out——

Even though there are infinite thoughts in her heart, she still has to think about the current situation.

Her followers and all children in need of care need her to stay in the place of God for as long as possible...not wander around as she pleases.

"Talk to fate, no problem."

Understand what life is worrying about, death has not made a sound to urge.

Of course he respected her ideas, and he also understood that his partner's scruples had their own reasons.

"Okay! No problem!"

Repeatedly confirming that the temple can operate normally for a period of time even in the absence of himself—abandoning the pursuit of the sacrifice of the gods, life no longer hesitates, and trots to the side of death.

"It's an interesting place, isn't it?"

Freed from the shackles of power and responsibility, the Goddess of Life relaxed with relief, both in her expression and her mentality.

"Fate says it's funny."

Seeing his beloved laughing softly, Death is convinced that it is wise to go to that land.

Although the appearance of unknown gods is a lurking threat to the current situation in the land of gods...

But if it makes her happy.

It might be good to have more places like this.

"That's great! Let's go!"

Abandoning her identity, the goddess of life has suddenly become a little girl full of enthusiasm and expectation for everything, cheering and jumping to explore a new world...



Really thinking about how to organize a team to erode the power of Wangcheng, a sneezing Xuan Sheng suddenly came and wiped his nose.

"Why does it feel weird... I'm being targeted?"

After confirming his loyalty, Satan stood guard at the door, Xuan Sheng scratched his head in doubt.

The other two should not be able to get close. But why suddenly there is a feeling that something big is coming...


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