Round big head, black and white color scheme.

Soft outlines, big round eyes under the white skin, and tiny teeth in the mouth...

No matter how you look at it, these big fish are much cuter than the sharks caught before!

"Oops, this human doesn't seem to understand what we're saying."

"Then what to do?"

"It seems that it can only be counted..."

Unable to hear the murmurs of the killer whales, the boy let go of the fear in his heart, and tentatively touched the opponent's head with his hand.

Wet by the water, the killer whale's skin is smooth and delicate, even slightly warm.

"Ah! He's touching me! So cute!!!"

"Huh? Really?"

"I want to touch it too!"

The other two orcas, who were originally lurking underwater and were afraid of scaring the humans on the raft, suddenly poked their heads out, with longing in their eyes.

The penguin, which had been curled up in a corner, was even more frightened now. It hid on the other side of the raft and let out a terrified cry.

Ignoring the killer whales who seemed to be saying hello, Li turned his head and looked at the penguins on the raft...

He seemed to suddenly understand that these big fish wanted him to drive this animal down?


A duck-like sound came from the penguin's mouth, and it flapped its clumsy wings to demonstrate to the humans in front of it!

"Don't come here! I'm a Tier 1 Warcraft! If you dare to do it, I won't have as much juice as you!"

He couldn't understand the penguin's cry, and at the same time he didn't want to pay attention to the other party's gift, so he judged the situation clearly in an instant.

The three big fish under the raft just stuck their heads out in a friendly manner, looking amiable.

On the contrary, the guy who fled to the raft was full of hostility with a menacing attitude.

Well, it is already clear whether it is an enemy or a friend.

With one kick, the speed of the gift was so fast that the penguin couldn't react at all!


It was kicked away by an ordinary human?

With disbelief on his face, the penguin glides in the air in an elegant parabola, and with a 'plop', it falls into the sea again.

"He understands! The penguin is down!"

"We chase!"

"Thank you, lovely human! Goodbye!"

Driven by their hunting instinct, the three killer whales greeted Li on the raft, and quickly continued to hunt the poor little penguin...

"What a wonderful creature..."

Looking at the fit and elegant big fish under the sea, Li's heart is full of anticipation and joy...

Life here seems to be more interesting than imagined...


"That's called a killer whale... black and white, big, and easy to get along with, right?"

Seeing Li returned to the land, he described the big fish to himself happily, and Tiger gave the answer in an instant.

"They are really friendly. If you have a chance, you can go to the sea to play with them... But, have you not caught a single fish..."

Shrugging helplessly, and after a long sigh, Tiger didn't care about these things.

"Forget it, fishing is not our main job anyway, if you can overcome your fear of the ocean, it is considered a success in itself."

Seeing Li's eyebrows and eyes were full of excitement, and Hu grinned.

"Come and have dinner. Old Mr. Shou caught a lot of good fish this time. If you stay in the village all year round, you will never have the chance to eat such good fish!"


On the porcelain plate, all kinds of strange steamed fish are neatly stacked, waiting for someone to move their chopsticks.

Seeing that most of the utensils were made of wood and porcelain, Xuan Sheng, who followed everyone, nodded slightly.

He also specially transmitted to several coaches before: Bronze utensils cannot be used for food utensils.

After all, it is easy to be poisoned by heavy metals.

Since the temperature for smelting bronze ware is available, the temperature for those small earthen furnaces to smelt porcelain is more than enough.

It seems that many porcelains have already started smelting and can be supplied to the dining tables of various families.

"This... so strange..."

Newcomers who are accustomed to taking golden potatoes as their staple food have never tasted fresh sea fish.

They are not as fragrant as Mr. Xuanshen's potatoes... but they contain a unique sweetness, which makes people's mouth water, and they can't stop...

The fresh and tender steamed fish was quickly accepted by the newcomers who came here, which made the old man sitting in the first place nod his head again and again.

It seems that no newcomer will be allergic...

If there is no abnormality in eating all kinds of seafood again tomorrow morning, this group of newcomers will be fully qualified...

The newlyweds feasting on the feast did not attract Xuan Sheng's attention.

Instead, it was the old man sitting on the first seat—'Shou', which made Xuan Sheng frowned...


The old man's body has been deteriorating day by day... Sitting on the dining table, his right hand trembled uncontrollably... He couldn't even pick up a piece of fish...

"Old sir, I will help you."

Seeing this scene, Hu hurriedly came to the old man, picked up vegetables and handed water, and began to serve around.

However, the old man's complexion became paler, and he even began to struggle to breathe...

"Not good! Quick! Pull the carriage over! Mr. Shou Lao is dead! You must go back to the temple immediately!"

The old man is old, and there will be today, and Tiger actually has expectations in his heart.

However, when he saw the old man who taught him all the knowledge walk to the end of his life before his eyes, it still touched his heart a lot!

Picking up the old man's body that was already as light as dead wood, Tiger's face was full of anxiety, and he strode towards the stables!

"Don't be dazed, go help!"

Many of the family members who had been stationed for a while got up one after another to prepare the carriage for Tiger, while directing the newcomers to return to their rooms and not to cause trouble.

As early as the first day they came, the old man had already lived here by the sea.

According to their predecessors, Mr. Shou Lao was the first group of people to come to the sea, and he never left this place. Instead, he passed on all his experience in salt making and fishery, one generation after another.

For this old man, all the fishermen have great respect and admiration, and never dare to offend or be rude.

However, today, the old man finally couldn't hold on any longer.

"Old man, it's all right, the car back will be fast, when we get to the temple..."

His voice trembled a little, holding the old man's hand, Tiger's face was covered with sweat from nervousness.

"I know my body...Master Xuanshen can't save me anymore...It's just a pity that I couldn't teach the last batch of children..."

'Mending the sky' can restore all wounds and diseases.

However, due to old age, the vitality is exhausted and the organs are failing... In such a situation, even if you touch the 'replenishing the sky', it will not have a very good effect...

Looking back on the past, the old man's already cloudy eyes couldn't bear the tears...

He still still remembers the scene when all the clansmen were reprimanded by Xuanshen when they were children...

The old patriarch who had been humiliated and let down was like a child...died in Xuanshen's arms...

At that time, he was just a child of a few years old.

However, every sentence of Xuanshen's anger seemed to hit the bottom of his heart... making him feel ashamed...

He really regretted it so much... Why did he, who was ignorant, spurn and throw stones at the old patriarch?

And once, the war with the 'Bear Clan'...

If it weren't for his mistakes... comrades, maybe they wouldn't die because of him...

All the painful things in the past tormented the dying old man, so that he could not let go...

A lifetime of redemption... Today, he...has finally come to this moment.

Returning home after death... I don't know if the old patriarch and his comrades will still blame him...


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