Survival Game, I Have a God Reminder

Vol 2 Chapter 18: Do you like white silk?

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"Hey... where have you been, don't scare me..."

Xiao Lan didn't dare to shout aloud, so she lowered her voice and whispered a distress signal to the man who had disappeared.

But there was no response from the surroundings quietly.

A big living person, an adult man with the ability to resist, did not have time to issue any warning and just disappeared?

Even if it is a monster, there must be an attack process, right?

Holding the Nether Energy Instrument, Xiao Lan walked a few steps forward, looking for traces on the ground.

Later, she found the footprints left by the man, which suddenly broke off when she walked to a place.

"The footprints disappeared suddenly, like falling into a trap... But the ground is normal..."

She thought for a while, "Is it in the sky?"

Randomly raising the light to shine upward, Xiao Lan was immediately startled by the sight in front of her...

I saw directly above here, the cave was deeply recessed, forming a relatively wide space.

There, white spider webs are everywhere, covering the sky, like a giant hunting ground.

In the center of the web, a huge spider stretched out its front legs, pulling a prey wrapped in zongzi with silk thread.

The white spider silk ball was the size of a person, and needless to say, it must be the man who disappeared.

Xiao Lan looked up at the scene in front of her, and took two steps back in horror, her legs and feet sore, and she sat down on the ground.

This is the first time she has seen a real "monster".

"Run! Run!"

The voice in her heart kept telling her that she should run away now.

However, the legs that kept calling me seemed to be paralyzed, and I couldn't use my strength at all.

Supporting her with her hands, she got up with difficulty, ignoring the call for help, staggering and trying to run backwards and leave the magic cave.

But after two steps, she fell to the ground again.

Fingers thick and sticky spider silk stuck to her left leg.

Xiao Lan struggled hard, but she didn't expect that the contact area between the spider silk and the legs was getting bigger and bigger, and the sticking was getting tighter and tighter.


She drew out her battle knife and slashed it on the spider silk, trying to cut through this deadly trap, but what she didn't expect was that even the knife was stuck...

At this time, the vibration of the spider web alarmed the big spider.

The new prey has already taken the bait, which makes him excited after having not eaten for many days.

Sitting in the center of its cobweb array, it stretched out its front legs and began to pull the spider silk, ready to harvest its prey.

Xiao Lan exclaimed for a while, only to feel that a huge force lifted herself upside down, and quickly pulled up, and then her arms and body were also stuck by the spider web.

"Help, help!"

At this time, she finally remembered calling for help.

She struggled hard to get rid of this trap, but the more she struggled, the tighter the web sticks.

The tenacity and stickiness of these spider silks are surprisingly high, and the prey's struggles are cushioned by the elastic spider webs, and they cannot be shaken off at all.

Facing this ruthless man-eating monster, Xiao Lan felt desperate.

"Come on, help!"

She hopes that this time, as last time, someone will respond to her cry for help and come as a savior.

But unfortunately, good luck didn't take care of her...

"Ah, I'm going to die, why should I ask myself to come to this ghost place..."

As soon as this self-defeating thought came up in her mind, she was stifled by herself.

"No! Can't give up now!"

She kicked her leg hard, sinking her body hard, and using the distance between the two spider silks, she tore hard.


The trouser legs of her special customized version of the nymphomaniac were torn due to excessive stickiness.

"Success!" Xiao Lan was overjoyed.

One leg was liberated, and she turned over directly with the help of gravity. With a dance foundation, her body is very flexible.

As soon as her legs landed, she grabbed the handle of the knife stuck in the other direction and used the elasticity of the spider silk to perform the same trick again.


She was like a peeled lychee, and she got out of the secluded suit, and came a "Golden Cicada Escape".

"Oh my God, I'm saved!"

For the rest of her life, there is no need to say more about the joy in her heart, but now it is too late to be happy, she must leave here immediately.

Although I don't have any clothes on my body right now, it probably doesn't matter if I am in the dark...After successfully escaping, I will change into a normal Nether Energy suit.

Now, she can no longer care about her dignity, it is important to escape!

However, the prey's breaking free also completely angered the big spider sitting firmly in the center of the spider web.

It lifted its body, waved its eight long legs, and rushed towards Xiao Lan at an extremely alarming speed.

The speed was like a predator cheetah, it broke out in an instant, and came to Xiao Lan in a blink of an eye, blocking her path.

"Do not!"

Xiao Lan looked at the giant spider three meters high in front of her with a look of despair.

She turned and ran to the other end, but accidentally plunged into a larger trap in the dark, her hands, feet, body, and even hair were all stuck in the web.

The eyes of the giant spider flashed like gems in the dark, gradually approaching the prey.

"It's over..." she thought desperately.

The giant spider grass tangled twice, and did not completely wrap her up, then pulled her toward the center of the spider web.

But this level was enough, and she couldn't resist anymore.

"I'm going to die..." She turned her head to look at the white "Zongzi" on the side, "I didn't expect to die with him in the end, it's really retribution..."

The big spider harvested two prey in one day, and was really happy.

Next, it should be time to enjoy the food. It crawled towards Xiao Lan and stretched out its fangs towards its prey.


The fangs bit Xiao Lan's thigh, and the pain made her groan.

The numbness gradually spread from the thighs to the whole body, and Xiao Lan even felt that her breathing began to become difficult.

She tried to keep her mind sober, trying to call for help from her throat.

Unfortunately, the spider's venom has made her unable to control her body anymore.

Her gaze gradually became dull, and her saliva flowed out uncontrollably, a light yellow liquid with a fishy smell, falling drop by drop to the ground along her thigh.

The spider opened her mouthparts towards her abdomen.

The intense pain made her eyes tremble slightly, "Am I going to be eaten?"

The digestive juices were injected into the body, and a severe burning sensation began to spread from the abdomen.

"I'm going to die..." She thought Tears poured out, blurring her vision, and the world was gradually disappearing in her eyes.

But at this time, she seemed to hear a slightly familiar voice.

Consciousness suddenly recovered, she squeezed out her tears, and saw a bright light in the darkness below.

It's that person!

Xiao Lan's pupils suddenly shrank.

That person appeared!

The indifferent guy, the guy who refused her, was holding the light aloft at the moment, looking up with interest.

"Miss Xiao, you made it like this... is it because you like white silk?"

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