Survival Game: Random SSS Talents

Chapter 112 Blood Sky Doomsday Enhancement!

After Mu Ling finished saying this, blood-colored smoke slowly spread from her body.

This blood-colored smoke enveloped Mu Ling's whole body.

"Possession of Doomsday..."

Mu Ling finally chose to be possessed by Doomsday.

Zhao Pingcheng, who was standing by, clenched his fists expressionlessly.

His talent was activated.

Then Mu Ling's body gradually twisted.

Finally, it was squeezed into a ball of flesh and blood by an invisible force.

Mu Ling died!

Zhou Wen felt very heavy as he watched Mu Ling's body in front of him turn into white light and dissipate.


He muttered as he looked at the street.

"What on earth is that!"

Zhou Wen suddenly felt very confused.

What on earth is Doomsday!

He had just entered the Holy Grail Game for about a week.

Why did Doomsday appear?

Zhou Wen looked at the little fat man, the Lord of the World.

He also looked like he had no desire to live.

"What on earth is Doomsday?"

The little fat man also looked at Zhou Wen with lifeless eyes.

Zhao Pingcheng's voice came from Zhou Wen's side.

"You can think of it as the dark side of the Holy Grail system, or a brand new system."

"Its purpose is to compete with the Holy Grail system for players, and then achieve its own goals."

"The players of this Doomsday system become stronger much faster than us."

"They only need to hunt players and contribute their souls to the Doomsday system to improve their talents."

"And their lifespans also belong to themselves."

"Except that double lifespans will be deducted after death."

"In general, the Doomsday system is more cruel than the Holy Grail system."

After saying this, Zhao Pingcheng felt something in his heart.

Standing next to Zhou Wen, he grasped Zhou Wen's arm.

Then a burning pain came from Zhou Wen's arm.

Zhou Wen struggled subconsciously.

But when he saw Zhao Pingcheng looking at him calmly, Zhou Wen stopped struggling.

Somehow, he knew that this would do him no harm.

After a long time, Zhao Pingcheng let go of Zhou Wen's arm.

A silver Ouroboros tattoo appeared on Zhou Wen's arm.

Zhao Pingcheng smiled at Zhou Wen.

"You have begun to master the secret of time..."

Zhou Wen had a feeling.

He felt that Huang Xin would wake up in two seconds.

Two seconds later, Huang Xin, who had just been knocked away, slowly woke up.

Zhou Wen glanced at Zhao Pingcheng, but Zhao Pingcheng did not look at him.

After Huang Xin woke up, his whole mind was a little groggy.

"What happened just now?"

But no one answered Huang Xin.

Huang Xin then remembered the scene he saw before he fainted.

It seemed that Mu Ling attacked him.

Zhao Pingcheng saw Huang Xin wake up, and then walked to the little fat man.

He pulled the little fat man up from the ground.

"Don't think so much... Let's go quickly, we are not far from the building."

Zhou Wen lowered his head and thought.

Several people walked towards the building.

After walking for a while, blood-red lightning appeared in the sky again.

This time, the blood-red lightning seemed to have caused substantial damage to the whole world.

It didn't fade away for a long time, as if it was hanging in the sky forever.

It gave people a sense of panic that the sky was about to break.

The little fat man stared blankly at the scene in the sky above the world, with a dull face.

The little fat man was sobbing.

He felt that he had endured so much at such a young age.

Although he inherited his father's business and inherited this world.

But it has only been operating for a year...

He was confused...

Several people arrived at the bottom of the building.

In front of the eyes, the arm demons were tightly wrapped around the building.

The building looked like a pillar composed entirely of arm demons.

The most important thing was.

These arm demons looked different from before.

They were no longer golden-red muscles

But very orderly patterns.

From a distance, it looked like a mural.

After sensing someone approaching.

The building wrapped in arm demons actually stretched out countless flesh-colored arms!

These hands are all made of muscle fibers.

It looks extremely disgusting.

The bone king stepped forward, and the black spear flashed.

An arm demon's arm was pierced by the bone king and fell down.

After the arm fell to the ground, it struggled twice and then stopped moving.

Then the place that had just been pierced began to wriggle!

A brand new arm stretched out.

The arm was full of transparent liquid and was wet.

It looked very disgusting.

The most surprising thing was that this newly grown arm could actually stretch farther than other arms!

And this arm was always facing the direction of the Bone King, as if it had sensed something.

Zhao Pingcheng saw this scene and a trace of caution flashed across his face.

"These arm demons may have been conquered by the source of doomsday."

"They have mutated more strongly."

Thinking of this, Zhao Pingcheng's face changed.

Zhou Wen also thought of something.

In this case... wouldn't those ordinary doomsday monsters also be enhanced?

As if to verify Zhou Wen's words.

There were rustling sounds around.

Heads popped out from behind those tall buildings.

The size of these swift demons was all reduced by 1.

There was a green and cold light on their bone claws.

They all stared at Zhou Wen and his companions.

These ordinary Swift Demons have evolved under the amplification of the Source of Doom.

One by one, all the classes have become Shadow Scythe Swift Demons.

Then, all the scenes around Zhou Wen and his companions changed dramatically.

The original city became a mountain.

Everyone stood on a small protrusion.

The sky was all around them.

The little fat man looked at the surrounding scenes and was frightened and pale.

He was trembling and at a loss.

Zhou Wen controlled his body and slowly squatted down. He stretched out his hand and touched the place in front of him.

He did not touch anything solid.

Zhou Wen's face was solemn.

"The Phantom Demon has also advanced."

"I guess the Phantom Demon's current ability can interfere with our five senses."

However, at this moment.

There was a sound of metal collision on the Bone King's armor.

There was a faint white mark on his armor.

Zhou Wen sensed a gust of wind coming, and he quickly activated a card.

This card showed a transparent light yellow shield that enveloped everyone present.

This shield is very similar to the one summoned by the little fat man at that time, but the defense is lower.

It is a low-profile version of that card.

Then the shield kept hitting.

"It's those shadow sickle swift demons."

"They have arrived in front of us."

Zhou Wen used the card to break the illusion again, and the world began to tremble.

The world's source power was reduced again.

Then the high-altitude environment around them receded like a tide.

Revealing the original appearance of the street.

At this time, they were surrounded by shadow sickle swift demons.

These smaller swift demons looked at Zhou Wen and others with covetous eyes.

Saliva dripped from their monkey faces and dripped onto the ground with a hissing sound.

And a puff of white smoke came out.

The saliva of these shadow sickle swift demons has become highly toxic.

Zhou Wen felt that he had entered a trap at this time.


The protective shield activated by Zhou Wen was obviously dented.

Zhou Wen looked in the direction of the attack, and there stood a monster two or three times bigger than an ordinary Psychic Blaster.

At this time, his arms, which were as thin as bamboo tubes, had begun to take shape, and looked like a thick cannon barrel.

The Psychic Blaster stood in place, supporting his arms.

Then his arms were tense, as if he was accumulating power.

Then another mental shock was sent to Zhou Wen and others.

At this time, the protective shield was attacked again, and cracks appeared!

Those Shadow Scythe Swift Demons went crazy after seeing the cracks.

Crazy attack.

Huang Xin, Bone King, Xiang Lei and Zhao Pingcheng were constantly using their talents to clean up the surrounding Swift Demons.

But the number of these Swift Demons was really large.

Bone King kept using the Hell Spirit to clean up the surrounding Swift Demons.

Even Xiang Lei once again stimulated the sea of ​​thunder, evolving countless creatures to bite those Swift Demons.

But what made them desperate was...

These Swift Demons seemed to be really endless.

Many were killed, but there was still no decline in the number.

At the same time, there were constant long-range attacks by Psycho Blasters.

Trying to break through their defense shield.

The little fat man also wanted to do his part.

But he couldn't extract a trace of world power from this world even though his face turned red.

Currently, Zhou Wen was the only one who could use the power in the card world.

Zhou Wen browsed the god-level card page.

Constantly making and activating countless large-scale aoe cards.

The sky of the world was shaking.

There was not much world power left...

The number of these Swift Demons did not decrease.

What was going on?

Zhou Wen was horrified.

Zhao Pingcheng, who was standing by, suddenly had some guesses when looking at the endless Swift Demons.

However, at this moment.

A strange sound came from the sky above the entire card world.

The sound was sometimes solemn and sometimes solemn.

Some meaningless words were uttered...

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