Survival Game: Random SSS Talents

Chapter 119: Double kill on landing! Is this scientific?

When the two of them officially jumped off the plane, they first looked at each other, and then their minds went completely blank!

Tris and Zhou Wen began to scream.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

Li Ba, who was behind them, jumped down and said in time: "Don't panic, don't panic, stay calm."

However, Tris closed her eyes tightly and tightly grasped Zhou Wen next to her.

Zhou Wen finally screamed and was confused.

Then a reminder of his talent popped up in front of him.

[You will get two buffs from this jump]

[buff1: Floating]

[You will get air floating for two minutes]

[buff2: Extreme speed]

[You will gain ultimate speed for two minutes]

These two buffs popped up in front of Zhou Wen's eyes

After receiving the message, he suddenly thought of something.

His falling body suddenly stopped strangely in the air.

Li Ba, who was anxiously giving instructions on the side, was dumbfounded.

He and Tris were seen floating in the air.

Tris was so frightened that she didn't dare to open her eyes and hugged Zhou Wen tightly.

Li Ba watched Zhou Wen float in the air with a shocked expression and slowly fall.

I feel that my heart has been greatly deceived...


"I'm sorry!"

Endless feelings of grievance surged into his heart.

Li Ba was trembling with anger.

Pointing at Zhou Wen and Tris.

Then Li Ba flew further and further away.

Tris, who was screaming nervously, suddenly felt her descending body stop.

She tentatively opened her eyes.

Then she and Zhou Wen were seen floating in the air.

There was a look of disbelief on Tris’ little face!

"Wow! Zhou Wen and we actually stopped in the air!"

The shock in Zhou Wen's heart had just passed.

He looked extremely shocked at this time.


Zhou Wen held Tris with one hand and flew downward.

Zhou Wen slowly controlled the speed of their flight.

Soon he caught up with Li Ba who was falling.

Zhou Wen and Tris flew past him lightly as if they didn't see Li Ba.

Li Ba, who was preparing to open his parachute, was extremely angry when he saw this scene.

With a pop, Zhou Wen and Tris reached the ground.

At this time, Zhou Wen looked up and looked at the sky where many small black dots were slowly falling.

A weird smile appeared on Zhou Wen's face.

Then he looked around.

This is a row of small buildings.

All doors and windows are open.

There are some firearms on the floor indoors.

Zhou Wen said something to Tris.

"Split up and search."

Then he transformed into a bolt of lightning and disappeared.

Entered the small bungalow.

Zhou Wen picked up the classic-looking firearm on the ground.

[Firearm: ak47]

[Type: automatic rifle]

[Fixed damage: Each bullet causes a fixed maximum health value of 2%, and a headshot causes 4% of the maximum health damage]

[Remarks: Classic shape, classic design, are you familiar~]

Load the bullet like in the movie.

He searched around.

【ok stretch】

[Category: Medical]

[Restore 20% of one's maximum health, and cannot be used if health exceeds 75%]

【Fat House Happy Water】

[Category: Medical]

[Give yourself 20 seconds of happy time and restore 1.5% of your maximum health every second]

He also pocketed the Feizhai Happy Water and a few OK bags on the ground.

After searching around, Zhou Wen walked out of the small bungalow with a classic AK.

At this time, the other players who were still falling slowly in the sky did not expect it at all.

At this time, someone has already completed the search.

fully armed.

Preparing to use them as air targets.

Zhou Wen looked at the sky and it was obvious that several players were flying faster than other normal players.

[C-level talent: Gravity acceleration]

[Description: Your falling speed increases by 20% and can be used on others]

Zhou Wen looked at the players whose falling speed was gradually increasing.

Can't help but sigh.

The initial random talents of the Holy Grail system are really diverse.

At this time, there was a team of players above Zhou Wen.

Fall together and fly in the sky.

The players who are about to land are very excited.

His team has talent that makes them fall faster.

It's of no use at all under normal circumstances.

But now it has played a huge role.

As long as they search for weapons on the ground before other players.

These players in the sky who have not yet fallen will become their prey.

However, the smile on the player's face froze when he saw a small black spot on the ground.

He suddenly became excited and said to his teammates: "Go...go...get out of here."

"There are already people below who have reached the ground before us."

One of the four people glanced at the small black dot on the ground and said: "

What are you panicking about? "

"He has barely reached the ground."

"It's impossible to pick up the gun by now."

After saying this.

The player who first discovered Zhou Wen's eyes jumped.

An ominous feeling filled his heart.

Then a string of bullets flew past his ear.

It scared him out of his wits.

The player who said that Zhou Wen couldn't pick up the gun suddenly turned dark-faced.

He looked like he had eaten a dead child.

It was very exciting.

Zhou Wen, standing on the ground, took the AK and fired two shots tentatively.

Then he found that the recoil of the gun was very strong, so he couldn't help but increase the strength of his hand.

After he improved his physical fitness through the system tokens, guns like these that can be controlled after a certain amount of training are simply child's play for him!

Zhou Wen looked at the four guns floating in the sky and aimed at them one by one.

Then he pulled the trigger.

"Da Da Da Da Da..."

A ball of fire came out from the top of the AK in Zhou Wen's hand

7.62 bullets vented out.

Passing through the air wantonly.

Hitting the target in the sky.

An unlucky player in the 4-man team in the sky was unfortunately shot.

He was directly shot in the head by Zhou Wen's bullet. Even though he had physical strength to support him, he was killed by the subsequent bullets.

[You have killed target number 6679]

[Get 2% token boost]

The player who first discovered Zhou Wen broke out in a cold sweat.

He controlled the direction of his landing and tried to get farther away.

At this moment, the player who was slapped in the face just now said: "Don't worry, I guess he rarely uses firearms!"

"He probably can't aim accurately."

This player is serious this time.

With his sharp eyes, he can tell at a glance that Zhou Wen is using firearms for the first time.

[C-level talent: sharp]

[Description: You will pay special attention to the details of your opponent]

Just as the player said.

Zhou Wen is just lucky!

Zhou Wen on the ground had a black line on his face.

He just aimed at the leftmost player in the 4-man team.

Everything changed when he pulled the trigger.

The player on the far right was killed by a burst of bullets!

He turned into a box in the air.

[You have killed target number 7790]

[Get 2% token boost]

Zhou Wen gritted his teeth.

"Hey! I don't believe it!"

Then Zhou Wen aimed the AK at the leftmost player in the four-man team again.

Pull the trigger.

The AK's gun head burst into flames again.

"Da da da da da..."

The bullets shot over again.

The leftmost player was the first one to discover Zhou Wen.

When the gunshots below rang again, he suddenly had a flash of bad news in his mind.

I always feel that he has been locked by the player below!

Then there was a scream next to him.

The player who just said that Zhou Wen had never touched firearms turned pale at this time.

The leftmost player turned his head, and then he seemed to hear the sound of eggs breaking.

He couldn't help but shudder.

You must know that in the Holy Grail Game, as the ranks continue to improve, the survival war they experience will become closer and closer to reality.

The pain that was blocked in the past has long been activated again.

The player on his left gritted his teeth and sweat flowed from his forehead.

He uttered a word from the corner of his mouth.

"It's okay, he's just lucky again."

"Let's get away from him quickly."

As he said this.

The player on the left could clearly see his legs trembling.

Then the gunshot rang out again.

The bullet hit the player who was in trouble again.

He finally turned into a box.

Before he died, there seemed to be a trace of relief in his eyes!

The player on the far left wanted to cry but had no tears.

Now there are only two people left in the team of four.

He was really panicked!

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