Zhou Wen: “???”

Zhou Wen looked at the three options with a puzzled look on his face.

He took a deep breath.

Are you kidding me?

Zhou Wen decisively chose the third option.

I saw that the blue sphere in his hand was thrown to the ground by Zhou Wen.

I only heard a "pop".

The blue sphere bounced up after being thrown to the ground.

It rolled two or three meters on the ground before slowly stopping!

Zhou Wen walked over and picked up the blue sphere.

Then his face suddenly turned black.

The blue sphere was full of large and small cracks on it.

However, the blue sphere made a slight click.

The blue sphere separated into two halves.

Zhou Wen felt cold in his heart.

He thought that the navigator was broken.

But it was not.

The navigator was separated into two petals.

There was a black cylinder connected in the middle of the two petals.

The two petals rotated with each other.

After a while, the black cylinder connected in the middle of the two petals protruded a small lens.

It projected a blue light from the lens.

Then a small map appeared in front of Zhou Wen.

And this map was very considerate to mark Zhou Wen's current location.

Zhou Wen looked at the map and fell into deep thought.

There was a big river to the northwest of him. The name of the river was Wangchuan River.

And the place closest to him was a huge mountain.

The name was Niulan Mountain.

Then there was nothing on this map.

This map was too small.

Zhou Wen could only see two places at present.

Now Zhou Wen had to make a choice.

Choose to go to Wangchuan River or Niulan Mountain.

However, at this moment.

The blue small navigation device in front of Zhou Wen fell from the air with a "pop" sound and fell to the ground.

There was another black crack on it.

Zhou Wen's eyelids jumped.

Zhou Wen opened the divination again.

Three golden streams appeared in front of him this time.

Zhou Wen took a deep breath.

If he had the two options of digging three feet into the ground and whether the bird should poop or not, he would be furious.

This time he was lucky.

Zhou Wen did not see the two annoying options just now.

However, Zhou Wen still had a dark face after seeing these two options.

[First option]


[The little navigator in front of you is slowing down. If you choose to beat him up, you will get a broken little navigator. ]

[Second option]

[Baseball pitcher]

[If you throw the little navigator in front of you, you will get the achievement of losing the little navigator]

I can fuck you!

Zhou Wen regretted it now.

Why did he feel that this fortune teller's talent was a bit shabby?

This is too ridiculous.

However, when Zhou Wen saw the third option, his heart sank.

Fortunately, fortunately.

The third option is more normal.

[Third option]


[There is an A-level energy stone buried in the soil 50 meters in front of you. Don't worry, I bury it very shallow! You will definitely be able to find it! ]

Zhou Wen's eyes twitched again.

However, Zhou Wen still chose the third option.

Walked to the place where it was written as fifty meters.

When there were still four or five meters away from the place marked, Zhou Wen saw an energy stone on the ground.

Ninety-nine percent of this energy stone was exposed.

Only one percent was in the soil.

Zhou Wen couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

Sure enough.

It was buried very shallowly as it said.

This is too ridiculous.

This energy stone is very small and diamond-shaped.

It is about the same size as a hawthorn.

It is a dreamy blue color and constantly emits light.

The information of this energy stone also appeared in front of Zhou Wen.

[Props: A-level energy stone]

[Description: High-tech energy, specializing in treating all difficult and complicated diseases. Energy is sufficient, and technology cannot escape!]

[Remaining energy: 100%]

Zhou Wen fumbled for the small navigator and finally found a back cover on the edges of both sides of it.

Zhou Wen gently opened it, revealing a small cabin for energy stones.

Zhou Wen took out the energy stone inside.

The energy stone inside was gray.


No blue glow.

It was nothing like the one in Zhou Wen's hand.

Zhou Wen threw the energy stone that had run out of energy aside.

He stuffed the A-level energy stone in his hand into it.

Zhou Wen closed the back cover again.

The small navigator shook slightly.

Then it flew up.

It projected the map just now again.

Not bad.

Zhou Wen nodded with satisfaction.

According to what was written on the map.

Zhou Wen was not far from Niulan Mountain, only about ten kilometers.

According to Zhou Wen's speed of five or six meters per second, he could reach it in a short while.

Zhou Wen started running.

Just after running two meters.

Zhou Wen discovered something strange.

That is, the small navigator could actually keep up with his speed.

It was like recognizing its master.

It followed Zhou Wen closely at about thirty centimeters.

Not bad.

Zhou Wen was very satisfied with the small navigator.

Let go of the speed and start running!

He ran for a while.

The wasteland in front of Zhou Wen gradually disappeared.

Some plants began to appear sporadically on the ground.

It grows very luxuriantly.


However this is only the beginning.

As Zhou Wen continued to penetrate deeper into the boundaries of Niulan Mountain.

The amount of vegetation begins to increase.

It is covered with extremely fresh grass.

Seeing that the grass on the ground was full of juice, Zhou Wen had the urge to pull it off and put it in his mouth to eat.

Zhou Wen shook his head to clear this weird thought from his mind.

He kept running.

A towering mountain appeared in front of him.

This mountain is very majestic and full of green.

Zhou Wen is now at the foot of the mountain.

At the same time, he saw a black fence halfway up the mountain.

The fences were in disrepair.

Very shabby.

An idea suddenly popped up in Zhou Wen's mind.

There shouldn't really be cows in Niulan Mountain.


What kind of fucking treasure burial place is this?

Zhou Wen had a toothache.

But at this moment.

He smelled a faint burnt smell.

He sniffed.

Following the smell, I saw the source of the smell.

It was the small navigator floating thirty centimeters next to him.

The original blue metal shell of the small navigator turned black for some reason.

And electric sparks flashed from time to time.

It looks like it's overloaded with power.

There was a "pop" sound.

It falls from the sky to the ground.

It rolled on the ground twice and stopped completely!

Zhou Wen looked at the small navigation device with a strange expression.

He was a little embarrassed.

Could it be that he just ran too fast and the small navigator was running at full speed, causing it to burn out?

[Technology: Small Navigator] [Burn State]

[Note: I endured inhumane torture]

Ah this...

This is embarrassing.

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