Seeing this scene, Zhou Wen was filled with horror.

The old man said calmly.

"This is an external thing, don't rely too much on it."

"Of course, if you join my Lingyun Immortal Sect, I will be your master."

"You can ask me anything you want to say. You don't have to rely on external help."

Zhou Wen looked at the old man in front of him and vaguely seemed to see the overwhelming demonic energy.

Couldn't help shaking.

"The only thing I can give you is this jade pendant. At the same time, this jade pendant is also the inheritance of my Lingyun Immortal Sect."

"If you wear it, it can balance you with your inner demons."

"Help you gain enlightenment."

"But remember... don't listen to everything your inner demon says!"

"The inner demon knows everything about you, and he will use this to let you get him out of trouble."

The old man paused as if he thought of something, and continued with a slight melancholy: "Of course I won't teach you the method of becoming an immortal. What kind of Tao you can realize from it is your own chance. !”

"It's okay if you still follow the path of becoming an immortal like us."

"But the end of the immortal road is over. I hope you will be careful."

Zhou Wen: "???"

After saying this, clouds and mist formed under the old man's feet and floated towards Lingyun Immortal Sect.

Turn your back to Zhou Wen.

Stop talking to Zhou Wen.

Zhou Wen stood there blankly.

He held the round Tai Chi jade pendant in his hand.

I just felt a warm current flowing through my heart, suppressing the demonic nature in Zhou Wen's heart.

It made Zhou Wen feel a lot more comfortable.

After the old man flew into Lingyun Immortal Sect, Zhou Wen felt that his body was slowly pushed out by a powerful force.

Zhou Wen was pushed out of the range of Lingyun Immortal Mountain.

He stood at the foot of Lingyun Fairy Mountain.

The old man in Lingyun Immortal Sect looked up at the sky and sighed slightly.

"The road to immortality has ended, and our Lingyun Immortal Sect has also been glorious..."

"Now that Heavenly Dao has sent me to Lingyun Immortal Sect to survive till now, I will now pass on the Dao lineage."

"My wish is true..."

After saying this.

Zhou Wen was surprised to see that the Lingyun Fairy Mountain that he had smashed into pits slowly became transparent.

Even the clouds in the sky slowly disappeared.

A few seconds later.

The entire Lingyun Fairy Mountain and the clouds and mist were all gone.

Only the round Tai Chi jade pendant in Zhou Wen's hand was left.

Zhou Wen stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

If he hadn't held this jade pendant in his hand, he would have thought it was a dream!

Lingyun Immortal Sect.

Zhou Wen suddenly thought of something and his face darkened.


Zhou Wenlai got a demon in his heart inexplicably, and he didn't even get any immortal magic. There was a jade pendant that neutralized the balance between him and his demon.

This nm is at a huge loss!

This inner demon is a hidden bomb!

Zhou Wen's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

But he sighed slightly.

Zhou Wen rubbed the jade pendant in his hand.

Turn around and leave.

Zhou Wen activated his divination talent.

A golden rope was dug out of the ground.

He threaded the gold cord on the jade pendant and wore it around his neck.

Zhou Wen probably understood what happened to Lingyun Immortal Sect just now.

After the tradition was passed down, it disappeared.

I'm afraid this Lingyun Immortal Sect is obsessed with it.

This treasure burial place seems to be more terrifying than Zhou Wen imagined.

The bracelet on Zhou Wen's left wrist emits blue light.

Show the map in front of Zhou Wen.

Next, there was a large circular pit not far from Zhou Wen.

There are four huge words written on the map.

Fall into the pit.

Zhou Wen took a deep breath.

He flapped his mechanical flying wings and flew over.

Zhou Wen silently thought about divination.

Three streams of light appeared in front of him.

The first option.


Buried in the soil a hundred meters in front of you are the repair tools for the technological armor.

Second option.

Power stone.

There is an S-level energy stone buried in the soil one hundred and fifty meters away from you.

The third option.

A gift from heaven.

You can get the second warblade by flying high into the sky.

Zhou Wen chose the first option, repair.

After advancing a hundred meters, dig up the soil.

Sure enough, there was a round ball inside.

Zhou Wen activated the ball.

The ball actively transformed into a metal material and combined with the bracelet on Zhou Wen's left wrist.

The damaged parts of Zhou Wen's technological armor were turned into parts.

was pushed to the ground.

The material in the sphere was repaired.

The technological armor on Zhou Wen's body returned to its complete state.

Moreover, the technological war blade was also integrated with Zhou Wen's right arm armor.

Zhou Wen could quickly pop up the technological war blade in his hand with just a thought.

Zhou Wen's combat power returned to its peak.

Zhou Wen entered the scope of the Falling Crater.

There is nothing within a hundred miles of this crater.

Just a huge pothole.

In the center of the pothole is a deeper hole.

It looks like it was caused by something falling from the sky.

Zhou Wen flapped the mechanical flying wings.

Fly high into the sky.

Fly towards the center of the crater.


Zhou Wengang was two meters above the ground.

The mechanical flying wing was disturbed.

Not moving anymore.

Zhou Wen's figure fell from the air to the ground.

Zhou Wen frowned.

He asked the bracelet on his left hand.

The bracelet on his left hand made a mechanical sound to reply to Zhou Wen.

"There is an unknown object ahead, with strong interference and some functions lost..."

"Sizzle... Zila..."

The bracelet seemed to be affected as well.

After Zhou Wen took a few more steps, the bracelet on his left hand completely lost its function.

Zhou Wen became even more curious.

He walked to the side of the deep pit.

He tilted his head and looked down.

He saw a card floating at the bottom of the pit.

Zhou Wen stretched out his right hand to touch the card.

But the card suddenly emitted an extremely powerful force that bounced Zhou Wen away.

Zhou Wen returned to the periphery of the meteorite pit in an instant.

Zhou Wen was shocked.

What is that card?

Zhou Wen started divination.

Three streams of light formed in front of Zhou Wen.

The first option.

No one can interfere with me.

Flying into the sky can get an anti-interference chip.

The second option.

Leave the meteorite pit.

Gain achievements and suffer for a lifetime.

The third option.

This treasure is destined for me.

Five meters below your feet, there is a glove made of special material.

This glove is made of special material and can hold anything.

Zhou Wen's eyes lit up when he saw the third option.

Start digging.

Five meters later.

Zhou Wen touched something.

He took out the glove, shook off the dirt on it, and put it on his hand.

This glove is as thin as a cicada's wing.

It feels cold when you put it on.

The information of this glove also appeared in front of Zhou Wen.

Zhou Wen moved and ran to the front of the crater again.

Zhou Wen looked at the card floating at the bottom of the pit and slowly stretched out his hand.

The moment the hand wrapped in the glove touched the card.

The card was pushed out again with an extremely powerful force.

This time Zhou Wen was not pushed out.


Zhou Wen took the card out.

This card is shining in the sun.

Crystal clear.

There are mysterious patterns engraved on it.

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