Survival Game: Random SSS Talents

Chapter 288 Let God meet Cthulhu

A glorious and holy land.

Countless golden shadows stood on this land, praying to a huge building.

It was a slightly dilapidated church.

Although it is dilapidated, it carries a different kind of aura, holy and noble...

There are many holy flames burning in the church.

Zhou Wen flew in and looked around.

This land is filled with tranquility and peace.

At the same time, Zhou Wen could feel that with the blessing of this aura, the power of the inner demon in his Dantian had been suppressed to the extreme.

But relative.

Because of the jade pendant of Lingyun Immortal Sect, Zhou Wen's power was also suppressed.

However, it does not affect Zhou Wen's overall combat effectiveness.

In this church.

Many Blood Eye Guild players were kneeling on the ground.

Their faces showed compassion.

As if converted.

But this is obviously a Christian church.

Why do they clasp their hands like monks?

Zhou Wen didn't dare to say anything when he saw the strange scene.

The players of the Blood Eye Guild stood up after hearing the noise.

They turned to look at Zhou Wen.

There was neither sadness nor joy in his eyes.

He did not show any murderous intention towards Zhou Wen.


Zhou Wen was unable to kill these Blood Eye Guild players under the suppression of this environment.

One of the players from the Blood Eye Guild strode out.

First, he bowed respectfully to Zhou Wen, and then said to Zhou Wen: "Great Demon King, we have been waiting here for you for a long time!"

"Since you are here, let's accept the holy baptism!"


The eyes of this group of blood-eyed players were distracted, and their minds might have been affected by this weird church.

Zhou Wen frowned and sneered.

Naturally, they will not pay attention to these wastes whose minds are disturbed by the remaining power in this area.

Zhou Wen was about to leave here as soon as he moved.

However, the players from the Blood Eye Guild are also extremely fast.

Their figures turned into beams of light, condensing around Zhou Wen.

At the same time, he said to Zhou Wen: "Great Demon King! Stop and be baptized!"

“Stop and be baptized!”

“Stop and be baptized!”

Weird things happen.

They surrounded Zhou Wen.

The tone of the words spoken when he opened his mouth was exactly the same.

Very weird and scary.

Zhou Wen couldn't help but look serious when he saw this scene.

at the same time.

He could feel a force growing stronger in the ruined church.

Finally the force rose into the sky.

Zhou Wen also saw the source of that power.

That's a crown.

This crown exudes an extremely rich and holy aura.

It flew straight towards Zhou Wen, trying to land on Zhou Wen's head.

Zhou Wen was about to leave here as soon as his legs exerted force.

But he felt that the space around him was frozen!

He could only watch helplessly as the crown slowly landed on Zhou Wen's head.

The blood-eyed writers surrounding Zhou Wen smiled knowingly when they saw Zhou Wen put the crown on his head.

Extremely weird.

An ominous premonition flashed through Zhou Wen's heart.

Then he felt a splitting headache.

This crown actually releases endless holy power.

Purifying Zhou Wen's body.

Zhou Wen, the inner demon who was cultivating in the dark space in Zhou Wen's dantian, looked at this holy power in horror.

"What happened again?"

The inner demon felt pain in his temples.

What incident has this self fallen into again?

Because of his inner demons, the dark space where he stayed was actually penetrated by traces of holy power.

Even though the power wasn't much, it was resisted by the inner demon.

But this is not normal.

The place where he is is the inner demon space.

It's not something that ordinary power can penetrate into.

The inner demon looked through Zhou Wen's body at the scene outside, and then the corner of his mouth twitched.

He completely shrunk the inner demon space where he was and hid it deep in Zhou Wen's Dantian!

This powerful holy power was something that his newly born demon couldn't resist.

This holy power is not of this world at all.

It is a remnant of another world.

It can only be said to be extremely terrifying...

In reality, Zhou Wen was forcibly pulled into the church by the group of blood-eyed players.

Pushed him onto a chair.

At the same time, a voice echoed in Zhou Wen's ears.

"Follow the call of Allah! You are the incarnation of our Lord from now on!"

"Follow the call of Allah! You are the incarnation of our Lord from now on!"

"Follow the call of Allah! You are the incarnation of our Lord from now on!"

That voice kept echoing in Zhou Wen's ears, and the power of the holy light kept baptizing Zhou Wen's body, and Zhou Wen's face showed a look of pain.

The blood-eyed players surrounding Zhou Wen looked ferocious at the moment, with madness in their eyes!


Zhou Wen yelled out these two words in his heart.

Three streams of light reorganized in front of Zhou Wen's eyes, and three options appeared.

【First option】

【Let Allah go to God】

[Drink the blood of the clan and explode]

[Achievements are achieved when Allah meets God]

【Second option】

[Let Allah go to Cthulhu]

[Enter the blood-corrupted land, and the reward of the Thousand Mile Teleportation Talisman will be issued in advance]

[The third option]

[Let the Lord go to see the inner demon]

[Introduce the power of the Lord into the inner demon space in the dantian]

[Get the gratitude for the achievement of the inner demon]

Zhou Wen glanced at the three options and instantly chose the second option.

A piece of yellow paper suddenly appeared in his hand, on which were written several crooked and sly talismans in cinnabar.

The moment the talisman appeared, it burned automatically.

Zhou Wen's figure was driven by the talisman paper and turned into a divine light and fled into the distance.

The blood-eyed players surrounding Zhou Wen were all stunned by this scene and stayed in place, and they didn't come back to their senses for a while.

Until the dilapidated sacred temple emitted a burst of light and holy power into their bodies.

There was a trace of clarity in their eyes.

The holy power enveloped them.

They chased Zhou Wen closely.

Zhou Wen only felt that the scenery around him seemed to have accelerated countless times, passing by him at a rapid speed.

When Zhou Wen's body stopped, he had already appeared in a completely new place.

This was a bloody land.

Zhou Wen could see the flesh and blood mixed in the soil, emitting a dark red color.

At the same time.

An unpleasant smell spread throughout the land.

The voice of obeying my Lord that kept coming to Zhou Wen's ears suddenly stopped.

"Obey my Lord..."

Zhou Wen could even hear that he trembled a little when he said the last four words of obeying my Lord!

Then the crown on Zhou Wen's head retracted all its brilliance and became ordinary.

It slipped from Zhou Wen's head and fell to the ground.

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