Survival Game: Random SSS Talents

Chapter 314: Transformation! Regret! Become stronger!

The sky gradually darkened, and Pingqing City was often covered with a cool breeze in autumn.

The dark clouds in the sky gradually gathered, accompanied by the coolness of the autumn wind.

The number of pedestrians on the street gradually decreased.

There was only one restaurant with a half-closed door, and there was still a person lying on the floor.

Wang Ping slowly opened his eyes.

There was a sense of confusion in his eyes.

"Where am I?"

Wang Ping sat up from the ground and subconsciously touched his body. Suddenly he felt a chill in his heart.

A hint of badness flashed through his mind, and he touched it, but touched a hole.


Wang Ping recalled all the memories of what had just happened.

He slowly stood up, clenched his fists, and his eyes became fierce and sharp.

That guy...

The figure of the hood appeared in Wang Ping's mind again.

An autumn wind blew.

The dark clouds above the sky completed the gathering, and they joyfully dropped an autumn rain.

The sound of rain came from outside the restaurant.

Wang Ping was silent.

He walked into the bathroom inside the restaurant. The bathroom was a little dirty, with a huge mirror hanging on the yellow-brown wall.

Wang Ping's appearance at this time came into his eyes.

His clothes were messy and his face was a little haggard, but his eyes did not show any signs of fatigue, only a kind of restrained anger.

Wang Ping looked at his chest, where there was a hole, and blood seeped out and mixed with his clothes, forming a dark red blood stain.

Wang Ping took a deep breath.

He took off his clothes and revealed his upper body. Although he was not strong, his muscle lines were also obvious.

At this time, Wang Ping saw the scene behind him through the hole in his heart.

Wang Ping's face turned pale, and he stretched out his hand tremblingly to touch his chest, without any pain.

The blood was also coagulated.

Wang Ping took a deep breath and asked a voice in his mind.

"What should I do now?"

"How can I find him?"

Zhou Wen, who was sitting on his back in Li Ba's villa, closed his eyes as if he had fallen asleep. Triss curled up beside him, and both of them slept peacefully.

But Zhou Wen's consciousness at this time was attached to the magic energy.

In Wang Ping's body.

Wang Ping was now like a coal ball that was constantly burning, constantly providing Zhou Wen with pure magic energy.

"Now you need to improve your strength. Your talent has just awakened, and you are far from his opponent."

Zhou Wen's voice sounded in Wang Ping's mind.

Wang Ping bent down and washed his face.

Looking at himself in the mirror, "What should I do?"

"If you want to quickly improve your strength, you need to absorb the power of the seven emotions and six desires."

"But there is no rush for this matter. You are very talented."

"Find a place full of seven emotions and six desires, but not now. You have just awakened your talent. It is not good for you to improve your strength too quickly."

Wang Ping looked at himself in the mirror.

"Pop." With a sound.

He slammed his right fist on the mirror fiercely.

The mirror shattered into cracks, like a spider web, and the broken mirror surface reflected Wang Ping's hideous face.

Zhou Wen on the other side slowly absorbed the angry demonic energy that was constantly generated by Wang Ping.

These emotional demonic energy is not very effective for other demons.

But it is a rare ration for the inner demon.

Now Zhou Wen must purify his demonic energy if he wants to improve his strength.

In the last battle with the alien god, he consumed too much, and the fairy mountain fell into silence, and could not obtain demonic energy from it.

Wang Ping walked out of the bathroom with his upper body naked, entered the back kitchen and casually picked up a white shirt and put it on himself.

He walked out of the restaurant with an indifferent expression, and he could feel that his human emotions seemed to be slowly dissipating...

The light drizzle that kept falling from the sky hit him.

The sky gradually darkened.

Wang Ping returned home.

He stood in front of the door for a long time without going in.

His hand was on the door handle and he dared not press it.

He still had three days to live.

And it is still unknown how much his strength can be improved in three days?

If he dies!

Then his mother will be completely alone.

Thinking of this, Wang Ping clenched his fists, and his nails pierced into his palms fiercely.

Blood dripped out.

Wang Ping awakened his talent and his whole body was cleansed by the magic energy. Both his strength and physical fitness were far superior to adults.

"Xiao Ping, why don't you go in?"

Suddenly a voice came from behind Wang Ping.

He turned his head and saw that it was his neighbor Zhao Bo.

Zhao Bo looked at Wang Ping and sighed, "Go in."

"We have heard about your story. You can make money again if you lose it. Go in and comfort your mother and let it go."

Zhao Bo saw that Wang Ping did not move and walked over tremblingly with his crutches.

"You did something wrong this time. It's not easy for your mother to get up early and work late to set up a breakfast stall to earn 40,000 yuan."

"If you are afraid of being scolded, I will go in with you."

Wang Ping looked normal, but his eyes were a little sour.

He shook his head.

"Uncle Zhao, that's fine. I can go in by myself."

Wang Ping pressed the door handle and walked in.

At this time, Wang's mother was sitting on the sofa with a sad look on her face, and no one knew what she was thinking.

She didn't react even when the door was opened.

Wang Ping walked in.

Then he sat next to his mother.

Wang Ping hugged Wang's mother, who was still angry and wanted to push Wang Ping away.

However, Wang's mother felt that Wang Ping's body was extremely cold at this time.

She was shocked.

Wang Ping's voice suddenly rang in Wang's mother's ears.

"Mom... I'm sorry..."

After hearing this, Wang's mother stopped moving, and a line of tears flowed from her eyes.

The thousands of words of scolding that were about to come out of her mouth were also stuck in her throat.

Wang's mother felt complicated.

She had been pulling Wang Ping for so many years... The last time Wang Ping called her was a few years ago...

Wang's mother showed a fearful expression on her face.

"What's wrong?"

"Xiaoping, what's wrong with you?"

"Why is your body so cold?"

Wang Ping looked at his mother, and at this time there was only worry in her eyes.

But Wang Ping could not feel any warmth.

His heart had been dug out by the hood.

Zhou Wen, whose consciousness was in Wang Ping's mind, shook his head gently.

Then he separated a part of the newly born pure demonic energy and infused it into Wang Ping's dantian, allowing him to temporarily feel human emotions again.

Suddenly, a strong sense of guilt and emotion surged into Wang Ping's heart.

Only then did Wang Ping realize what he had done wrong for so many years.

How cowardly it is to always be afraid of reality and hide in one's own fantasy...

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