Survival Game: Random SSS Talents

Chapter 334 God-level Devouring Beast!

Zhou Wen gradually went deeper into the cave.

As Zhou Wen went deeper, the light in the cave became thinner and thinner.

If you look at it with your naked eyes, you can only see darkness.

Zhou Wen has gone more than 100 meters underground. He can't hear any sound. There is a complete silence around him.

In this extremely quiet environment, combined with the narrow space, people feel a sense of claustrophobia.

Zhou Wen's mental power explored the distance of three or four meters around him.

Zhou Wen explored carefully.

There is a god-level devouring beast in the depths of this cave.

Zhou Wen dare not be arrogant.

Although he is now also a god-level strength, the ability of the devouring beast is weird and changeable, and he is not sure that he can definitely defeat the devouring beast!

The entrance of this cave has come to an end.

A fault appeared in front of Zhou Wen.

It was empty below and he didn't know how deep it was. Zhou Wen suddenly jumped down, and his body fell in the air for a few seconds before landing steadily.

The next cave became very open for some reason.

At the same time, Zhou Wen could also hear the sound of thumping one after another.

One after another, they were all clones of the god-level Devouring Beast!

These were the sounds made by the Devouring Beasts when they jumped.


Zhou Wen seemed to hear some human groans.

I'm afraid those humans were killed by the Devouring Beasts.


A Devouring Beast crashed into Zhou Wen.

Zhou Wen held a heavy knife in his hand and chopped with all his strength.

The Devouring Beast was split into two by Zhou Wen, and the two wriggling halves were trying to heal.

[Congratulations on discovering a devourable creature]

[Do you want to devour? ]


Zhou Wen sucked the Devouring Beast clone into his body.

All attributes increased by 4 points again.

Zhou Wen took a deep breath and began to make some noises to attract the Devouring Beast clones in groups.

He wanted to gather these Devouring Beast clones together, and then use the Autumn Wind Falling Leaf Knife to catch them all.

The Devouring Beast clones in groups rushed towards Zhou Wen.

Zhou Wen seemed to have reached the nest of these Devouring Beasts.

Sensing that a large number of Devouring Beasts had gathered around him, Zhou Wen bowed and drew his sword.

Blade lights appeared in patches.

These Devouring Beast clones kept making "pop" sounds.

They were all split in two by Zhou Wen, and some Devouring Beasts were even more miserable, and were cut several times at the same time, split into several pieces.

Zhou Wen swallowed them all.

He gained 86 points in all attributes.

The number of Devouring Beasts required for Zhou Wen to unlock the Taotie's true body also increased to 38.

Just when Zhou Wen was about to continue making noises to fish for law enforcement.

There was a slight vibration under his feet.

Zhou Wen's face changed.

He suddenly thought of a terrible possibility.

If this is the nest of those Devouring Beasts.

Then why didn't he see the God-level Devouring Beast?

When he jumped down just now, Zhou Wen felt that there was something soft under his feet that was different from the normal ground.

What happened next seemed to verify what Zhou Wen thought.

There was a tremor.

The Devouring Beast under Zhou Wen's feet woke up.

It sensed a small bug standing on its head, and was killing its clones.

The earth began to shake.

Dust fell from the dark underground cave.

The Devourer under Zhou Wen's feet moved more and more violently.

The Devourer seemed to jump out.

Jump out from more than 100 meters underground!

At this moment.

Zhou Wen sensed a sense of crisis.

He rushed in one direction, and then in Zhou Wen's spiritual perception.

A hole opened above the huge Devourer, which was its mouth.

It jumped, jumped up dozens of meters, and hit its head directly on the top of the cave!


A dull sound.

The hole on the Devourer's head opened and closed.

A large piece of the 100-meter-thick soil layer above was swallowed by it.

Zhou Wen was filled with horror when he saw this scene.

This was really terrible.

It was hard for Zhou Wen to imagine.

How big was this Devourer?

But things were not over yet.

The body of the Devourer actually expanded.

Zhou Wen could clearly sense that the Devourer was constantly jumping and swallowing the soil above it.

In just a few minutes.

All the soil above was eaten by the Devourer.

The dark blue sky was revealed.

Zhou Wen also saw the light of day again.

Triss and Li Ba, who were squatting not far away, stared at the scene in front of them in amazement.

A giant Devourer several hundred meters high jumped out of the pit.

"No! Jump up quickly."

Triss shouted.

Li Ba jumped from the ground after realizing it.

Then there was a loud sound like the sky falling.

The giant Devourer jumped and directly cracked the ground around it, revealing a giant gully dozens of meters deep.

Triss was floating in the air and was extremely shocked by the scene.

The natural disasters that happened on Triss Island where she used to live were not as terrible as this giant Devourer.

Then Triss saw a small dot on the Devourer.

It looked like Zhou Wen.

Triss flew towards the devouring beast anxiously.

Li Ba was unlucky and fell miserably into the ravine that was dozens of meters deep.

His face was full of despair.

Zhou Wen stood above the giant devouring beast with a serious expression.

But there was a hint of fanaticism in his eyes.

Such a powerful devouring beast...

If he devours it...

What will Zhou Wen become?

Thinking of this, Zhou Wen fiercely stabbed the heavy sword in his hand into the devouring beast.

It was seen that the heavy sword in Zhou Wen's hand had just been inserted about one meter, and it could not go in any further.

At the same time.

The durability of the heavy sword dropped madly.

Zhou Wen frowned.

This giant devouring beast is not only extremely powerful, but also has such high defense.

His blood volume is probably bottomless.

What should I do?

How can he kill this devouring beast?

Just when Zhou Wen was worried, Triss flew over and interrupted Zhou Wen's thinking.

"Zhou Wen, go quickly."

There was a hint of worry in Triss's eyes.

Then Triss grabbed Zhou Wen and wanted to take Zhou Wen away.

But Zhou Wen was too heavy.

Triss couldn't be dragged or carried.

This gave Zhou Wen an inspiration.

Zhou Wen's eyes lit up and he thought of a good idea.

As long as it works well.

This giant devouring beast is not a problem.

Zhou Wen pushed Triss aside.

"Triss, find a safe place to hide for a while."

Then Zhou Wen jumped off the giant devouring beast.

He ran on the ground.

Triss was a little at a loss.

But seeing Zhou Wen's confident look just now, Triss was also in trouble.

But in the end, she bit her silver teeth and flew away.

She stopped in the air and looked at Zhou Wen and the giant devouring beast.

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