Survival Game: Random SSS Talents

Chapter 339 Tie Wuji wants to be first

Tie Wuji slowly adjusted his breath.

He was stabilizing his state.

In reality, he didn't dare to use this state.

Because he would die if he used it up!

But it is said that you can be resurrected after dying in the Holy Grail War!

So he was confident.

He quietly sensed how long his state could last.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief, it could last for 10 minutes.

10 minutes was enough for him to kill all the remaining people.

He was a real extraordinary person, the first batch of real extraordinary people to enter the Holy Grail War.

Now this round of the Holy Grail War is the first round of the Holy Grail system mapped to the human world.

He represents the National Extraordinary Group and must win!

He must represent the National Extraordinary Group to win the final victory of this war!

Thinking of this, Tie Wuji turned his head slightly and looked at those who were lying on the ground and had not yet reacted.

His blood and qi burst out, and blood and qi lightning appeared and split the space.

His body turned into a lightning.

When he appeared again, he had arrived next to several Holy Grail players who were arguing with each other.



"What are you going to do?"

The Holy Grail players were shocked when they saw Tie Wuji suddenly appear in front of them.

"Damn it!"

"This grandson has no martial ethics."

"After killing people, we have to clear the field."


"Run for nothing."

"We are all weak, how can we run?"

"Then fight him."

These Holy Grail players are all experienced, and they are stalling for time with words.

Those who have trump cards grit their teeth and want to trick him before they die!

But Tie Wuji just stood there, and his aura killed a large number of players!

The strongest strength of these players is only gold.

Even if there are a few top gold moon kings among them, they are powerless under the weakening effect of the halo.

They can only watch themselves being beaten to death by Tie Wuji!

After a few punches.

There is no Holy Grail player beside Tie Wuji.

The four members of the extraordinary team lying on the hillside smiled when they saw this scene.

"The team leader is the team leader."

"He is so powerful and awesome."

"We must let the team leader treat us to dinner tonight!"

The female wind-type superpower said.

She looked at Tie Wuji with a strange look in her eyes.

The other three superpowers said "Oh" together after hearing this.

"Those who understand will understand."

"Those who understand will understand."

"Order oysters tonight!"


The remaining three people understood each other tacitly.

However, this female wind-type superpower was not hypocritical, and she showed her love for Tie Wuji openly.

Tie Wuji felt something after killing all those people.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of Zhou Wen.

Zhou Wen slowly stood up.

He said lightly.

"He finally found me."

After saying this, Zhou Wen exerted force with both palms at the same time.

He pushed Li Ba and Tris away.

The next second.

Tie Wuji appeared next to Zhou Wen.

Tie Wuji's whole body was full of blood and qi. It seemed that the person standing in front of Zhou Wen was not a person, but a prehistoric beast.

It was terrifying.

Tie Wuji looked at Zhou Wen and said coldly: "You are very strong."

"But I am many times stronger than you now."

"I'll give you a chance, you make the first move."

Zhou Wen was slightly stunned when he heard this.

Then he laughed.


This was the first time Zhou Wen heard such a ridiculous joke since his inner demon and self were reunited.

Hearing Zhou Wen laughing.

Tie Wuji frowned slightly.

A hint of anger appeared in his eyes.

He gave Zhou Wen, a strong man, the greatest respect.

But Zhou Wen was laughing at him.

Tie Wuji was angry.

He wanted to beat Zhou Wen to death with one punch!

However, the next moment.

He suddenly felt that Zhou Wen in front of him had a strange temperament.


Tie Wuji took a step back.

The demonic energy in Zhou Wen's Dantian emanated.

Zhou Wen's hair flew and floated in the air.

Zhou Wen looked down at Tie Wuji with a wicked smile on his face.

There was a playful look in his dark golden eyes.

At this moment, Tie Wuji suddenly found that Zhou Wen's pupils had turned dark golden at some point?

The four extraordinary people on the other side of the hill saw this movement.

They were startled.

The strong man with earth-type supernatural power narrowed his eyes and said in a muffled voice: "We seem to have met the man opposite before."

The man who controlled the fire-type supernatural power had a gloomy face.

Then he suddenly jumped up from the ground.

He gritted his teeth and said.

"It's him... It's that man... The one who killed the terrifying devouring beast with a wooden stick."

Hearing this, the remaining two people also remembered Zhou Wen's identity at the same time.

"It's him..."

"It's that Holy Grail player."

The female wind-type supernatural power user frowned slightly.

This person is very powerful, and it is very likely to be a god-level.

Although these extraordinary people don't know how strong the god-level strength is.

But they believe that their team leader Tie Wuji is the strongest!

Tie Wuji looked at Zhou Wen in front of him quietly.

He always felt that something was wrong?


A black shadow flashed by.

Tie Wuji was startled.

Then he looked closely!

The black shadow looked exactly like Zhou Wen.

Tie Wuji's heart beat violently.

He thought of a terrible possibility.

Could it be that...

The Zhou Wen he just met was just a clone?

The black shadow suddenly hit Zhou Wen's body.

The momentum of the two merged into one.

Zhou Wen was recalling his clones.


His Taotie True Body skill was good!

Tie Wuji looked at Zhou Wen in front of him, and he could clearly feel that Zhou Wen's momentum had risen a little.

However, the impact was not great.

But it was enough to make Tie Wuji admire.

If the Zhou Wen he met at that time was just a clone.

The strength of these two clones should be very strong when combined.

Maybe he couldn't beat Zhou Wen in his normal state.

But now he has fully activated the state of Qilin pattern.

It is an invincible existence.

This state only appeared once 10 years ago.

That was when his teacher was dying.

Zhou Wen might not have expected that Tie Wuji misunderstood because of the clone Zhou Wen released.

He thought that the one fighting him at that time was also Zhou Wen's clone.

But this is just the beginning.

More and more black shadows rushed over from afar.

Tie Wuji fell into shock.

These are all clones.

These are all Zhou Wen's clones.

How strong is this person?

There on the hillside.

A black shadow passed through the four people.

They were startled.

Then one after another black shadow passed by them.

These black shadows all looked the same as Zhou Wen.

They were all Zhou Wen's clones.

The four of them only felt that something seemed to be wrong now.

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