Survival Game: Random SSS Talents

Chapter 359 Lost on the Route! The Servant of Truth

[Unity value reaches 100%!]

[Congratulations on unlocking the new mode: Lost Route]

When Zhou Wen got up early and was eating breakfast, the cold mechanical sound of the Holy Grail system came to the ears of all those who had awakened their talents.

Li Ba paused while drinking porridge, and a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

[The new mode Lost Route is now online!]

"Slurp, slurp..."

Li Ba took a sip of the porridge regardless of the scalding heat and drank all the remaining porridge.

His face was flushed with heat, and he stood up from the chair and waved his hands, and finally raised his head with his mouth wide open, wanting to cry but no tears.

The porridge was really too hot.

Zhou Wen drank the last mouthful of porridge, took out a tissue to wipe his mouth, and said lightly: "Let's go after dinner, why are you in such a hurry."

Triss rolled her eyes at Li Ba and stuffed another steamed bun into her mouth.

After a quick meal, several people gathered in the living room of Li Ba's villa.

[Start entering...]

[Please select a mode...]

Zhou Wen chose the brand new mode Lost Route.

The rules of Lost Route appeared in front of everyone.

[Mode: Lost Route]

[Unique rule: Shielding]

[Shielding: Invalid mental perception]

[Unique creature: Imitation beast]

[Imitation beast: can imitate the appearance, body shape, and breath of others]

After reading the rules, Zhou Wen said to Triss and Li Ba: "You two decide on a way to identify each other!"

After Zhou Wen finished speaking, two magical auras popped out and landed on Triss and Li Ba.

This is Zhou Wen's unique magical aura, which the so-called imitation beast cannot imitate.

[Start entering the match...]

A line of small words appeared in front of several people.

And there was an extra line in front of Zhou Wen.

[Start random god-level talent...]

[Random success!]

[Congratulations on your random god-level talent for this game: Servant of Truth]

[God-level talent: Servant of Truth]

[Spiritual attribute +40]

[Introduction: Servant of the Lord of Truth! The power of believing in God]

[Talent skill: Truth]

[Introduction: Every place you walk through is the land of truth, belonging to the omniscient and omnipotent Lord of Truth! ]

[Get a message of absolute truth]

[Talent skill: Endorsement]

[Introduction: You are the most beloved believer of the Lord of Truth]

[You get a chance to use the Word of Truth once every minute]

[Word of Truth: distorts reality to a certain extent]

[Talent skill: Absolute Truth]

[Introduction: The Lord of Truth will be interested in your stay here and will eventually come here]

[As time goes by, the Lord of Truth will look at this place, and your ability to distort reality will become stronger]

[The god-level talents you have are detected as: Dragon Ruler, Truth Servant]

[Please choose one of the god-level talents as the main talent for this war]

Zhou Wen took a look at the effect of the Truth Servant talent and then decisively chose the Truth Servant.

In this way, Zhou Wen is close to being invincible in this battlefield.

[The map of this game is: Mirror Maze]

Several people felt dizzy at the same time and couldn't help closing their eyes.

When they opened their eyes again, they were already in a strange place.

Zhou Wen was in darkness, and there was only Zhou Wen in the darkness, and it was very quiet.

Zhou Wen's breathing was the only sound in the darkness.

Suddenly Zhou Wen felt as if something passed by him.

Zhou Wen subconsciously activated the truth skill.

He immediately received a string of messages.

[Target: Imitation Beast]

[You have been imitated by the Imitation Beast]

Zhou Wen frowned when he saw this line of words. He didn't expect that he would be targeted by the Imitation Beast as soon as he came in.

Zhou Wen cleared his throat and said, "This is the land of truth, there should be light."

Zhou Wen used the Word of Truth once.

As soon as the voice fell.

Zhou Wen saw light in front of him, and the darkness was dispelled.

But Zhou Wen's vision was still confined within two meters.

However, Zhou Wen also saw the situation around him clearly.

He was in a small room at this time.

Zhou Wen took a few steps forward and began to explore the room.

The room was very simple and there was no furniture.

There were only four bare walls with four brown wooden doors embedded in them.

There was a huge word written on each of these wooden doors.

They were east, south, west and north.

Zhou Wen looked at the doors in these four directions thoughtfully.

"Is this a maze?"

Zhou Wen thought for a while and chose the door to the north.

As soon as Zhou Wen opened the door, he arrived in a brand new room.

This room was made entirely of mirrors, and there was nothing else.

There was not even a door!

As soon as Zhou Wen entered the room, the door behind him slammed shut.

Zhou Wen looked around, all mirrors.

His figure was reflected in the mirrors.

Zhou Wen looked at the surroundings cautiously.

Suddenly, there was something wrong with the image in one of the mirrors.

He actually smiled.

Then he stepped out of the mirror and came to reality.

He walked in front of Zhou Wen.

Zhou Wen looked at the mirror image that came out in front of him and sneered.

A simple mirror image or an imitating beast?

The reflection in front of me walked out of the mirror and then stopped there without moving.

Zhou Wen tried to bypass him and continue to explore the secrets in the room.

But he found that he seemed to be hindered and could not pass by the scene in front of him.

But the mirror image in front of Zhou Wen still had a smile, as if he was very happy to see Zhou Wen helpless about this matter.

Zhou Wen shook his head slightly.

He spoke again: "This is the place of truth, and all the mirrors are broken."

The words fell.

Only a few snapping sounds were heard.

All the mirrors in the entire room were shattered.

Suddenly the mirror image in front of Zhou Wen disappeared.

Zhou Wen looked at the room and sneered.

"That's it?"

Zhou Wen continued to walk on these mirror fragments, looking for the door leading to the second room.

After searching for a while, Zhou Wen discovered the clue.

There's something different about that mirror that comes out of the mirror.

Zhou Wen stretched out his hand and pressed it on the mirror. The mirror changed and revealed its original appearance.

This is a wooden door.

Zhou Wen pressed the handle of the wooden door and walked in.

Arrived in the second room.

In the second room, there was only one player looking at Zhou Wen nervously. Zhou Wen was also stunned when he saw this player.

Then a half-smile expression appeared on his face.

Because there is no other.

This player is Li Ba.

Zhou Wen walked into the room and first observed the room. This room was no different from the room Zhou Wen was in for the first time.

It can be said to be exactly the same.

Li Ba made no move after seeing Zhou Wen. Instead, he took two steps back and looked at Zhou Wen cautiously.

Finally, he slowly said: "Brother, do you have any thoughts about this map?"

Zhou Wen's smile became even brighter when he heard Li Ba in front of him address him.

After waiting for a few seconds, Zhou Wen cleared his throat and said, "This is the place of truth. I should have an extremely sharp sword in my hand."

The words fell.

A sword with cold light appeared in Zhou Wen's hand.

Li Ba in front of Zhou Wen was startled and quickly backed away cautiously and said to him: "What are you going to do?"

Zhou Wen's figure moved.

When he reappeared, the sword had already cut off Li Ba's head in front of him.

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