Li Ba was shocked when he saw this scene.

It was hard to imagine that if all of these were imitation beasts, it would be too terrible.

Zhou Wen looked at the large patches of gray-white liquid and used the truth skill.

The information of these gray-white liquids appeared in front of Zhou Wen.

[Organism: Imitation beast]

[Status: Hibernation, energy replenishment]

[Special creatures in hibernation]

Sure enough, all of them were imitation beasts.

And all of them were imitation beasts in hibernation.

If these imitation beasts were awakened, they would be finished if they imitated Zhou Wen or Li Ba and got out.

Zhou Wen saw these imitation beasts in this hundreds of meters wide space, and his face showed a serious look.

He whispered to Li Ba: "Be careful, don't wake them up!"

Because there are too many of them.

Even if Zhou Wen killed them, he couldn't kill them all.

Zhou Wen and Li Ba walked slowly in this space with light steps.

At this moment.

Zhou Wen heard the mechanical sound of the Holy Grail system.

[Talent Skill: Absolute Truth Contemplation has reached 50%]

After the two walked forward for a distance, Zhou Wen was shocked to find that the imitation beasts around them had signs of waking up.

These gray-white liquids began to stir one by one.

Li Ba was so scared that he dared not speak when he saw this scene, and covered his mouth tightly.

Even he dared not breathe too heavily!

Zhou Wen said lightly: "This is the land of truth, and the imitation beasts cannot detect us."

As soon as Zhou Wen finished speaking.

The imitation beasts that kept shaking around them regained their calm one by one.

Only a "bang" was heard.

The door at the northernmost end of the wide room was opened.

A group of players all rushed out of the room. At a rough glance, there were at least 30 of them.

They all looked panicked, and they ran as hard as they could.

Zhou Wen and Li Ba's hearts were in their throats when they saw this scene.

Almost instantly.

The devouring beasts lying on the floor felt these movements and fully recovered one by one.


The number of people in the room reached more than 80.

The more than 30 players who came in later were all dumbfounded.

There were pursuers behind and devouring beasts in front.



Several players roared, they no longer cared about these devouring beasts.

One by one, they found a door, opened it, rushed in and fled.

Compared with these devouring beasts, the big guy who had been chasing them behind was more terrifying.

Just one minute passed.

All the players present were scattered.

Only Zhou Wen and Li Ba were left.

Those devouring beasts who imitated them later also ran out.

Li Ba couldn't help shuddering when he saw this scene.

It's over.

With so many devouring beasts all out, this battlefield might fall into chaos.

Just when Li Ba was worried about the other players, Zhou Wen felt the breath coming from the northernmost room.

He grabbed Li Ba and quickly found a door, opened the door and took him in, running for his life.

Li Ba was confused by this sudden incident.

"What happened, Boss?"

Li Ba was terrified. What on earth could make Zhou Wen run so wildly?

Zhou Wen took a breath while running.

There was deep surprise in his eyes.

How could he appear here?

Zhou Wen felt a familiar breath, so familiar that he could never forget it.

That breath was the blood eye that became the incarnation of the ancient god.

This ancient god from another world...

It was really terrifying and had extremely powerful pollution.

The last time Zhou Wen was able to escape from him, he relied on the remaining demonic energy of Lingyun Xianzong and the mountain of Lingyun Xianzong's main body, otherwise Zhou Wen would have died there!

Zhou Wen pulled Li Ba and ran wildly all the way, but after running for a while, Zhou Wen cursed in his heart.

That breath followed him closely.

It looked like it was coming specifically for him.

Zhou Wen no longer cared where the doors in those rooms led to, and pushed the doors desperately.

Li Ba was dragged by Zhou Wen, looking confused. Zhou Wen met many players along the way. They saw Zhou Wen suddenly appear with Li Ba, and then suddenly left.

They were puzzled.

Some players even wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to attack Zhou Wen and Li Ba!

However, in this case, Zhou Wen basically sent them to see the King of Hell with a flash of sword.

Zhou Wen took Li Ba into a room full of flowers, each of which was gorgeous and vying for beauty.

There was a faint fragrance of flowers in the room.

As soon as the two entered the room, there was a voice with a hint of surprise.

"Zhou Wen! Li Ba?"

Zhou Wen and Li Ba looked over.

Triss was squatting in the flowers at this time, looking at Zhou Wen and Li Ba with a surprised face.

Li Ba was alert when he saw Triss.

However, the next second Zhou Wen grabbed Triss and ran away.

Zhou Wen had already felt the magic energy he had planted on Triss.

This magic energy was something that those imitating beasts could never imitate.

Before Triss could recover from her shock, Zhou Wen dragged her along and ran wildly.

"What happened?"

Triss was a little stunned.

Li Ba ran and said breathlessly: "I don't know."

"But there is said to be a big guy behind."


After the three ran a distance, they heard screams one after another behind them.

Zhou Wen stopped suddenly with Li Ba and Triss, and said lightly: "This is the land of truth, at the end of the maze."

Zhou Wen pointed in the direction in front of him, and suddenly the world spun.

The room where the three were in changed.

They appeared in a room with green grass on the ground.

There was a card in the middle of the room.

The card was the little king in the poker.

At the same time.

Zhou Wen heard the prompt sound of the Holy Grail system.

[Skill Absolute Truth Attention has reached 70%]

Under the cognition of Zhou Wen's truth skill, the information of the little king poker card appeared in Zhou Wen's eyes.

[Props: Little King] [Used to open the forbidden house]

Triss and Li Ba breathed a sigh of relief.

The vibration sound that kept coming suddenly became very far away from them. It seemed that Zhou Wen had used some method to do it.

Triss and Li Ba watched Zhou Wen staring at the Joker poker card, looking thoughtful.

Zhou Wen put the Joker poker card away and waited for a while. The vibration sound that kept coming was getting closer and closer to them.

"It's almost there."

Zhou Wen suddenly muttered.

Triss and Li Ba looked at each other, not understanding what Zhou Wen meant.

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