Survival Game: Random SSS Talents

Chapter 365 Walking God

All the random flapping tentacles in this maze stopped at once.

Some surviving players took this opportunity to rush into other rooms.

However, what made them despair was that there were still those bright red tentacles in other rooms.

The power of the evil god was banned in the entire maze by Zhou Wen.

The power of evil spirits on any physical plane is now prohibited.

The evil god in front of Zhou Wen slowly rose into the air and revealed his true form.

Zhou Wen was a little worried about Tris and Li Ba, and quickly added another sentence.

"This place is the place of truth. Tris and Li Ba will not be contaminated by evil gods."

The words fell.

The blood-red tentacles that Li Ba saw were all withered, and each one dried up like a dried mushroom.

Li Ba also tentatively opened his eyes, and then he saw a big octopus floating in the air, which looked strange.

It also has a pair of bat wings, and this bat is fixed in the sky!

The voice was hoarse.

Pronounced in syllables that are barely human speech.

"Ignorant humans..."

This evil god clone released his spiritual power, and his spiritual power quickly enveloped the entire maze like a tide.

Zhou Wen frowned slightly when he felt this spiritual power.

He cannot prohibit this.

This evil god clone released its spiritual power while releasing its spiritual power.

The existence of everything in the world is reasonable.

Spirituality is the hallmark of all things.

A person can have no body or spirit, but as long as he exists, he must have spirituality!

Spirituality is a very high level.

Even if this is the place of truth, Zhou Wen cannot use the effect of the words of truth to destroy the spirituality here.

Besides, the status of this evil god's clone is too high.

The so-called personality is the degree of spiritual solidity engraved in the void.

Like ordinary humans, their level of spiritual imprinting is very low.

Some high-level beings can erase all traces of human beings with just a touch, and can even live in the world in his place!

The spirituality of some things is not worth mentioning?

Zhou Wen's spirituality is composed of seven distractions and three parts of his true self, and his personality is much higher than that of ordinary humans.

But for these evil gods, his personality is almost the same as that of human beings.

The entire maze is shrouded in the spiritual power of the evil god.

Those ordinary players had just escaped the physical blow, and next they would have to bear the heavy pressure from the spiritual side.

It's really terrifying.

Players who were looking for a safe room fell to their knees in pain, and blood-red and greasy tentacles began to grow in their minds.

These wet tentacles, carrying a touch of strange mucus, flapped randomly in the depths of their minds.

have an impact on them.

There are even some people whose spirits are too weak, and the skin of their bodies has begun to mutate. There are many small protrusions on the skin. In fact, many granulations have mutated underneath.

at the same time.

There are a large number of players among this group of players who vaguely heard the ravings of some ancient gods.

Their thoughts and spirits have begun to change towards those of the believers of the ancient gods. If this continues, these players may become cold.

Zhou Wen must do something.

Just when Zhou Wen was thinking about what to do.

Suddenly a familiar voice came to his ears.

This voice is neither male nor female, nor warm nor warm.

He said: "You can ask my clone to come."

Zhou Wen didn't know why, but subconsciously believed what this voice said!

He murmured in his mouth: "This is the place of truth, and the avatar of the Lord of Truth is active here."

The words fell.

Zhou Wen felt that the entire maze seemed to have stopped.

Even the evil god's clone floating in the air trembled slightly.

Zhou Wen suddenly felt as if he had done something extraordinary.

I saw a black shadow slowly appearing in front of Zhou Wen.

Zhou Wen looked at this black shadow and felt a little familiar.

But I can't remember where I saw it.

But the next moment.

Zhou Wen felt that he had never seen this figure before.

Very strange.

This not only shocked Zhou Wen.

at the same time.

Zhou Wen was completely unaware of the spiritual level of the avatar of the so-called Lord of Truth in front of him, and he was also an existence of extremely high status.

The black shadow in front of him communicated with the evil god's clone.

After a while.

The evil god's clone stopped its attack, and the void above the maze was suddenly shattered and a hole opened.

This ancient god left directly from this crack in the void.

at the same time.

The sound of the Holy Grail System came to Zhou Wen's ears.

[Experience duration of lost route mode ends]

In the blink of an eye.

Li Ba and Tris disappeared in front of Zhou Wen.

Only Zhou Wen was left.

But it's not over yet.

The so-called Lord of Truth turned around and looked at Zhou Wen.

Pointed with finger.

Zhou Wen Zhou Wen suddenly felt like the world was spinning.

Apparently he had moved to another location.

Everything around him was pitch black and endless void.

"We meet again... Zhou Wen."

The figure said with some emotion.

Zhou Wen looked at the familiar scenes around him and suddenly remembered who this person was.

He is the mysterious existence that has pulled me many times.

A mysterious existence that gives you a Holy Grail discount card.

"It's you."

The figure nodded slightly.

"You did very well."

"The world war will start in two and a half months, and everything will be on track."

"The Doomsday System has already come into reality, and I believe that Doomsday will also start a new mode soon."

"You should prepare early."

When the mysterious black shadow said this, Zhou Wen's face changed slightly.

He knew the Doomsday System very well, it devoured people's souls.

It cleared people's spirituality.

It became stronger unilaterally.

It was more cruel and crazy than the Holy Grail System.

The mysterious black shadow continued.

"Soon the concentration of spiritual energy between heaven and earth will increase again, and there will be many more talented people by then."

"Doomsday will definitely take this opportunity to seduce them. Those who are trapped in Doomsday should be killed if they can!"

The mysterious figure spoke lightly, but there was a terrifying murderous intent hidden in his words, which made Zhou Wen's back cold.

It was really scary.

The mysterious black shadow took out something and handed it to Zhou Wen, saying to Zhou Wen: "Go find the person who has this mark."

Zhou Wen reached out to take it, and saw a mark with a faint flame appear in Zhou Wen's hand.

It was still slightly hot.

"What is this?"

Zhou Wen was slightly stunned as he looked at the flame mark.

He felt a different breath on it.

The high status of this breath made him feel terrified.

It was infinitely close to the evil god from another world.

So the owner of this mark...

Isn't he a god walking in the world?

A real god.

Zhou Wen took a breath of cold air.

The mysterious black shadow continued: "Find that person as soon as possible, in Pingqing City, as a reward I will give you a talent information of the ancestral god level for you to advance."

After saying this, the mysterious black shadow's fingers glowed, and Zhou Wen had an additional piece of information in his mind.

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