Survival Game: Random SSS Talents

Chapter 79: Advancing to C-level Ghost

The female incense owner used her skills to seduce the concubine, who took her as his concubine.

A few years later, due to the old age and physical weakness of the temple owner.

The number of times I was blessed with this concubine was rare.

So the concubine used the name of the temple master to seduce one of his disciples.

However, the most fatal thing is that this disciple is also the person who the daughter of the concubine likes.

The most important thing about this disciple is that he is still a scumbag.

After being deceived, the daughter of the viewer opened the seal of the underground palace in anger.

Because C-level ghosts have been practicing in the seal for many years, they have reached the level of B-level ghosts when they release the seal.

The entire Taoist temple turned into a place for this ghost to vent its anger.

After the temple owner came back, he saw that the entire Taoist temple had been wiped out.

In anger, he sacrificed his life and sealed the B-level ghost back to the underground palace again. The way to release this B-level ghost was to once again induce the power of the Taoist temple to be injected into the underground palace.

An extremely bloody story contributed to the rise and fall of this Taoist temple...

Twelve, who was struggling to resist Zhou Wen's attack, could already feel the momentum of the B-level ghost gradually breaking through the seal. He laughed cruelly and said: "520, even if you can control the ghost, you will die at the hands of this B-level ghost. "

"This time you will be sniped by us."

Zhou Wen turned to look at the ball of light.

At this time, the progress of the ghost king's recovery on the panel in his eyes has reached 94%.

Zhou Wen forced Twelve back with a claw and flew forward to reach the side of the white ball of light.

Zhou Wen wanted to try to see if he could destroy this light ball, but at this moment.

System data appeared in Zhou Wen's eyes.

[Energy source detected...]

[B-level Ghost King: Black Ax Ghost King]

[Resurrection progress: 96%]

[Ghost energy: 36780]

Zhou Wen was stunned at first when he saw this data, and then he was overjoyed.

These two players are going to die too!

Zhou Wen thrust his dark ghost claw into the ball of light.

[Start to absorb energy...]

Twelve, who was beaten back by Zhou Wen, laughed miserably when he saw Zhou Wen's behavior.

He turned to look.

"Even if you order the ghost to interfere with the ghost king's recovery, it will only delay death."

"520 You will die today!"

Xiao Qi, who was fighting against Eleven, had a determined look in her eyes and kept raising the peach wood sword in her hand to compete with him.

With a "click", the peach wood sword in Xiao Qi's hand shattered, and Eleven kicked the remains of the peach wood sword in Xiao Qi's hand aside.

The long knife was placed under Xiao Qi's neck.

Eleven was very surprised by Xiaoqi's strength. Judging from the images of urban battles and disputes, the player numbered 520 should not only have such strength.

Eleven slowly raised the long knife in his hand, about to cut it off.

At this moment, Twelve activated a talisman in his hand.

This talisman directly surrounded Eleven and teleported Eleven away.

Twelve messages left in the air

"Eleven, you go first. Once this B-level ghost king is resurrected, he will kill you indiscriminately. As long as you don't die, we can successfully snipe him."

"Sniper? What sniper?"

Zhou Wen asked.

Twelve was stunned for a moment when he heard the unfamiliar male voice. He turned to look at the center of the circle and saw that the ghost formed by the black mist had now turned into a human form.

Twelve looked at Zhou Wen who had turned into a human form and was dumbfounded.

"How can this be?"

"Are you number 520?"

Twelve took out the dark roulette wheel from his pocket again with disbelief. This time the red pointer of the roulette wheel pointed at Zhou Wen.

"This is impossible."

Twelve couldn't believe the scene in front of him!

He looked at the light ball and saw that the progress bar of the light ball was only loaded to 99%.

Then the edge is stuck and motionless, just like when downloading a short movie through Thunder.

Twelve suddenly understood something.

Pointing at Zhou Wen, he said: "You are so talented that you turned into a ghost!"

Twelve looked back at Xiaoqi and understood immediately.

"This guy is your teammate."

After thinking about the key, Twelve looked ferocious.

"Even so, you will still die. The resurrection of a B-level ghost is far beyond what you can resist."

Zhou Wen spread his hands indifferently.

He pointed at the B-level Ghost King who was stuck at 99% progress.

Then laughed.

"Is this what you're talking about?"

At this time, Twelve discovered that the progress of the Ghost King's recovery was stuck at 99% and was not moving at all.

His expression changed drastically: "What on earth did you do!"

Zhou Wen stretched, and a surge of momentum suddenly came from his body.

At this time, Zhou Wen has been promoted to a C-level ghost.

After Twelve felt Zhou Wen's momentum.

"This is impossible, you can actually absorb the energy of this ghost."

Zhou Wen smiled.

New skills appeared before him.

[C-level: Shadow Ghost]

[Ghost Skill: Hiding in Darkness]

[You can choose a player to establish a contract with him/her]

[You can flash to within 50 meters of the contractor at will]

[When you are in the shadow, you will become a shadow state, you will not receive physical damage, and you will recover 8% of your maximum health per second]

【Silver Attack:】

[Flash anywhere within the range]

[Inflicts damage to human players equal to strength + mental value and × fright level]

[Cause strength + mental value and ×10 corrosion damage to ghosts]

[Shadow Blade: Every time you kill a player, you will get an indestructible Shadow Blade. 】

【Eternal: Shadow Blade】

[Attack power +40, each additional one increases the output by 5%]

"nothing is impossible."

"Shadow Blade!"

Zhou Wen tests the new skills he just acquired.

He saw a long black ink knife floating in the void on his right side. Zhou Wen took it and it was as if the long knife had turned into his body. The feeling of bending his arms surrounded Zhou Wen's heart.

Zhou Wen held the long knife and pointed the blade at Twelve. Twelve's expression changed drastically.



He wanted to pass the news on to his teammates.

If possible he should pass this message on to all snipers.

Zhou Wen can turn into a ghost.

At that time, all snipers will only guard against Zhou Wen's teammates, thereby ignoring the attacks of ghosts.


It's really too insidious.

Only then did Twelve realize that since Zhou Wen could obtain the Moon King, the most powerful supernova this month, he was no ordinary person at all.

If Zhou Wen knew Twelve's thoughts, he would probably just show his hands.

There is no way... My talent is so strong, I am helpless even with SSS level talent.

Zhou Wen saw through Twelve's thoughts.

When he used the sneak attack skill this time, he suddenly felt that the range of his flash seemed to be 10 times larger.

He can flash past within 100 meters.

At the same time, Zhou Wen's attack method was no longer the ghost claw but the ink-colored long sword in his hand. Zhou Wen flashed in front of Twelve, and then the sword flashed.

The ink-colored long knife quietly passed through Twelve's body.

"How can this be?"

Twelve eyes full of unwillingness fell to the ground and died, slowly turning into a white light.

Just as Zhou Wen killed Twelve, an ink-colored long knife appeared on his left side, which was the same as the one on the right.

Zhou Wen's belief moved, and the two long knives were hidden in the void.

Zhou Wen walked to Xiao Qi's side and pulled up Xiao Qi who was sitting on the ground.

Xiaoqi has not recovered yet.

She asked blankly: "What just happened, boss."

"Who are those two people?"

"Maybe it's the enemy I offended unintentionally!"

Zhou Wen guessed.

He was probably too conspicuous in the Colosseum and stole many people's interests.

These people should attack him accordingly.

"Then...should we hide?"

Zhou Wen shook his head.

"Let's go, kill one of them, kill two of them."

Zhou Wen was extremely confident.

At this time, he has become the top ghost among the C-level.

And the attack power is powerful.

As long as Xiao Qi doesn't die, he can slowly recover his blood volume.

Zhou Wen and Xiao Qi left the Taoist temple.

After the two of them had advanced a short distance, the system gave a prompt.

[The second ghost riot begins]

[After 10 minutes, a C-level ghost will appear next to all players]

[Players please make preparations in advance]

"C...C level!"

Xiao Qi was shocked when she got the news.

She looked at Zhou Wen as if asking for help.

Hope to get some tips from Zhou Wen.

Zhou Wen responded to her with a reassuring smile.

After Zhou Wen tidied up Xiao Qi's messy clothes, he continued to take Xiao Qi to the nearby gym.

That place should be a mass grave. After Zhou Wen was promoted to a C-level ghost, he could clearly feel the powerful aura lingering there.

In terms of breath, he should be on par with Zhou Wen.

But because the ghost status obtained by Zhou Wen is the top strong among all levels, he does not have to be afraid of these ghosts of the same level at all.

He, Zhou Wen, is invincible at the same level and has no problem in 1v5.

He's just so confident.

Zhou Wen took Xiao Qi's hand to calm Xiao Qi's emotions.

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