[Achievement · Planting: You planted a level 5 mutant plant, survival point +20000] [

Achievement · Manor strengthening: You planted level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 special mutant plants, survival points +50000, manor increase effect (to be extracted) +1] [

The highest level of the manor enhancement plant reaches level 5, and the manor upgrade task is opened].

[Manor upgrade task · First promotion: As a manor owner, you not only need to have a strong own strength, but also need to have a variety of protection configurations in the manor, please prepare for defense within 3 hours, and after 3 hours, there will be randomly refreshed wild creatures to test the protection ability of the

manor] After planting the level 5 Fuso sapling, the manor simulation map of the game interface suddenly popped up in front of Ye Qian, as well as a series of prompt messages.

5 levels of special mutant plants, Ye Qian looked at it, it was indeed fully configured.

Grade 1 comb, poultry breeding increase, is a special type.

Level 2 Piaoxiang Bamboo, although it has now been promoted, the small bamboo shoots around Piaoxiang Bamboo are still level 2, and it seems that they need to grow into large bamboos to reach level 3.

Seven-colored flowers of level 3.

Dandelion of grade 4.

Level 5 fuso tree.

At present, mutant plants are divided into four major categories.

Combat type, his family’s snake misty grass and soul eater rose are like this, and they are divided into the plant line of battle creatures.

The yield type, those grown in the field, are all of this category.

Ornamental type, poppy at home, morning glory, hibiscus tree, are all ornamental mutant plants.

There is another category, which is these special types.

There are increased production, there are growth rates, there are energy output or treasure chests, anyway, these strange ones are counted in the special type.

“Brother, what’s wrong?”

Fan Liyao did not receive these hints, he looked at Ye Qian after planting the tree, suddenly stunned, and guessed that there was something special.

“The manor is going to be upgraded, I haven’t known how to upgrade the manor, but now it’s clear.”

Ye Qian looked at the Fusang tree in front of him, reached out and patted it, and was still in a very good mood.

When chatting on the manor channel before, everyone was wondering how to upgrade the manor.

Some people say that the manor may only rely on random events to expand the scope, not directly upgrade.

Some people say that it should be able to upgrade, but no one has found a way.

Just like so far, they are not sure what exactly the conditions for the opening of the manor are.

Abilities, the address has never been moved, various planting and breeding projects near the home….

A lot of information has been collected, but no one dares to guarantee that as long as they gather a few, they can definitely open the manor mode.

Now, his manor is about to be upgraded, and Ye Qian plans to share it so that several of them can study and study it well.

This information does not need to be hidden.

[0997-Ye Qian (personal): Just received a prompt, because I have a special mutant plant from level 1~5, so the manor opens the upgrade task, and after 3 hours, I will face a random refresh of wild creature attacks, test the defense degree of my manor, if you are interested, you can refer to it]

Ye Potential Manor main channel, the prompt notification content of his own manor, probably said.

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However, he had a hunch that this upgrade model was only applicable to the planting system.

[0123-Qi Xian (individual): Niu Shu, more than three million level 5 mutant plants, you mean buy it, is the planting department so rich? 【

0002-Huo Yanyan (personal): That Fuso tree? More than three million is not expensive, but what do you use to feed, Ye Qian, your planting department has risen to level 3? 】

【0996-Mu Muxiao (personal): I have reason to suspect that Xiaoyezi should not know that the Fusang tree needs to be fed with 10,000 points of energy every day

] [0987-Yunfeng Lei (personal): What a miserable little brother Ye, this tree can eat him poor, and he can’t afford to feed himself if he sells it] [

0123-Qi Xian (individual): Otherwise, let the fire boss buy it, the husband who bought it as wood, the fire boss plus wood, let’s follow the part, It should be able to raise

for a while] [0997-Ye Qian (personal): Sister Mu, take care of this metal string of your family, I suspect that he is saying that it is difficult for you to marry a husband in disguise] Ye

Qian looked at the topic that was directly crooked to outrageous, and sent a message again to complain.

The Fuso tree eats energy, and he naturally knows it.

But it is not completely absent, water energy, fire energy, seven-colored flower energy two parts a day, these are all a kind of energy.

Also, the grain concentrate fed to the dog’s tail grass before, which is also a kind of energy.

Therefore, this Fuso tree does not necessarily have to be those energies obtained within the scope of this profession after level 3….

Of course, the energy obtained after level 3, he heard the master say, the energy numerical unit is relatively high, basically starting at 10 points.

And now the plant-like energy that he can refine is refined a little at a time, and then accumulated little by little.

[0996-Mu Muxiao (personal): Xiao Xianzi owes pumping, don’t pay attention to him, your family’s level 5 Fusang tree, you need to buy energy can find my brother, my brother should still have some stock there]

Sister Mu then came out and sent a message, Qi Xian didn’t know whether he was warned or really beaten, anyway, he didn’t come out and mentioned the matter of letting Ye Qian marry the past.

This matter is a joke, and then we all start talking about conjectures about upgrades.

Originally, everyone did not upgrade, so even if someone insisted that they could improve, there was never a general direction.

Now that the Ye Qianjia has appeared definite information, and the upgrade tasks have come out, then they also have to make some more attempts.

Grade 5 mutant plants, although rare on the market, are not completely absent.

Huo Yanyan said that his family has all the special mutant plants from level 1 to level 5.

Only, there is no information on the upgrade.

When conjecturing that the cultivation of mutated plants may only be related to the planting line, some people say that the collection department can be collected one by one.

As for the hunting department, it is a bit troublesome, because more than one person said that they have already hunted all the prey of level 1~5.

Although Huo Yanyan did not say it publicly, several people who had a good relationship in private could also know that this person had even killed level 6.

“No matter how people try it, they still find that weaver and make a larger nest that can be placed on the tree…” Ye

Qian was not in charge of the chat of the main channel of the manor, opened the friend interface, and found Yunfeng Lei to send a private chat message.

It was impossible for him to find the materials himself and build a bird’s nest on this tree, which was actually only in its infling stage.

So, professional things, find professionals to do.

For example, this one who can even make up a house, now make a bird’s nest, it must be no problem.

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