[0997-Ye Qian: Master, the special of the elemental controller, in addition to the control of the elements and self-creation, is there any other hidden information? How do I feel, wood and six fires, this time is to play on the topic, deliberately come to see me]

Ye Qian has been chatting with Master about this matter since he received the news this morning.

Including Xi Qihui who suddenly came over just now, it was also Luo Shan who arranged for him to come back.

Regarding the situation of his family, Xi Qi will say part of it.

But it was only the initial complaint, saying that Ye Qian’s manor would make people have an obsessive-compulsive attack when they saw it, and other information was asked before speaking.

It’s just that they didn’t expect that Mu Muxiao would find an opportunity to come to his house with Qi Xian.

[0001-Luo Shan: Got that same identity with you again?

Luo Shan was sitting on the roof of his house, and together with Zhang Wei next to him, he observed the people who were suddenly trapped.

Seeing the apprentice ask about this again, he also felt quite helpless.

The six fires also approached him, and after asking for confirmation, they had brought up the same topic once.

However, because he was not sure how much he had hidden things besides elemental control, Huo Yanyan only tried to maintain friendly relations with him as much as possible, and did not dare to explore too much.

[0997-Ye Qian: Not now, but I look at the eyes of this sister of wood, it is so interesting, some things I want to say but can’t say, it is estimated that he is still a little aggrieved]

Ye Qian is in a weak state on the surface, and has always been quietly accompanying his worried brother.

However, the chat settings in this world do not require the player to type and write, write the message with the idea, and then send it.

[0001-Luo Shan: If you want to play with them, you should go to make a scene, in fact, it is not a big deal, that is, in front of the same element, the element controller can make the same family of superpowers, the element fails, loses control, and even regurgitates] Luo

Shan’s words seem to be only half of it.

[0997-Ye Qian: So, the meaning of this kind of similar is that the same kind of strength is the same concept, and it will also be guarded against, feared, and rejected by other superpowers, and when it develops to a certain scale, it will be resented and hated by all superpowers?

Ye Qian understood.

He himself is not so strong, so he does not understand this part of the information.

The main thing is that he has never seen the water system supernatural face to face.

However, if you want to limit others, at least at the same level, right?

Even, it may be a higher level.

[0001-Luo Shan: Almost in this sense, our family has produced several controllers, and the controllers will not be accepted, only enter the laboratory, those who stand in the boss position, all want to let themselves or their own family get the identity of the controller…]

Since he has already talked about this, Luo Shan talked to Ye Qian in detail.

Moreover, he also talked about the treatment of ordinary supernatural people after being adopted.

In addition to being strong enough to be one of the bosses when you go in, but that’s not called joining, that’s called collaborators.

Once others enter, they have to bow down and be small, humbly bow their heads as dogs, and then climb up step by step.

Like Li Lili and Li Feifei, the strength is actually not weak, according to normal considerations, such a strong combat power, should also get some important positions, otherwise the combat position is completely enough.

But in fact, because they are beautiful, the position they were arranged at the beginning was only to serve people.

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When there is no task, following some bosses or bosses, can get such a powerful person to serve, bosses or bosses, the psychological feeling, must be very good.

Stay safe when you go out, and soothe your body and mind when you go back to your room….

When they encounter tasks and go out to do tasks, they also adjust their various identities and use beauty to serve and monitor.

Of course, it’s not just beautiful women without a background that will be like this, those good-looking, unrelated men are also treated the same.

Unless the strength is strong enough, others do not dare, which may make people dare not provoke, and return to the identity of the collaborator.

At least, in Luo Shan’s more than a hundred years, he has not heard of any exceptions.

It’s all a process of domestication, from being bullied, to giving in, to everything in order to climb a little higher.

Because whenever they climb to the first floor, they can step on those under their feet fiercely….

Not only the person who chooses to join, but also the generations of heirs after joining.

Some good-looking, both men and women, will arrange the task of having children for a certain boss when they feel interested.

Whether the child born has special abilities, no one can guarantee it, basically it is the best if there is, and there is no loss.

After all, as long as they are good-looking, and their parents are all superpowers, this value is already different.

[0997-Ye Qian: My father and my mother are both carriers of the genetic inheritance of the supernatural, right?

Ye Qian suddenly coughed a few times, and his face turned a little paler.

He also suddenly realized that some of the things his parents had said….

I used to think that because they had children, they could no longer live the life they wanted, so they blamed his appearance for being a trouble.

But to change the way of thinking, according to their own knowledge, they are the ones who know the power, and they are still under the arrangement of some people, they got together and gave birth to themselves….

Both parents have the genes inherited by the superpower, and the child born will definitely have a greater probability of awakening the superpower.

[0001-Luo Shan: I didn’t think about this aspect, I really don’t know this information] Luo

Shan felt for the first time that he was not enough brains, and he ignored such an important possibility.

But now there is no way to investigate, unless you catch someone operating behind the scenes and ask for information about this….

[0997-Ye Qian: Whether it makes much difference, now it doesn’t matter, just guess that there is this possibility, Master, do you have anything else to tell me, I said that I am already an adult, not a child, don’t worry that I know something, I will be fragile and unbearable in my heart]

Ye Qian waved his hand at several people who were worried in his eyes, leaned back in the chair, sent a message to Master, and rested for a while.

The controller, the superpower, the organization behind Li Feifei…

Now it’s not whether he wants to or not, but his existence has been targeted from the beginning.

Li Feifei was able to find it because of Xu Lu, but it was not just Xu Lu.

Huo Yanyan is powerful, and there should be a large number of powerful people under his hand, but how many of these powerful people will be people from other forces….

He can now keep chatting with his master, Sister Wood can also chat with her brother, everyone else can also surface no response, and then on his personal game panel, he may have passed the information back and forth I don’t know how many times….

What a hassle!

I want to hold the tanuki and Yaoyao, rub together to the crow’s side to find some comfort, but now even the existence of the crow, he can only choose to hide….

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