“Brother, the flames are very cranky.”

Fan Liyao stepped on the wall of the snake grass courtyard and quickly dug a half-meter-deep ditch that surrounded it.

After returning, he looked at the flames that had been burned outside and sensed danger from these flames.

This fire is not easy to extinguish!

“The mutated fire element is indeed irritable, but the land reclamation we start tomorrow will have to be changed.”

Ye Qian removed all the three mutated plants outside the wall of the snake grass courtyard and temporarily placed them inside the courtyard wall, and then quietly watched the movement of the flames.

It is a flame, but not a normal fire, and after ignition, it spreads with the combustible material to the surroundings.

After this spread, about a thousand square meters of flame burning area was slowly moving along the middle of the two courtyard walls of his house with Xi Qi’s footsteps.

Xi Qi walked out a few meters, and this fire moved a few meters.

The places that had been burned by the flames, whether they were originally trees and weeds, or metal stones, were burned together.

Even the burned soil shows a nutrient deficiency and needs to be sprinkled with fertilizer before planting can begin.

Although the scarecrow can always be very diligent in fertilizing, it needs a premise, that is, Ye Qian will organize these areas into fields.

“I’m exhausted, little submarine, you don’t have to hide the attack of ants in your house, right?”

After making a circle, Xi Qi came back and put away the flame and lay down directly on the spot.

He can indeed be upgraded, and this wave has burned him more than 56,000 experience.

However, he can’t level up yet, he needs to recover himself.

Now lying down and resting, he can’t help but want to complain, and by the way, he also asked someone if this random event is normal.

“There is nothing to hide about this, that fire boss has broken through the beast tide, what are our ants, it is equivalent to the experience benefits sent to the hand, the attack power of ordinary ants is only 1…” Ye

Qian walked outside, stepped on the dirt that still had hot aftertemperature, and walked to the side of Xi Qi.

Sitting on the ground that had been calcined once, Ye Qian looked at Xi Qi’s wizened state, and a layer of water mist appeared and shrouded this person’s body.

Ant attacks, even if there are many of them, but the attack power is only 1, this mode, for players outside the plantation system, really does not make much sense.

However, in the fields of the planting system, the productive crops are not defensive.

As long as you let the ants in, you will soon eat all the crops….

“That special event of the Fire Boss, could it be the beast tide caused by his promotion?”

Xi Qi opened the main channel of the manor, and after many days, it bubbled up again.

While complaining about the random incident in Ye Qian’s manor, he continued to chat with Ye Qian about the beast tide escalation incident of Huo Yanyan.

In the same mode as the planting system’s large-scale crop harvest, when hunting players encounter a large number of animals, their experience will also increase rapidly with the number of kills.

It’s just that there are very few beast tides that players can encounter at present.

Two days ago, in his spare time, he chatted with Old Master Luo, and the conditions for the emergence of this beast tide seemed to be caused by natural disasters and man-made disasters in parallel

“It’s also possible… Hey, what you said is a little too much, what do you call my family an ant nest…” Ye

Qian looked at the private chat of the main channel of the manor, the jerky in his hand tore open and fed the cat, and kicked the person in front of him on tiptoe, making him slightly converge in front of him.

“I’m not wrong, how can there be so many ant colonies in your family, if there is no brother to deal with you, these farmlands of your family will be finished, do you say you have to thank brother?”

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Xi Qi did not hide when he was kicked, and looked at Ye Qian with a smile, reminding him to be a little more polite to the heroes of the big battle.

“The ground burned out, and my brother can’t farm now.”

Fan Liyao stood beside Ye Qian, looked left and right, looked around before stopping, and told Xi Qi a very sad truth.

The mutated fire element burned the ground to the ground….


Qi rolled his eyes at the sky, and lay on the ground with his whole body relaxed, not wanting to deal with this big and small for the time being.

How much he couldn’t think about it, before he went home to sleep tonight, he was angry with the brothers.

Now, the brothers are bullying him again!

And, what a big truth!

The land that was burned by him once was originally unable to be planted directly, didn’t this kind of thing be known from the beginning?

Black-hearted, piercing the heart, bullying the big and small bastards who beat the workers!

“Brother, he ignored you, let’s go back and rest, and tomorrow we will clean up these fields again.”

After Fan Liyao saw Xi Qi’s big eyes, his two small hands tugged on Ye Qian’s sleeve and urged him to go back to rest.

My brother has not rested well in the past few days, and now that there is no trouble, he must rest well, rest well and continue to farm and harvest….

“Roll, you both go back to sleep, angry brother, brother is so tired, none of you care about me, my life is a hard worker…”

Xi Qi raised his hand and waved, urging these two to hurry back to rest.

He lay down for a while, and when he was almost recovered, he had to go home and study the next promotion.

I’m not sure if the promotion will cause a beast tide, but he needs to make some preparations early.

Also, the message sent by the main channel of the manor just now was ostensibly complaining about the bad random incident in Ye Qian’s family, but in fact he was waiting for Huo Yanyan’s private chat information.

He said that his hunting experience is full, as long as you click on the career level in your personal information, you can upgrade to level 3….

As a senior who has upgraded experience, he always says that they are all his own people, does that have to be a little expressive?

Also, some new options when you reach level 3.

I didn’t mention it before, it could be because he was inexperienced and didn’t need to say this, but now….

He had already asked someone to help him confirm, Huo Yanyan didn’t sleep at all at this time, and that No. 1 Zhang Wei was also very active….

Sure enough, the learning is bad!

Yesterday, Old Master Luo told him not to learn Ye Qian’s stupidity….

Although he nodded honestly at that time, he always felt that Ye Qian was not stupid.

Moreover, there are many eyes in the heart, naturally black, black and unaware guys!

This man can save his life, and in the noise, he is quite compatible….

Really, guy!

And Old Master Luo.

Although he does not accept apprentices, he is also guided as much as possible.

Cultivation and fighting, many drawbacks that I didn’t understand before, have been pointed out a lot in the past few days….

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