[Player {8181-0997-Ye Qian} opens the golden quality wild treasure chest to obtain permanent status and double cultivation increase]

The golden light flashed and merged into Ye Qian’s body.

Double cultivation increase, this state can never be eliminated, whether it is physical cultivation or spiritual power cultivation, it is within the scope of double increase.

Compared with equipment and skills, this increase in cultivation should be regarded as a divine skill above the divine skill for players.

Of course, the premise is to be alive.

Only by being alive and being able to improve yourself can you use this amplification effect.

“Brother, they are all bad…”

Fan Liyao looked at the information in the chat channel, and if there was any mention of his brother, he would look at it.

Now there are many people scolding my brother….

Some people also suggested that some big guys find Ye Qian’s location, saying that since this state was taken out of the treasure chest, it would definitely not disappear, maybe after killing someone, it could transfer and plunder or something….

“It’s okay, come if you want to come, Master and your uncle are nearby, there is no problem with Xi Qi, even if they can’t come in time, the crow is here, it is full of security…”

Ye Qian has always said something bluntly.

He thinks the crow is lucky, so he opens the box and asks the black crow to help.

He was bullied, aggrieved, and asked a crow to help him kill and get angry.

When he is threatened, he needs to feel safe from the crow…

“Protect the dive.”

The black crow moved its wings and covered Ye Qian’s body.

“Protect your brother!”

The child also came over, holding Ye Qian’s arm with his little hand, he would protect his brother!


Xiao Hei, who was originally lying on his stomach under the pot of seven-colored flowers, suddenly jumped up, pointed his paws to the east, and screamed twice.

“Uncle is here!”

Fan Liyao stood up and looked to the east, flying like a bird of flames, flying over and landing on their outer wall.

“Can you guys stop a little, this day, day by day, only a few days, you have done so many things…” No

. 2 Zhang Wei teleported directly from the back of the firebird to the Fuso tree, looked at the brothers shrunk in the nest, and glared angrily.

Over there, Xi Qi’s manor defense had not yet ended, and Ye Qian had this incident again.

Luo Shan stayed over there for the time being and watched, he came here to stare at the point, in case someone would really run over, killing the leaf subtle explosion state special effect….

It’s disturbing, it’s too disturbing, but this bear child is still his own….

There is no way to make trouble, try to watch!


The child jumped straight down from the tree and threw himself into his uncle’s arms.

With this hug, No. 2 Zhang Wei has lost the mood to complain, and his nephew is becoming more and more clingy….

“Your old man rest for a while, I went to sprinkle fertilizer, and I will collect all these experiences first.”

Ye Qian rubbed the feathers of the black crow, then came down from the tree, said hello to No. 2 Zhang Wei, and then carried the basket on his back, went to the warehouse to take out the quick-acting fertilizer, and continued to fertilize and harvest.

“This stinky boy has a good mentality and works quite seriously…” No

. 2 Zhang Wei held his well-behaved nephew, watching Ye Qian in a good mood next to the ground to fertilize, the more he looked, the more he felt that this planting system was really not easy.

Land reclamation must be done manually, even if it is soft land, but the steps that should be left out cannot be omitted.

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Planting, still manual, if you do not plant well, you are not willing to grow.

I heard that if the planting system is too confused, half of it will die, otherwise there will be a decrease in growth rate….

“My brother said that if you want to get something, you have to take it seriously, if you don’t take it seriously, it’s yourself who suffers!”

The child lay on his uncle’s shoulder and said what his brother had said.

“Yaoyao, how is your current cultivation and improvement, in addition to the experience of the hunting department, are there any other problems?”

Not wanting to continue to hear the topic of ‘brother and brother’, Zhang Wei decided to talk to the child about something else.

Although he admitted that Ye Qian took good care of the child, this did not prevent him from still being very congested.

“The data shows that it can increase more than a dozen points every day, and now it should be faster, and the state that my brother just got is, I also have…” Opening

his personal information column, Fan Liyao found the increase display of the permanent effect after reading it.

Not only Ye Qian himself, but also him who belongs to Ye Qian…

“This can also be shared?”

Zhang Wei’s eyes were dull for a moment, and it took a while to react to how this sharing came about.

Affiliate players….

In the end, because his nephew already belongs to Ye Qian, some amplification effects obtained by Ye Potential will appear on Yaoyao’s body at the same time.

Now this is a positive state increase, if there is a negative state, it should be the same pattern….

The blood curse that was remembered by Boss Luo yesterday, that kind of thing is a negative state, and it can be created by the player.

“Yaoyao, your brother’s bloodline connection, can you sense it?”

Although he knew that he had no closest relatives, No. 2 Zhang Wei was still a little worried.

Who knows if those enemies of Luo Shan will leave something spare a long time ago.

Now, Luo Shan’s enemies are connected with those enemies of Huo Yanyan, and there is an exchange of information between the two, maybe they will take out something and use it.

Old Man Luo could fake his death back then, what if Ye Qian’s parents also had spare?

“You have to tell your brother before you can try to sense.”

Fan Liyao glared at his uncle, shook his little head, and refused to try directly.

The information about his brother’s bloodline can only be done if his brother agrees, and he can’t do anything to make his brother unhappy.

“Okay, okay, you tell him later, let’s try it later, otherwise we can’t rest assured, some people’s methods are too cruel…”

No. 2 Zhang Weixin glared, looked in the direction of Ye Qian, and sat by the pool waiting for the kid to come back.

At this time, Ye Qian was still busy spreading fertilizer, completely unaware that he had been complained and disgusted by this old man.

When Ye Qian sprinkled fertilizer again, came back to put the back basket into the warehouse, and prepared to harvest it with one click, a notification of private chat information appeared.

It was sent in unison.

[0123-Qi Xian: Ye Qian, you yourself should be more careful, the wooden side is being targeted, something has happened near Yunfeng Lei’s home, the fire boss is still defending, after guarding will rush to the wood here, if you encounter trouble, you should run, experience can think of a way, life is more important] Qi Xian’s

private chat, let Ye Qian see it, the first feeling is awkward.

The three people he said were all elemental controllers, so he told him directly that the elemental masters had been locked and attacked.

Specially stuck when Huo Yanyan was about to defend the manor, to attack Mu Muxiao and Yunfeng Thunder…

This manor defense is the information that can only be seen by the main channel of the manor.

Then can he be understood that someone in the main channel of the manor, or a certain number of people, is from the hostile side of Huo Yanyan…

And he has always been taken special care of by them, and the identity of the controller of the water system should have spread to some places a long time ago.

Even if it cannot be confirmed over there, the identity of the suspected target is indispensable.

What a hassle!

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