[Level 2 personal manor and outer wall protective shield construction has been opened, consumption: 5×0,000 copies of manor construction materials, 100 copies of level 3 space system energy ×, 100 copies of level 3 five-element energy ×, and level 4 flying biological energy core ×Level 1,4 Surface Bioenergy Core ×Level 1,4 Aquatic Bioenergy Core ×1,4 Underground Bioenergy Core ×1]

After No. 2 Zhang Wei gathered all the materials, Ye Qian opened the construction of the protective shield of the outer wall of the manor.

The moment construction begins, all the materials needed disappear.

Above the manor, layers of light were fluctuating, connecting from directly above the roof of Ye Qian’s house to the surrounding courtyard walls.

[The construction of the level 2 personal manor and outer wall protective cover has been completed, and it is detected that there are creatures in the manor that are not owned by the owner of the manor, and the identity of the other party needs to be set separately] The construction

process is very fast, and it is completed in 10 seconds.

With the completion of the construction of the protective shield on this layer, several setting options also popped up in front of Ye Qian.

In addition to the repairable information that is temporarily 0, there are 3 alien creatures that have been marked.

Black crow, the highest danger level, after Ye Qian set up his own creatures, not only can he enter and exit freely, but also can freely enter and exit with items without belonging.

No. 2 Zhang Wei, a friend player, has set up a relative, and can also enter and exit freely, including the teleportation array, which is displayed within the manor.

Other people’s war beast Little Black Bear, after the No. 2 Zhang Wei’s identity setting is adjusted, has been automatically counted as the symbol of the relative’s war beast.

In addition to what these two Ye Qian knew, there was also an outsider who showed to exist in the family manor….

[Strange player {8181-0099-Li Jin}, hydration state, combat power 913/1899]

This strange player is hidden in the mountain spring of Ye Qianjia.

This hydration state is to transform itself into a stream of water, hidden in the water is difficult to query.

Even Ye Qian, the water system controller, had to stare and check to determine such an existence.

However, now there is no need for Ye Qian to entangle.

After he signaled to No. 2 Zhang Wei, a kick-out setting was completed, so that this ‘water’ was directly isolated from the protective shield.

The shield is very high, and it is two hundred meters without adjusting it at the moment.

This sudden rise into the sky, before he could react, was shot by No. 2 Zhang Wei, who had already prepared, and the space blockade was torn apart, turning into a mass of bloody debris….

“It turns out that it was said before that my uncle tore people apart, this is the pattern…” Ye

Qian watched the debris in the air slide outward, and a jet of water flew out, wrapping the blood and debris, and dragged it back to his field.

Don’t waste these things, it’s also a very strong player, and staying in the field as fertilizer can also be of some use.

“It should be to determine your identity, he can hide in the water, and he may have passed on some of the information before…” Zhang

Wei was a little worried, Ye Qian had always been careful about it, especially the information about the level 6 black crow.

Now someone has sneaked in….

“He came from the bottom of the mountain, down the underground water source, and then came in, just now he didn’t emerge from the water, it should not have been time, that’s how it seems that the protective shield needs to be turned on all the time…” Ye

Qian looked at the sky above his head, his family’s daily expenses had to rise again.

This shield is as completely transparent as if it were not open or blocked by any living creatures.

However, opening is opening, after opening there will be loss, loss will have to be repaired….

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Fortunately, the loss is not large, the foundation is a hundred points of construction materials every day, which is equivalent to spending more than 10,000 survival points a day to ensure that their homes are not sneaked in by outsiders….

“Can you know how long he came over?”

No. 2 Zhang Wei was a little curious, how did Ye Qian know how long the other party had been here.

Haven’t you found anything?

“There will be a display that on the manor simulation map, I still know if there is anyone within the manor, not before construction, that is, in the 10 seconds of construction, he just drilled into the depth range of

the manor…” Ye Qian opened the manor simulation map, which can clearly mark where the players in the manor are, where the scarecrow is, where the war beasts are, where the domestic mutant plants are….

Although only he can see it, everyone can still understand the situation.

“So that means I’m within the confines of your house, no matter what you do, you can see?”

This ability made No. 2 Zhang Wei a little stuffed with other people’s estates.

Ye Qian is nothing here, his own.

But before in Xi Qi’s house, he also slipped around twice to knock on the courtyard wall of people’s houses, didn’t they all see it!

If you go to the manor of some enemy, you are specially put in, and then suddenly adjust your identity and be thrown out….

It seems that you can’t go to other players’ manors casually in the future, it’s too dangerous!

“Just can see the location, if you do any operation, just say that my family’s situation, I am a planting department, if anyone goes to break a corn and pick a melon, these behaviors that destroy my family’s experience points will be prompted.”

Ye Qian didn’t know what Zhang Wei had done before, but he had to say that some of the operations carried out in the personal manor would really inform the manor owner by notification.

It seems that the owner of the group-type manor will often receive tips on what the members of the manor have done….

“This is really good, don’t tell your master in a while, let me watch him hit the air wall, this is the material I bought, you kid has to let me see it once!”

Zhang Wei raised his head in a good mood and looked at the invisible protective shield above, this kind of space-type blockade, he could still feel it as a space department.

However, it is only the feeling that there is a space obscured, and it is invisible to see.

Thinking that Xi Qi’s side was almost over, he began to think about it, and when Luo Shan sat on the back of the firebird and flew over…

And then well….


Be sure to squat here and watch for fun!

“I think, Master, he will go to the gate…” Ye

Qian didn’t think that his master would do such a stupid thing.

But since it is this one who has a request, and for such good reason, then he will wait and see.

After planting the few newly arrived seeds, Ye lurked in the pool, trying to cultivate.

Wait, wait, wait until dark.

Two prompts appeared in the main channel of the manor in succession, and Huo Yanyan and Xi Qi’s manor upgraded mission defense, and the end time was only 1 minute short.

Moreover, it was Xi Qi who was 1 minute early, and Huo Yanyan finished after that.

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