
“Ye Xiaoqian!”

A sudden wail, followed by a roar, came from near the outer wall of Ye Qian’s house.

It’s Xi Qi.

This man was holding a small ball of fire in his arms, and the person was also burning all over, and he wanted to make a surprise attack when he went on a rampage.

Then, it smashed on the protective cover….

“This kid, what are you in a hurry, don’t you know that you respect the old and love the young, and you have to walk behind the old man’s house?”

Zhang Wei looked at this scene, raised his finger to Xi Qi, and roared angrily.

He was still waiting to see Luo Shan collide, otherwise, let the firebird of Luo Shan’s family collide.

Now there is no chance, Luo Shan has already collected the firebird into the house, and then took the house and walked to the east gate.

“Uncle Zhang, you have bad intentions…” Xi

Qi was put in by Ye Qian, jumped into the courtyard wall of the snake misty grass, looked at Zhang Wei and glared, and instantly understood what this person was waiting for.

However, bullying the elderly is not good, right?

Although you are also an uncle, but old man Luo is such an old person, you are a bit of a bully….

“That guy’s bad intentions are not a day or two, but he can’t get up, he lives less than a hundred years, he just can’t do it!”

After Luo Shan entered the door, he put down his house in the clearing, and then came over, raised his foot and kicked the ill-intentioned sick seedling.

“Master, Xi Qi also came to listen, some blind guesses, but not sure if it will matter, you guys will analyze it…” Ye Qian

took some melon seed desserts and put them on the table, and then let the two who were also related people sit down and describe their cranky thoughts just now.

He hoped that he was thinking too much, but what if it was true….

“Look, old man, let me just say, Ye Xiaoqian’s heart is dark, he can even think of this, I didn’t expect this level as a party…”

The more Xi Qi listened, the more he felt, as if there was really this possibility.

But he stared at Ye Qian, who was still thinking, and carefully approached Luo Shan’s side, saying that he had now caught the evidence that Xiao Qianzi’s heart was many!

“Indeed, you can’t even think of this, stupider than this kid in my family, and it’s not easy for you to survive until now by luck!”

Luo Shan raised his hand and patted the enthusiastic young man on the shoulder.

It’s really, stupid and cute!


No. 2 Zhang Wei took the melon seed ren given by his nephew, enjoying the filial piety of his own children while watching Xi Qi commit stupidity.

After seeing that Xi Qi was finished by Luo Shan, his expression was dumbfounded and he looked like he couldn’t turn his brain, he waved his hand at Fan Liyao and stopped eating for the time being.

It’s very happy to watch this kid make a fool, in case he chokes on eating melon seeds and watching the play, then it will become a pleasure for others to watch.

However, he really didn’t expect that this stupid boy still thought that Luo Shan, the old liar, didn’t know whether Ye Qian’s heart and eyes were more or less, how stupid!

“Old man, you already knew?”

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Xi Qi is not really stupid, that is, he really did not think about this aspect.

He didn’t know about the controller before, and occasionally heard about it, and didn’t say that he could plunder after mutation.

So he just thought that the direction of his mutation was too strong, as long as he could survive, he could be regarded as a very strong player, so he was given again and again by the side.

“These are all conjectures, and it doesn’t have to be so bad for people to think…” Ye

Qian drank the juice, shook his head and sighed, so that Xi Qi could not be so entangled.

Anyway, no matter what the reason is, he has probably given up Xi Qi now.

“I don’t know if it’s bad or not, but some of the careful eyes they played later were indeed problematic, a reminder, it was concern, but you already knew, and Xiao Qi was treated here, and they told you again and again that Xiao Qi’s fire would damage your water…”

Luo Shan drank tea, looked at his silly apprentice, and smiled a little sadly.

Don’t get entangled in this conjecture first, the reason why this Xi Qi was abandoned by the other party, if not because of the problem of whether the origin of the fire system controller can be devoured, it is because he is too close to you.

Anyway, no matter what, the other party definitely doesn’t want you, a newcomer, to get more say.

Those people are looking for other elemental masters in order to improve the strength of their side.

But they have to be the same kind who can assist and be by their side, and they are definitely not powerful players who can have the same adherents and followers.

When he met Huo Yanyan before, he could see that the young man’s ambition was no less than some of the people in power he had seen in the past.

So in the casual chat, he was discovered by the other party and determined that he, the fire master, would not submit, but the current direction of hatred was the same….

“I can’t hurt…”

muttered Xi Qi in a low voice.

He also felt that he could hurt before, after all, although Mu Muxiao’s ice could suppress him, the other party also had to have a lot of loss.

But Ye Qian won’t, not only won’t, but also prick him with a needle day by day, and the water needle will not be melted by his mutant fire element before Ye Qian is lifted….

“No, Xiao Qi, you have to remember that no matter at any time, you have to say that your mutated fire element can hurt Ye Qian!”

Luo Shan’s hand patted Xi Qi’s shoulder, asking this stupid boy to remember this very important ‘fact’.

His stupid boy didn’t hide from this kid, so he had this stupid boy to change some information.

Can’t let outsiders know Ye Qian’s treatment, in fact, it is not a skill at all, but only relying on the water he created.

“Oh… Then can I find an opportunity to show off, Ye Xiaoqian was pitted by me again!

Xi Qi blinked dumbfounded, and then his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Just after Luo Shan thought he understood, Xi Qi’s words made Luo Shan laugh angrily.

It’s anyway, pay lip service to winning the game first, right?

However, probably understand it, too detailed things, don’t know if you don’t know!

After all, knowing too much is not a good thing….

“Whatever you want, you can be as happy as you like, I’ll take a look at the upgrade thing… No, you still can’t make dinner, tonight’s treatment is pushed back, my upgrade will not necessarily cause any trouble, your dog cub is also ready, don’t let it worry about my flowers!

Ye Qian didn’t want to discuss this topic with Xi Qi.

While urging people to cook, he turned his gaze and saw a fire unicorn cub as big as a newborn little pastoral dog.

This little thing, actually wants to climb into the pot of his seven-colored flowers, it is really a war beast with the owner, and it is quite fat!

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