“Brother, my upgrade task is very simple, I only need to kill 5,000 wild creatures above level 3…”

Fan Liyao upgraded and naturally saw his next upgrade task.

5,000 wild creatures above level 3, a few more manor defenses, will soon be enough.

“Well, the invading creatures that appear outside in a while, you can just watch and kill, kill as much as you can, brother will watch you…”

Ye Qian began to calculate in a good mood, how to brush the experience of the child.

“Well, brush experience, brother, you have to watch me, and come back to eat after guarding!”

The child rubbed his face happily on his shoulder, then jumped out of Ye Qian’s arms and trotted to the metal pillar of the outer wall of the manor.

The first wave of invasive creatures outside has been refreshed and is about to approach the outer wall of the manor.

“Is this sure, the water system?”

After Luo Shan ran out of Fan Liyao, he walked out of the door with some confusion and asked Ye Qian uncertainly what he thought.

But if you change to another series, there should be a stronger cooperation effect.

What is the meaning of choosing a water system now, just because children like it?

“The water system is also very good, as long as I am there, his water system affinity can maintain the same degree as me…” Ye

Qian looked at the manor simulation map, and after a while, a villain flashed on the courtyard wall, and his smile was very gentle.

This child will insist on choosing the water system, whether he wants to stand by his side forever, or stand in front of him….

With small children around him, he can do a pure aid….

“Your origin can also be shared with him?”

Luo Shan’s eyes narrowed, how did he feel, something was so wrong.

Huo Yanyan’s sister can transfer the power, this is already a very strange thing, you suddenly have a water system affinity…

“It’s not the origin, how can the origin be shared, it’s that I can always add to him… In terms of skill mode, it is equivalent to constantly brushing his state, just like that…” Ye

Qian couldn’t think of an adjective for a while, and roughly found a way to describe it, so that his master could understand what the situation was now.

The effect is….

Water elements will take the initiative to get closer….

“Can you bless all water system players with this elemental affinity?”

No. 2 Zhang Wei leaned against the door, looking at the flickering figure on the outer wall, and when he looked at Ye Qian again, his brows wrinkled slightly.

They had never heard that the elemental masters could increase the player’s amplitude in addition to suppressing.

If the elemental masters can achieve such a development, then some of the information that Huo Yanyan said is even more thought-provoking.

“It should be possible, the more you increase, the greater the consumption, the less you increase, the less you consume… It still feels quite simple, won’t you, Master? Ye

Qian tried to adjust it, it was quite a simple thing.

Looking at Luo Shan beside him, Ye Qian was not sure if this was exclusive to the water system, or if all the controllers could do it.

Should… It’s all right?

“Xiao Qi, just be stuffy in the pot, come out, my old man will take you out to play something different…”

Luo Shan had never done this kind of thing, and now he was curious whether it would work, so he focused on the person who had just been educated ideologically.

“Old man, what do you want to do again, go around, let’s go out and say, my family’s small fire is here first, Ye Qian, you look at the point, it’s still small, a lot of things are not well educated, don’t let it gnaw your family’s flowers and plants.”

Xi Qi took off the apron that he didn’t know where to buy, handed the little unicorn cub in his arms to Ye Qian, and then followed Luo Shan out.

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As for what he was doing when he went out, he didn’t know, but he believed that the old man would definitely not pit him.

“Little fire… If the six fires meet Xi Qi again, will they be angry when they hear the name of this little thing…” Ye Qian

hugged the little unicorn that was similar to a puppy cub with one hand, that is, its body was covered with scales and occasionally emitted fire elements.

This name, Xi Qi is sure that it is not intentional?

But it doesn’t seem to be true, because this unicorn is the mutant flame unicorn.


Little Fire Qilin really hasn’t learned much else, but in terms of coquetry, it may belong to no teacher.

The four paws held Ye Qian’s arm, flicked their tails, and rubbed their heads on Ye Qian’s arm.

This slimy pattern is quite similar to when Ye Qian sticks to the black crow, that is, it has an active tail….

“Yaoyao has the ability to explore whether the bloodline relatives exist in this world, and when you are busy, let him try it, in case there is any hidden trouble, you can also take precautions early…”

No. 2 Zhang Wei glanced at Xiaohuo Qilin, shook his head in disgust, and then adjusted his mood and told Ye Qian about this very important matter.

That ability belongs to prying into other people’s privacy, so it is necessary to make it clear.

“Using this ability, is there no restriction and loss on Yaoyao?”

Ye Qian looked at the villain who was running around on the manor simulation map, and he was a little worried.

Being able to explore bloodline relatives belongs to the ability to trace bloodline cause and effect, right?

This belongs to the taboo system!

“Will sleep for a day or two, no other problems.”

No. 2 Zhang Wei still knows more about this matter, so he can give a definite information.

But this, sleep for a day or two….

“Is this called no other problem?”

After staring at this uncle a few times, Ye Qian glared angrily.

This is not called a problem, so what else, really have to have some serious damage?

“When you first met him and treated him, it wasn’t a big deal, and now what is it?”

Remembering that at the beginning, No. 2 Zhang Wei suddenly felt that Ye Qian, this kid, had been very excessive before.

“At that time, there was really no big problem, I only carried out the treatment under the condition that I could ensure that I could control it…” Speaking

of that treatment, Ye Qian still felt that there was no problem with what he said at the beginning.

He was talking about his own ability, not that Fan Liyao himself was not in danger.

“You know treatment, naturally what you said is right, I am about to be able to upgrade to level 5, when I reach level 5, see if I can open a two-way teleportation, then come back and let you treat me…”

No. 2 Zhang Wei didn’t want to mention these things again.

The two old men discussed it, and after this incident passed, they continued their previous plan to travel around the world and draw maps.

Along the way, he can also complete the tasks required to upgrade from level 4 to level 5.

As for Ye Qian’s side may face a crisis at any time, this is not a big deal, before the outer wall is broken, it is good to receive the information and send it back.

But this kind of explicit attack is not afraid, those hidden people’s hearts need Ye Qian’s more attention.

The elemental masters may not be just those that Huo Yanyan said.

What is it to necessarily confront the elemental powers….

In that case, after Ye Qian determined that he could increase the elemental affinity of the water system, it was already certain that nothing was absolute!

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