[Player {8181-0997-Ye Qian} Manor defense battle has been completed, Manor construction materials +1000, Manor random increase effect (not turned on) +1]

After ten minutes, all the invading creatures of the highest level 4 were destroyed, Ye Qian’s manor defense was completed.

This defense also gave a reward, and the transfer materials were given a thousand copies, which is already a hundred thousand survival points in conversion.

The manor increased randomly, and after extraction, a level 1 quality increase was given, but the quality increase was already level 3, and you need 4 level 1 to upgrade….

“Brother, my task has also been completed, and I have given a strengthening material that can strengthen the equipment!”

Fan Liyao also completed his upgraded defense this time after all the invading creatures were eliminated.

Because he is a hunting department, the items he gets are naturally weapon enhancement items related to the hunting department.

“Gone, go home to eat, Xi Qi has already sneaked back to see the dishes he cooked.”

Ye Qian hugged the jumping child and turned back to the manor.

“Brother, what about the Soul Eater, where did it go, I was still hunting just now, I couldn’t rob me, so I got into the ground…” Fan

Liyao’s gaze searched, but he didn’t find any trace of the Soul Devouring Rose.

Before, when the invasive creatures first came, Soul Eater Rose wanted to help, but unfortunately, the speed was a little slower.

Moreover, it is estimated that Fan Liyao’s strong combat needs were also discovered, so Little Rose ran directly.

“It went to the river down the mountain, as if it was … Fishing…” Ye

Qian stood by the courtyard wall of the snake misty grass, reached out and hooked the leaves of the snake misty grass, asked what the soul devouring rose was doing at the moment, and was amused by the imaginary picture.

He used to fish for shrimp, but now he thinks, he wants to eat fish?

Anyway, no matter what the reason is, this idle state of the Soul Devouring Rose is also quite joyful.

“Brother, the kitchen is chopping vegetables again, let’s go see the Soul Eater and help it bring home the fish it catches!”

Kids really want to see how roses are fished.

I just saw that Xi Qi in the kitchen was cutting vegetables, and he must have to wait a little longer to eat dinner.

“Let’s go, go and see, Xiaohuo, don’t you go to your master?”

Ye Qian turned around and was about to walk out, and when he saw that the little fire unicorn was still holding his arm and not letting go, he raised his hand and knocked on this little man’s head.

Then, he pointed to Xi Qi in the kitchen and asked Xiaohuo Qilin to take a good look at whether it was time to pass.


The little fire qilin looked over there, and then continued to hold Ye Qian’s arm, and the little head rubbed, just didn’t want to go over.

It’s not that I don’t want to go to its owner, it’s because inside the kitchen, it feels dangerous.

“Okay, if you don’t go, don’t go, take you out for a walk, look at it from afar, don’t go out and run away.”

Ye Qian let the child look at this fire unicorn cub, then turned around and walked towards the gate, and after going out, he walked towards the bottom of the mountain.

It didn’t take long for them to come to the stone halfway up the mountain, and they also saw half of the root system wrapped around the stone, and the other half of the root system dangling on the water.

Also, the Soul Eater Rose dug a pit in the open space next to it, and released more than a dozen fish raised in the water.

There are carp, crucian carp, grass carp, and eel….

This is really not picky, everything is needed….


Soul Eater Rose was fishing, and when he felt Ye Qian’s appearance, the originally shaky branch suddenly froze straight.

It was discovered!

It must be a snake misty grass complaint!

“What’s the matter, it’s very good to catch so many fish, are you ready to eat it, or keep it…” Ye

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Qian put the child on the ground, walked over and sat on the big rock, and stretched out his hand to stick it to the leaves of the Soul Devouring Rose.


what to do with these fish, Soul Eater Rose was stunned for a moment, and then said with some confusion that it just had nothing to do, so it came out to play.

As for how to deal with the fish it caught, it didn’t think about it, anyway, it saw it, so I caught it and put it here.

“It’s been too busy lately, I don’t have time to accompany you…” Ye

Qian’s finger nodded on the rose leaf and apologized to Little Rose.

Naturally, he had to take good care of his own family, but recently, he paid much less attention to the Soul Devouring Rose and the Snake Misty Grass.

Even day-to-day communication can be missed because of certain things.


The leaves of the Soul Devouring Rose stood up, and then they were put down faintly, and the branches leaned against Ye Qian’s palm.

The home has become bigger, it can come out and play, but there are fewer places to play.

On the original mountain, occasionally some animals will refresh, and it can also be caught home and fed to the seven-colored flowers, or fed to the fragrant bamboo.

But now that the home is so big, there are suddenly many parts that it does not recognize, and it does not take long to get halfway up the mountain, and there is no prey for it to catch.

“It’s that there is no chance to appear in the past few days, there will be some in the future, and there may be some nasty people…”

Ye Qian said to the Soul Devouring Rose, some developments that may appear next.

Little Rose also obediently stuck to his side, and did not continue fishing, so he kept communicating with Ye Qian.

It wasn’t until the private chat message came calling Ye Qian to take the child home for dinner that they walked towards the house together.

Ye Qian, who walked into the gate, received a burst of laughter.

He is now holding a baby in one hand, and there is a small black and red unicorn cub hanging from his arm.

In the other hand, he carried a large and small fish, and on his arm was a soul eater rose that he had not planned to come down when he got home.

“Little dive, you can bring babies here!”

Xi Qi looked at Ye Qian’s state of hugging and hanging, and came over with a smile to pick up his little fire qilin.

Then there was No. 2 Zhang Wei, holding Fan Liyao by the water, and letting the child wash his hands before eating.

Ye Qian also put those fish in the breeding area, and the aquatic part was active first, and if you really wanted to eat it one day, you would catch it.

The Soul Eater Rose, on the other hand, was dragged away by the snake misty grass.

After packing up, he washed his hands and ate, and while eating, Ye Qian looked at the newly emerged energy mall interface and checked what kind of trading patterns were here.

It was a little simpler than he expected, and the energy mall over here was the exchange of some energy.

Various gathering, hunting, or planting harvests can produce different amounts of energy above level 3.

The energy mall is divided into 3 parts, one is energy exchange.

Put the elemental energy you have, and then choose what you want to exchange, it is all energy for energy, you can publish it yourself, or you can exchange it directly, and you will not deduct the handling fee.

The second part is energy selling, which is to hang energy up and set a selling price, which someone needs to buy with survival points.

This mode is the same as normal items, that is, players with a class level less than 3 cannot participate.

The last one is the purchase request.

What price the player uses, how much to buy, survival points must be paid in advance, and the energy sold by others can be taken out at any time, and the remaining unfinished transactions can be canceled.

The current price, ordinary 1 copy of level 3 energy, is about 10,000 survival points.

Ye Qian also saw the price of level 4 energy cores, each of which was not less than two million….

I can only say that uncle, your old man spends a lot of money!

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